Contest: ENTER ✨⭐✨ 200th Fan Art Challenge – “YOUR Star Trek” – With PRIZE!


Good Bad Influence
If you'll allow this little piece of cross-promotion, I have something that I hope might be of interest to all of you:

Welcome to the August 2021 Fan Art Forum Challenge! It's the 200th (!) edition of the challenge in the 20+ years history of the TrekBBS (here's some history on the contest and a list of previous themes and winners) and I think this calls for a celebration, or at the very least a special edition of the contest. There's also a precious prize involved! (More on that further down.)

What I would like to do for this contest is invite the rest of the board – yes, even and especially YOU!!! – to join in on this special occasion and enter a submission of your own. To that end, and with the indispensable help of @Cyfa, we've come up with a theme that we hope opens the door to all of you. We call it:

YOUR Star Trek

Your task is to create something out of Trek that means something to you. It can be your favorite ship, character or idea. Or just some Trek thing that you like/wanted to draw, model, photograph, cosplay or sing etc. Do you own a Star Trek costume? Well, then snap a photo of it and submit it to the contest! You're into Trek gaming? Then make a screenshot of something you created in the game! Almost anything goes this time. There's just a pair of simple rules:
  • the piece you submit should be created during the month of the challenge and specifically for it
  • only one final image can be submitted (although it may contain multiple views)
  • your final entry should be posted in here (although dedicated WIP threads are cool and appreciated)
Please submit your entry by the end of the month, midnight (BST) on Tuesday 31st August. Have fun and good luck!

Oh yes, the prize! Since this is a special contest, we're even having a prize this time around. Whoever wins this contest will be gifted this beautiful, still sealed XL model of the Enterprise from Discovery. (The unpacked one in the photo is my duplicate.) I'm shipping this to wherever you are in the world free of charge (well, most destinations, anyway).

Any questions, suggestions or feedback? Just let me know down below! And again, have fun!
