2024 book releases

Some IDW collections for March 2024

Star Trek: Day of Blood
March 5, 2024

Blood will flow in this first-ever Federation crossover event which pulls from the ongoing Star Trek space saga and the Defiant spin off graphic novel series!

As emperor of the Klingon Empire, Kahless II has consolidated power, raided ancient tombs and secret bunkers, taken the power of gods for himself, stolen the Bajoran Orb of Destruction, and has begun a slaughter across the stars.

But this genocide of gods was just the beginning. For with the power he has stolen, Kahless is about to declare war on all those who do not follow the Red Path. To prevent genocide unlike any since the ancient days of Qo’noS, the crew of icons led by the emissary known as Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek ongoing series) and the renegades who follow a desperate and violent Worf (Star Trek: Defiant) must unite for a common cause. Only they can hope to stop the DAY OF BLOOD.

Join creators Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly (Captain America and Guardians of the Galaxy), Christopher Cantwell (Namor and Star Wars: Obi-Wan), and Ramon Rosanas (Star Trek, Marvel’s Star Wars, and The Astonishing Ant-Man) in this monumental crossover event of epic proportions. Collects Star Trek: Day of Blood, Star Trek: Day of Blood–Shax’s Best Day, Star Trek 2023 Free Comic Book Day issue, Star Trek issues #11–12, and Star Trek: Defiant issues #6–7.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture: Echoes
March 26, 2024

Join Captain Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise in this never-before-seen adventure spinning out of the Original Series!

When a space anomaly thrusts a bounty hunter and her target—a criminal mastermind—into their universe, it’s up to Kirk and his crew to stop them from unintentionally starting a war with the Romulans and unleashing a superweapon of foreign tech onto the system. But the strangers from another universe are more familiar than they assume…for underneath their helmets are their doppelgängers—from an alternate reality!

From critically acclaimed screenwriter, producer, and comics writer Marc Guggenheim (Arrow; DC’s Legends of Tomorrow; Star Wars: Han Solo and Chewbacca) and artist Oleg Chudakov comes this brand new mini-series!
Please say what these really are. They are comic books. When you say they are hardcover and paperback, that makes them sound like they are novels. They are not.
They're different enough and are so frequent that a separate thread would be a great idea. There's usually new content every week, usually multiple issues are released every Wednesday! Tomorrow is just a single issue but it has four covers, so that thread will grow pretty big and get confusing if we're also including things that go up for pre-order, which happens once a month for comics that are due to be released in two months.

Please say what these really are. They are comic books. When you say they are hardcover and paperback, that makes them sound like they are novels. They are not.

It doesn't make them sound like they are novels, it makes them sound like books. If you (generic, not specific) object to comics being posted in this thread, then presumably you'll be demanding that factual books, biographies and technical manuals are similarly excised, because, by the logic of the above, they are not novels
The thread title is "book releases," not "novel releases." I think trade paperback or hardcover comics collections certainly constitute books. (Well, so do comic books, but comic books are technically magazines. Collections are bound like books and meant to be displayed and sold alongside books.)
Maybe we should have a separate "2024 comic releases" thread.

To be honest, I actually prefer how we've been doing it all along, with @Eduardo 's posts in the <year> book releases threads, rather than shunting the comics off into a separate thread.

However, there seems to be a fair bit of support here for a separate thread. So if that's the preference no worries. Fortunately, I read this thread before I went ahead and closed the other one, which was my original plan! :ouch:

(I am a bit concerned, though, that with the paucity of new novels lately, if we move the comic announcements out, this thread will wither, with only the occasional "any new novels announced lately?" type posts to sustain it.)

Please say what these really are. They are comic books. When you say they are hardcover and paperback, that makes them sound like they are novels. They are not.

The posts in question are perfectly clear. There is no problem here.
However, there seems to be a fair bit of support here for a separate thread.

Out of curiosity, where is this support? At the point of your post, that was one person saying comics don't belong in the thread because they're not novels, and one person (now two) saying they wouldn't mind comics having their own thread? I wouldn't call that a fair bit of support when you then take into account the people saying "keep things as they are" - of which there are equal if not more posts?

And as I mentioned in a previous post, as the poster who first objected to the presence of comics in the thread stated that this was due to them being novels, am assuming we're also removing any nonfiction from the thread too?
Please say what these really are. They are comic books. When you say they are hardcover and paperback, that makes them sound like they are novels. They are not.

For what it's worth, the minute I see IDW listed as the publisher at the top of the post I know we're talking about comics and graphic novels, not prose novels. Because IDW is a comics company.

Personally, I've never found that confusing.
Out of curiosity, where is this support?

My reply here got a little long, so I am spoiler-coding it so people can easily skip over it if they wish.

So first there was the person who suggested the separate thread (so I assume she was in favour of such a thing). Then there were two people who specifically mentioned in a post that they would be OK with it, and then three additional unique people liked the post suggesting the separate thread, so I have to assume they are also in favour of it, since that was the only thing mentioned in the post. (There was another like, too, but they also commented, so I didn't count them twice.)

So no, six people may not be overwhelming numbers, but it's a fair bit of support for what is essentially a matter of housekeeping, and which a lot of people would just tend to ignore/not respond to.

And the context was... when I first saw the other thread, I thought it was redundant, because we already discussed upcoming comics in this one, so was going to lock it. But I caught up on the other threads first, so I saw this one where the genesis of the idea came about, and saw that there were people supporting it, so changed course. There are times when I have to do things as a mod regardless of public opinion, but for something like this, I try to make sure that I don't act simply on my own preferences. In a case like this, it's not, nor should it be, just about what I would prefer; rather, it should be what works best for the community as a whole. So that was enough support that I felt I should let the thread be.

That said, as with any thread, it will depend on membership support as to whether if flourishes or not. I'm certainly not going to be giving out warnings if people continue to discuss comic releases in this thread.

Sorry for the long-windedness, but I try to be transparent about these things, so wanted to be as open as possible.

At the point of your post, that was one person saying comics don't belong in the thread because they're not novels

the poster who first objected to the presence of comics in the thread

I think it's only fair to point out that the poster who you are referring to didn't originally say that comics didn't belong in this thread, nor ask for them to be removed. He just asked for more clarity in identifying them as comics. (Which, again, I don't get, as I thought it was plenty clear already.) It was a different poster who first suggested that comics could be moved into a different thread, and then set up that other thread.
After all, this site is divided into sub-boards, even if someone posting about, say, what they would do if they went to DS9's Quark's Bar is obviously talking about ST: DS9 (mostly). It just allows people to find what they want.