2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil

I actually found that game rather painful to watch. To see a(n admittedly very limited) Brazil side in a World Cup semi-final - and a semi-final in their own country into the bargain - play so incredibly badly was just awful. It's not even as though Germany were utterly brilliant - they were certainly very, very good, but I'm not sure how much they can take out of a game where the opposition "defence" offered so little resistance. They'd face more opposition in training drills against witches hats than they did for at least three of their goals.

Absolutely mind-boggling stuff. I just hope the fallout among Brazilian fans isn't too severe.

The only other thing I'd note is that if I was a PSG fan I'd be questioning the sanity of a hierarchy that forked out over 60 million euros for David Luiz. Until he took that ridiculous air swing in the second half I hadn't realised he was even on the pitch.
The thing is no team should ever get hammered like that at this level. Yeah you can argue their two best players were out, but losing is one thing, losing like that though?

Brazil have looked poor all along, but not that poor. I think the players do need to take a long hard look at themselves because that's the kind of scoreline you expect from a Prem side playing a conferance team (yet rarely happens.)

I guess the pressure of being at home will be trotted out as one reason.
No argument there. Shipping 7 goals at this level is just...well, ridiculous is putting it very politely. If they're really that reliant on Thiago Silva they're even more limited than I thought.

My inner cynic wondered earlier today if we wouldn't hear of something similar to the aftermath of the 1995 rugby World Cup final, when it emerged / was alleged (depending on your level of cynicism) that the New Zealand side had had a mass bout of food poisoning a couple of days beforehand. Brazil certainly looked listless enough. The big difference was that the All Blacks still had a go. It's impossible to say the same of Brazil, whatever the circumstances behind their...performance.
In Singapore, they ran an anti gambling campaign with this ad during the world cup. I think it kinda backfired.

The only other thing I'd note is that if I was a PSG fan I'd be questioning the sanity of a hierarchy that forked out over 60 million euros for David Luiz. Until he took that ridiculous air swing in the second half I hadn't realised he was even on the pitch.

I will deny everything once I find the words to do that :lol:
Ouch. My condolences. :D

Speaking of gambling, apparently someone in New Zealand had $40 on Germany defeating Brazil 7-1. He's probably wishing he'd "wasted" a lot more than that. :lol:
OMG, you are killing me here... :guffaw:

One is better than the next or the previous, great find.

But I need to ask: Any idea where and when the picture with the "Hands of God" was taken?

^^ :ack: I was afraid of something like this happening.

Wouldn't be surprised if some British newspapers went through their pidgeonhole boxes to label the German success a "Blitz"... :rolleyes:

Best possible outcome for Germany. Argentina had to go full length, has one less day for regeneration and on Sunday we will have the brazilian fans on our side since they would never ever support their arch enemy.
I'm kind of relieved Holland went out. I like them and I'll be supporting Germany in the final.

I just hope they can do to Argentina what they did to Brazil, or worse...
The Google doodle of the extraterrestrials watching soccer is hilarious. It sorta reminds me of the aliens on The Simpsons, named Kang and Kodos funnily enough.