2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil

So. The final result looked like a soccer score. I guess... does that count as an achievement for Brazil at this point?
No. Would have been similar to the Germany game if Netherlands hadn't decided to stop trying after 20 minutes...
Brazil played as good as ENG for large parts of the Cup yet somehow made it to 4th place. Easily worst Brazil team in living memory.
Lot of help from the referees.

I really feel for Brazil spending $11 Billion and building all these stadium and displacing all those people only to get so mixed results.
Another painful to watch game. Brazil were quite awful again and I'd question why any club would pay 60 euros for the laughable David Luiz, never mind the absurd fee he went for. The refereeing was...err...creative, I suppose - Thiago Silva should have been sent off, Robben decked and Brazil got the free kick, Oscar booked for diving when he didn't... None of it made any difference to the result but it didn't look good.

Lots of soul-searching for Brazil after this. Here's hoping they get it right. Seeing a Brazil side so completely clueless and so bereft of any sort of attacking ideas is unnatural.
Another painful to watch game. Brazil were quite awful again and I'd question why any club would pay 60 euros for the laughable David Luiz, never mind the absurd fee he went for.

Because we had the best defense of Ligue 1 for 2 years and we were starting to be bored by that.
That said, I'm not particularly worried, Paris isn't Brazil.

I expect a boring finale today, I think Argentina will find a way to make it boring.
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Argentina certainly won't be as shambolic as Brazil were - it'll be a closer match, but Germany should do it comfortably.

I'll be gutted if Argentina do win...
Germany vs Argentina

Let's do it.
I want Argentina to win for many reasons, but the two most important ones are:

1) They are not Germany
2) It would finally give Messi the legitimacy as the best player of this generation, which he deserves even though I don't like him

It's really mostly just about 1) though if I'm being honest. ;)
Nope, nothing to do with bitterness, I'm pretty sure pledging eternal opposition to the German national football team is a pre-requisite to gain Austrian citizenship. And for natural-born citizens it's a matter of course anyway. ;)
Nope, nothing to do with bitterness, I'm pretty sure pledging eternal opposition to the German national football team is a pre-requisite to gain Austrian citizenship. And for natural-born citizens it's a matter of course anyway. ;)

I've always found this rather petty to be honest. It's funny how the tiny neighbours hate their big neighbours. Whereas the big neighbours mostly don't give a shit and think you're cute.
I'm certainly rooting for Germany. Always been a fan of both the team and the country itself, plus I just don't really like Argentina (as a team, no real opinion on the country). But I'm not going to be able to see much of the game, unfortunately, because my work schedule is not World Cup-friendly. :(
Excellent first half, Argentina is no push-over. Much harder game for Germany than everybody (except probably Argentinian fans) expected I think.