"Yorktown: A Time to Heal" - Official thread for the Sulu fan film!

Re: "Yorktown: A Time to Heal" - Official thread for the Sulu fan film

New photos of the Vanguard station as it appears in the Yorktown film. VFX by Tobias Richter.




Re: "Yorktown: A Time to Heal" - Official thread for the Sulu fan film

Was in the studio last week with Stan Woo in LA. We did some more color correction on the footage, and it's looking very sharp. I also just did a podcast interview about Yorktown with Alec Peters and Robert Meyer Burnett, that will be posted in a few weeks.
Re: "Yorktown: A Time to Heal" - Official thread for the Sulu fan film

Was in the studio last week with Stan Woo in LA. We did some more color correction on the footage, and it's looking very sharp. I also just did a podcast interview about Yorktown with Alec Peters and Robert Meyer Burnett, that will be posted in a few weeks.

Really looking forward to this Podcast!!!!!
I remember reading about this in StarLog Mag.
I'm hopping this will be out this year. Please post an address if you will be making a DVD with extras and comments. I will want to contribute to this great production.
At the end of March, we are filming a short scene in LA. Stan Woo just pulled a costume out of storage that hasn't been worn in over 29 years for this scene. I won't say who will be playing the part of Admiral Gavin Eastcott just yet, but I will say that he is an actor who has appeared in a few official Star Trek films :)
The thing I am most curious about is how the old and new footage is going flow together in telling a full story. How can the characters interact from old vs new footage? Certainly via communicators and view screen. But there could be a limitation in that. The actors in the footage shots in the 1980s have obviously age. So they can not appear on screen with the actors. Are any of the actors from that 80s shoot recording new dialogue? Is George?
Obviously I don't know the script but I'd have basically made this an episode of the imaginary 'Star Trek: Excelsior' show with a linking frame of Admiral/Captain Sulu telling a story of his life between Enterprises.

It will be interesting to see how it all pulls together though.
The thing I am most curious about is how the old and new footage is going flow together in telling a full story. How can the characters interact from old vs new footage? Certainly via communicators and view screen. But there could be a limitation in that. The actors in the footage shots in the 1980s have obviously age. So they can not appear on screen with the actors. Are any of the actors from that 80s shoot recording new dialogue? Is George?

In the film, you see Sulu and the landing party beam down to the surface when the ship enters orbit. None of them ever appear on the ship. The original plan in the 80s was to just have them talking on communicator to the ship, because they couldn't afford to build a bridge set. So we wanted to expand on that, as there are scenes on the planet of the Captain talking on his communicator to the ship. So now you actually see who he is talking to on the bridge, with the actors who filmed on the bridge set in Oklahoma. It works well, and to anyone who doesn't know the history of the film, they will assume the whole thing was shot in the 80s when watching it, as was always our goal with this. None of the original actors were needed for any ADR for the new scenes.
At the end of March, we are filming a short scene in LA. Stan Woo just pulled a costume out of storage that hasn't been worn in over 29 years for this scene. I won't say who will be playing the part of Admiral Gavin Eastcott just yet, but I will say that he is an actor who has appeared in a few official Star Trek films :)
I hope it fits :)
Will there be an option to just watch the original filmed elements?

Yorktown was an unfinished film. Parts that the filmmakers had intended to film in the 80s did not get filmed until 2013. So just watching those 80s elements, you wouldn't have a complete story. Having said that, the new scenes are all of the scenes that take place on the USS Yorktown, the Klingon scenes, and the Admiral Eastcott scene. The rest is from the 80s.
Unfinished in which regards? Had they not gotten around to shooting the whole thing, or was there no complete script at the time?
Re: "Yorktown: A Time to Heal" - Official thread for the Sulu fan film
Yorktown was an unfinished film. Parts that the filmmakers had intended to film in the 80s did not get filmed until 2013. So just watching those 80s elements, you wouldn't have a complete story. Having said that, the new scenes are all of the scenes that take place on the USS Yorktown, the Klingon scenes, and the Admiral Eastcott scene. The rest is from the 80s.

Looking forward to this!
Good luck with the additional shooting- and be sure and let us know as soon as we can get a peek. Will be interested to see how you've handled the new camera, lighting and post production work to match with the prior footage. Shame there is no Adobe "make it look like 80's film stock" button/plugin...
Yorktown was an unfinished film. Parts that the filmmakers had intended to film in the 80s did not get filmed until 2013. So just watching those 80s elements, you wouldn't have a complete story. Having said that, the new scenes are all of the scenes that take place on the USS Yorktown, the Klingon scenes, and the Admiral Eastcott scene. The rest is from the 80s.

I'm just personally more interested in the footage that was shot in the 1980's.
I was just wondering why is there a British union flag hanging on the wall in the Starbase.
Is one of the characters going to be British? :)


Also is “Yorktown: In Temporary Command” available to watch online?
I'm just personally more interested in the footage that was shot in the 1980's.
You will see the original footage in the film.

I am really looking forward to seeing how the old and new footage comes together. The fact that it contains different scenes that were shot almost thirty years apart from each other is pretty unique.

I was really glad to have been able to contribute to the fundraiser to clean up the original footage and I really like the fact that the new material will blend in well with the old. It might be a nice idea to see some ‘before and after’ comparison videos after the film has been released.
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Unfinished in which regards? Had they not gotten around to shooting the whole thing, or was there no complete script at the time?

The script itself wasn't finished. There were chunks of story missing. Stan had hoped to write some scenes to take place on the Yorktown back in the late 80s, but it didn't happen. They didn't have the budget to build an "Enterprise" bridge set for the Yorktown. When I joined the project in 2010, we discussed ways of filming on the bridge to expand the film, and have it be more the way he had imagined.

In regards to the new filmed footage, we sampled original stock from the 80s Yorktown footage to match the film grains. It is a perfect blend as it comes direct from the source.

In regards to "In Temporary Command"... that was filmed by the guys while they were in high school. So we are going to wait until after "A Time to Heal" gets posted online before we post that one.