3D interiors in Blender

I personally prefer with the railing, as it would give those who are left standing something to hold onto if any shaking occurred.
Though if they have something to hold onto when the consoles ultimately explode in a shower of spark they'll be right there to take the brunt of it, best to let them be thrown to the deck before the explosions occur :lol:
Looking back I think removing the rails was the right idea for the Lalo bridge, though I do have a soft spot for awkward designs like that. :lol:

I have to stop saying I'll do several of these in quick succession hahaha, it's been a month and a half and I had the itch to do something totally different yesterday, so I started work on my first starship corridor system, for the USS Yeager. I did a few short corridor segments before, but this is a full "stage". The style I'm going for, like the rest of the Yeager, is mostly inspired on the Enterprise-E, but with some Defiant and original elements mixed in.

It's still quite early (again, I started this yesterday), but the general layout is in place. The lift is mostly done other than LCARS and capsule labels. The small corridor leading up to it is also nearly finished. The wider corridor however is quite unfinished, for now it's walls are just copies of the thinner corridor style walls, but I intend to modify them with handrails, access panels, more doors need to be added, etc. The carpet's unfinished as well, I have no idea yet what pattern or colors I'll use on it.

Overall I'm quite happy with how fast this was to do, I created everything in a modular fashion so it's just cloned segments which auto-update when one's modified; super easy to add more segments, modify the layout, etc. And the whole thing's just 1.5 MB in size!






@Finn: Hahaha, well maybe given the darker colors here, a macaw would contrast more? :lol:

@Rory1707: Thanks!

Some more progress on the corridor. I've added handrails and angled panels near the floor on the curved segments, plus a few other minor changes. I've also added a pattern to the carpet and decided to have it red, not only does this mimic the Enterprise-E carpets, it also matches nicely with the doors I believe and adds a bit more color.

As far as layout, I added a Jefferies tube access on the angled wall segment (first image), to break up the pattern a bit and have some color with the LCARS on top. Plus I removed the door-less archway at the end of the curved corridor, to open up the space a bit more (second image). This archway was originally based on a similar one seen in Insurrection, but it didn't work as well here given the thinner corridors.


@Finn: Because of the way the railing is recessed beyond the light columns, you'd be extremely unlucky to hit your head with the rail corner. I think the sharp ends of the Enterprise-D and Enterprise-E corridor rails are far more dangerous. :lol:

@137th Gebirg: Mike Okuda once mentioned to me that he added 'SFRA' on several panels through the years as in-jokes, standing for Starfleet Regulatory Agency, the in-universe OSHA. Apparently they don't do a very good job ;)

Not much time to work on the corridor these past few days, but I did some more progress. I ended up modifying the standard wall material I've been using on the ceiling, support columns and door alcoves; to make it a bit lighter and less shiny. That way it better matches the Ent-E corridor pallet and it contrasts a lot better with the darker metallic brown of the main wall segments.

I also added removable access panels at the top of the curved corridor segments, and blue light strips on top of all the corridor walls, I think it adds a nice color contrast to the reds on the doors and carpets.


@batboy853: Thanks!

Added more small details like appropriate door labels, soft edges to the carpeting, etc. I also worked further on the curved corridor walls, adding access panels below the railing and changing the panels above it to fabric, as I think the extra bit of color helps. Can't say I'm 100% sold on my solution though, thoughts on this?


I think it looks good — it definitely has the feel of that generation of ships, but you're bringing something different to it. It's neither as utilitarian as the Defiant's interiors, nor does it suggest anything as spacious as the Enterprise-E. It's a nice solid somewhere in between, just like the ship it's supposed to be in.
@cardinal biggles: Glad you think so, it's hard to balance the Defiant and Enterprise-E aesthetics, they're so different despite being more or less from the same timeframe.

@137th Gebirg: That's not a bad idea, but with all the Yeager interiors I'm actually purposefully not having any horizontal lighting close to the floors, as a way to distinguish the ship from others in the same style (like the Ross, Cerberus, or of course the Enterprise-E itself).

Worked on the lift LCARS today, a small and relatively simple graphic, yet I'm very happy with the end result if I may say so myself.
