3D interiors in Blender

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Rekkert, Apr 21, 2017.

  1. batboy853

    batboy853 Captain Captain

    May 16, 2006
    Question about the warp core design, how does the warp core ejection work? In the ENT-D, Ent-E, Defiant, designs of their cores, the power junctions detach from the main core so that it can drop out of the ship. This design it looks integrated into the core.
  2. Henoch

    Henoch Glowing Globe Premium Member

    Dec 27, 2018
    Back On The Shelf
    Love the look. I still can't get over a layout like the TOS engine room. Did you try moving the ladders/stairs centered on the central console and extend the railings to the warp core area a al the TOS engine room layout? Besides, would it be safe to always walk that close to the active warp core especially if it is venting/cooking/sparking when the ship is struggling? Then again, this is the age where you can put a force field anywhere you want. :)
  3. Rekkert

    Rekkert Fleet Captain Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2016
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    @Matthew Raymond: I thought about traffic flow when placing those beams, and don't worry, there's almost a full meter between them and the handrails, more than enough for people to walk comfortably.

    As for why I placed them, aesthetics mostly, to add to the "claustrophobic" feeling of those workstations. I added the exact same beams to the Potemkin briefing room. I know they aren't exactly structurally sound as supports, but in-universe they're sturdy enough for supporting the Brattain bridge ceiling structure, so they must be reinforced with some future material or something. ;)

    @valkyrie013: Hmm, I hadn't thought of that, but it's an interesting idea. I'll certainly try it! :D

    @cardinal biggles: Weird... they're the exact same chairs as on the bridge perimeter consoles. That's one point against having so little light in there, shapes are somewhat hard to see (also, the lower quality renders are particularly blurry on dark areas, so that doesn't help).

    @137th Gebirg: Haha, thanks? I thought a lot about how to make it unique looking yet consistent with the show.

    @batboy853: The power conduits are a separate mesh, they just connect at a more shallow angle, thus making it look more integrated. I haven't modeled the internal details for a separation procedure, but it would certainly be possible with the current external look of the core.

    @Henoch: I hadn't tried that, but you certainly are giving me ideas for another engineering later down the line. ;) As for being that close to the core, it's pretty much as close as they get in TNG all the time, and on the black archway leading up to the core, there is an emergency door that can come down to isolate the warp core from the rest of the room if needed.

    Besides, if this monstrosity was somehow safe for the engineering crew, I guess everything is. ;)

    I've modified the standing wall console on the front end of the room, to have a smaller keyboard area. This was done for several reasons, first of all it makes walking through that area when someone is working on that console more comfortable, while also being less of a hazard risk for people there to fall down the stairs when the ship is shaking.

    Also, this allowed me to move the wall closer to the rest of the room, thus making it a bit smaller. Plus, the keyboard area is now pretty much the same size as on the Ent-D engineering, while also making it less of an obvious reuse of the bridge console model.

    On the other end of the room, I've added rails around the warp core. These are maybe a bit too curvy for the TNG "ship of the week" aesthetic, but I just liked the idea and had to do them. ;) Also, keypads are now in place, as well as another light sconce on top of the doors.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  4. Rekkert

    Rekkert Fleet Captain Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2016
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Worked on the LCARS and other graphics for the room. I replaced the MSD copied over from the bridge with a new one based on the cutaway graphic the Ent-D had in its main engineering. While a very simple graphic and not exactly done to be 100% accurate, I based the deck layout on the research done by @Praetor over on their Excelsior Tecnical Manual thread.

    I must admit, I quite like the MSD style we saw in TNG. The later ones we saw so much in DS9 and Voyager ended up being overly complicated and hard to read in my opinion.

    I've also added isolinear banks to the seated stations at the back, and below the central pool table.

    I think the room's finished now. I might add some further details around the core, like a Deuterium Control Conduit (that white tube the Enterprise-D had right behind the warp core), but I'm not sure how "necessary" it is. No ship that I know of had a DCC other than the Ent-D, after all.

    Looking at these two renders next to each other, the room has two very distinct personalities on the front and back end. Sometimes I think that's good, sometimes that it's bad...

  5. Rekkert

    Rekkert Fleet Captain Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2016
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    sigh... Okey, I bit the bullet and did the Deuterium conduit. I decided to add two small conduits rather than the sole big one the Enterprise had. This was mostly so that I didn't have to modify the circular glass floor/ceiling structures very much, but it has the added benefit of making them more visible.

    I went with a semi transparent white plastic for the material, with a diamond pattern added as a simple bump map.

  6. 137th Gebirg

    137th Gebirg Admiral Premium Member

    Aug 31, 2000
    Eaten by Cannibals
    Don’t forget the trilithium resin waste tube! ;)
    Jedman67 likes this.
  7. Norsehound

    Norsehound Captain Captain

    May 21, 2013
    Camel, IN
    Hmm... looking at these I wonder how many modifications you'd need to make to turn this into a convincing Prototype Excelsior engine room we saw in III. There wasn't much of it, but your warp core model I can believe exists in that room.

    While I'm not a superfan of most TNG stuff I would like to see someone utilize all the season 1 stylings and details that tend to get overlooked in artwork reflecting the latter seasons. The LCARS color selections were different and a little more nonsensical. Also, more wood paneling. :)
    Donny likes this.
  8. FormerLurker

    FormerLurker Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    May 17, 2009
    Bright and shiny up front to show off to the brass, more modulated lighting in back where the actual work is done.
  9. Rekkert

    Rekkert Fleet Captain Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2016
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    @137th Gebirg: That's... uh... at the back... yeah...

    @Norsehound: Well, as that was based on the Enterprise engineering set, it would have to be completely new (or at least the front wall would have to). One of my biggest issue with all of my Potemkin interiors is that I have to reconcile the fact that ship is supposedly more cramped and less advanced than the Enterprise-D, while also having interiors that look bigger and more advanced than the TMP Enterprise. As so many interior elements were reused between the two, I end up having to make the ship look smaller than it did during the movies.

    Regarding the season 1 stylings, I'm not the biggest fan of those, but I did one commission with those elements, and my current project for the concept Enterprise-D bridge will include those same LCARS colors and wood panels.

    @FormerLurker: I can work with that logic. ;)

    Took a little while longer than expected to render the finished room, as the warp core produced an insane amount of fireflies that needed to be removed. It's not perfect now, but until I can get the time to find and properly install an AI based denoiser, it'll probably be the best I can do.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  10. Matthew Raymond

    Matthew Raymond Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 24, 2016
    I know I've said this before, but that needs to be a playset.
    ashleytinger likes this.
  11. Rekkert

    Rekkert Fleet Captain Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2016
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    @Matthew Raymond: Haha, I'd love that! Anyone works at Eaglemoss? :p

    I've been working on the Astraeus captain's quarters. There's been several changes as we decide on layout and go back and forth or which furniture to use.

    Given the limited space on the "office" room, we've removed the wall separating it from the main living room, it's now one very big living area, with the desk at one side. Said desk now contains a small model of the Norway-Class USS Montreal, the captain's previous command.

    On the central part of the room, there's now a Voyager-style couch beneath the windows, with the rest of the furniture so far being directly taken from the Nemesis quarters.

    Lighting remains an issue, the Ent-D quarters were very dimly lit, but the cream color wasn't as light absorbent as the darker, metallic tones of this room. I might add some sort of nebulae on space, to provide some further illumination, but I'd like to avoid that, so maybe I'll just add more light sources by the windows.

    Psion, Donny, 137th Gebirg and 2 others like this.
  12. Matthew Raymond

    Matthew Raymond Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 24, 2016
    @Rekkert, maybe put some lights behind that couch. It's a little too dark. Another option is to put light strips in the grooves of those structural arches near the windows.
    Gibraltar likes this.
  13. cardinal biggles

    cardinal biggles I AM A GODDAMN DELIGHT Moderator

    Sep 7, 2001
    If you go back and look at Insurrection and Nemesis, Picard's quarters seem pretty brightly lit in both instances. In INS, it looks like they used those mysterious floor sconces to make it brighter, and in NEM it looks like the overhead lights are fairly bright.

    INS (Picard does a little dance)
    NEM (Data's wake)

    So maybe don't be afraid to bump up the lights a bit. After all, it's cannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnon! ;)
    Jedman67 likes this.
  14. Rekkert

    Rekkert Fleet Captain Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2016
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Indeed, as I mentioned I am aware it's overly dark. The very angled windows of the Galaxy-Class quarters aren't helping, and as it can be seen on the "Data's wake" picture you posted @cardinal biggles, even the Ent-E quarters are pitch black by the windows (left side of the image).

    Still, I'd like the have more light and have already come up with some solutions (like the Challenger style sconce between the windows), however it's not really up to me so I'm waiting for approval before adding more light in. :)
  15. danellis

    danellis Captain Captain

    Mar 15, 2010
    It's possible I'm imagining it, but I'm sure I can remember a scene where Geordi prepares for a date in his quarters and is playing with the light levels: this would make dimable lights canon, so you can just assume that we've only ever seen them mega-turned-down, and you can choose to "dim" them to as bright a level as you like?

  16. Matthew Raymond

    Matthew Raymond Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 24, 2016
    Well, something has to be done about the lights, because TNG-era flashlights are THE WORST! ;)
    Jedman67 and Gibraltar like this.
  17. cardinal biggles

    cardinal biggles I AM A GODDAMN DELIGHT Moderator

    Sep 7, 2001
    I liked the ones they finally came up with for Generations. And then I was rewatching some old Voyager episodes and got a chuckle as I realized that their flashlights were literally two MagLites velcro'd to everybody's wrists.
  18. Gibraltar

    Gibraltar Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 25, 2005
    US Pacific Northwest
    How dare you, sir! The Starfleet Palm Beacon (TM) was the height of late-24th century technological prowess! :rommie:
  19. Matthew Raymond

    Matthew Raymond Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 24, 2016
    Star Trek Beyond flashlights had three lights at the end, but was held like a conventional flashlight. However, perhaps by the 24th century, they figured out how to manipulate the lens flares.
    Jedman67, Gibraltar and Henoch like this.

    EMTCHRIS Ensign Newbie

    Aug 7, 2019
    I love your work