Building my own star ship

That's pretty wild with that setup. I used to run with an AMD Radeon HD 5770 but a quadcore instead of a duo. If I'm reading your stats correctly, 511,649 triangles for all those rooms. I'm guessing the interiors are not high polygon count (and you're using materials to soften edges during rendering)? It looks pretty impressive.


I'm just using bevels and solid colours tbh. There's no advanced texturing or materials going on.

Straight corridor sections are 24,580 tris, 3-way junction is 14,882, 4-way junction is 5,088. But there's only one model of each of them. Every other use of those models are instances so I don't think they count towards the total.

Same with the Jefferies tubes. An actual tube is 31,524, but there's just one. Bio beds are only 2,500, The two L-shape quarters are about 10,439 each but then repeated. The most detailed small object is probably the office chair, there's 4,048 in that.
I'm just using bevels and solid colours tbh. There's no advanced texturing or materials going on.

Straight corridor sections are 24,580 tris, 3-way junction is 14,882, 4-way junction is 5,088. But there's only one model of each of them. Every other use of those models are instances so I don't think they count towards the total.

Same with the Jefferies tubes. An actual tube is 31,524, but there's just one. Bio beds are only 2,500, The two L-shape quarters are about 10,439 each but then repeated. The most detailed small object is probably the office chair, there's 4,048 in that.

That's a great use of your memory with instances. Thanks for sharing those stats :techman:
Hellooooooo again. Another month gone. Built an actual garden wall. Fiddled with trek-nessing Endless Sky. It was fun. Needed the distraction and a fresh perspective.

So, re-built the doors because they were just solid red. And it was a tough call between voy-style and ent-e-style. But it came down to I just don't like the gold on the ent-e doors.




Also been doing the windows for deck 4 to 6, which are all quarters. It was becoming too uniform and looked like there were too many windows, so I build two surface panels for each deck, one blank and one with a window, and instance them around the centre point.






Aaaaannnnnnd! OMG, I'm playing with Depth Of Field!


This one makes me really happy...

Wasn't too pleased with how the transporter room was laid out first time, so I rebuilt it focussing on the symmetry, and especially the structure of the ceiling (I'm a big fan of those TNG/VOY deep lighting hole-things, and I've put some plasma tubey things in the floor. Not sold on them yet, but we'll see how it goes.





I did try it in green, which I do like but I just don't quite think it fits.

I always wondered what was off to the side of a transporter room. A room full of computer banks? The loo? So...I've done both.



Think I need a computer terminal on the end of those racks, and a desk in there somewhere.





*the man was borrowed from here.

And it's going to cover three decks, so they'll be lab/engineering rooms to work on the equipment above and below.

I always assumed that beside the transporter rooms were equipment stores for tricorders, EVA suits, phasers, etc, all the stuff that an away team might need.

This is truly astounding work.
Well it's been 2 1/2 months, sorry about that. :p

I always assumed that beside the transporter rooms were equipment stores for tricorders, EVA suits, phasers, etc, all the stuff that an away team might need.

Yeah that was my thought too, shame there wasn't anything on screen about it. So got back to working on the rooms behind/around the transporter. It's turning into a pre-mission prep area, so some equipment cabinets, suits, storage containers maybe, some of those sports benches in changing rooms and someone can make a 'bring your best game' speech at them before they beam down...or something.

LCARS borrowed from for a little light testing.
Aastronaut I'll post as soon as I can rediscover the source :s





I tried to get the light to reflect in the black but not on the buttons. Figure I'm gonna need an alpha layer and just don't fancy going down that route right now.




They'll eventually be a connecting section between the two, probably space suit and equipment storage.

@Johnny - regarding the light reflecting over the buttons - are you able to set the buttons to emit light? (As in use the button texture as a light emitting node?) The interiors are looking great :techman:
@Johnny - regarding the light reflecting over the buttons - are you able to set the buttons to emit light? (As in use the button texture as a light emitting node?) The interiors are looking great :techman:

Right, I'm gonna have come back to you on this. I want to try and see if I can set a material colour to black and then overlay the graphic with an alpha channel. But I have the feeling it wont work, but right now I know NOTHING about nodes! XD If you have any beginners walk-throughs...send them my way... :s

Fyi, it turns out I can spend two days working on some room behind the transporter and get almost-sort-of nowhere, but sit down with a beer (or four) and knock out a complete holodeck in six hours (three of which is rendering) on a Sunday afternoon while full of food. What's up with that... :|








I really need to upgrade my rig...

Working on the turbolift shafts. I started thinking well they need to be snug to the vertical tubes and have the emergency grips so they don't fall... in space :brickwall: ...and decided not to and just accepted that any ship that can create gravity can un-create gravity in specific areas. So I've gone with that. I mean I'm not gonna deal with momentum of lifts currently in motion during a power outage because that's just going to far...

But honestly it's just down to wanting the lifts to rotate in any direction in both vertical and horizontal shafts. As soon as I added in the space for the lift doors to open fully within the lift unit, the diameter of the lift became so tight in the 4x4x3m 'cell' I'm designing in, I just couldn't make it work in a way which made me happy. So I have floating lifts. :shrug:

I'm actually quite surprised how much space they take up. And actually, why, when someone is stuck trying to get around the 'enemy of the week', they didn't just step inside a horizontal lift shaft just go behind them. They obviously exist, and it's just another way to move around the ship. Probably overthinking it...










@Johnny - Unfortunately I'm just a Blender newbie. I've been using LW+Octane for most of my recent renders and figured Blender would have something similar. If I run across any applicable guides/tutorials I'll post them up for you. :)