2024 book releases

On the Apple eBook store, the audiobooks for both new novels are already listed for preorder, but the print (well, text) editions haven't populated yet. Probably will sometime this week.
And the text editions are both live on the Apple store. I see the Kindle editions are up on Amazon, as well.
Wasn't it Gillian Taylor?

Mea culpa. That (and Sausalito) is my fault. I had a brain glitch when firing off that ad copy. It's being fixed.

Gillian Armstrong is a celebrated film director, one of whose movies I novelized for Pocket Books some years ago. No idea why her name bubbled up from my memory when I was drafting that copy! :)
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Mea culpa. That (and Sausalito) is my fault. I had a brain glitch when firing off that ad copy. It's being fixed.

Gillian Armstrong is a celebrated film director, one of whose movies I novelized for Pocket Books some years ago. No idea why her name bubbled up from my memory when I was drafting that copy! :)

Ah. I was wondering how one would get from "Taylor" to "Armstrong." The only connection I could think of is that they're both names of astronauts prominent in the late 1960s, albeit one fictional and one real. (And both have iconic quotes attributed to them.)
It'll be cool to see a new story about Gillian. I was always bummed they didn't follow-up with her in Star Trek V. Like why even bring her into the future in IV if you're just never going to even mention her ever again?
It'll be cool to see a new story about Gillian. I was always bummed they didn't follow-up with her in Star Trek V. Like why even bring her into the future in IV if you're just never going to even mention her ever again?

They brought her into the future to take care of George, Gracie, and their children, not to hang out on the Enterprise. I'll never understand why so many fan and tie-in stories assume the ship Gillian was assigned to at the end was a spaceship rather than a watercraft; I mean, she's the Federation's only expert on humpback whales, so obviously she's going to stay on Earth to oversee the successful repopulation of the humpback whale species (which would be virtually impossible to pull off with only a single breeding pair).
(which would be virtually impossible to pull off with only a single breeding pair)
Impossible for us. Although the World Famous San Diego Zoo™ may already have humpback whale genetic material in its Frozen Zoo™
(Disclaimer: I'm a card-carrying member of the Zoo. It gets me into the Zoo and the Wild Animal Park any time I want; the only drawback is that they do put me on exhibit once a year, usually in a cage right next to a howler monkey whose big tricks are playing with himself in public and throwing his feces at visitors.)
Impossible for us. Although the World Famous San Diego Zoo™ may already have humpback whale genetic material in its Frozen Zoo™
(Disclaimer: I'm a card-carrying member of the Zoo. It gets me into the Zoo and the Wild Animal Park any time I want; the only drawback is that they do put me on exhibit once a year, usually in a cage right next to a howler monkey whose big tricks are playing with himself in public and throwing his feces at visitors.)
How do people tell the difference?
Yeah I get all that. I just mean, looking at it simply as a movie, it seemed like they introduced a new character only to never mention her again. I would have liked to see her return is all. :shrug:

I guess she was less like a new character and more like a guest star we never hear from again, like on the original TV show. How many one-shot leading ladies guest-starred on TOS and we're gone the next episode?

Granted, the TOS movies were somewhat more serialized than the TV show.
Yeah I get all that. I just mean, looking at it simply as a movie, it seemed like they introduced a new character only to never mention her again.

I don't get why you'd find that surprising, any more than it's surprising that we didn't see Admiral Morrow or Captain Styles after ST III. They served their purpose in the story and that was it. Gillian's role in ST IV was defined by her relationship with the whales, not her relationship with Kirk or Starfleet. Once the whales' story was resolved, there was no reason to see her again.
A lot depends on how relatively famous a previous book has become.

One would think twice before titling a new book GONE WITH THE WIND or TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, but it's really not going to matter if a new STAR TREK novel shares a title with a now-forgotten Harlequin romance from 1983 or some long out-of-print paperback murder mystery from 1964.

I confess: When I wrote ASSIGNMENT: ETERNITY, I was unaware that there was a classic Heinlein novel titled ASSIGNMENT IN ETERNITY. :)

Mr. Cox, I have just gotten back into TOS novels, trying to read the ones I missed, and I happened on yours. I loved Miasma. I have downloaded Assignment: Eternity and most of the others. I am hoping for more TOS novels.