Spoilers Picard 1x1, "Remembrance"

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Picard' started by The Old Mixer, Jan 8, 2020.


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  1. Verteron

    Verteron Lux in tenebris lucet Premium Member

    May 27, 2001
    London, UK
    I honestly wonder if they might kill Picard once they've concluded this show.

    Perhaps after a few seasons when Sir Pat is ready to call it quits.
    MyCylon likes this.
  2. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    One might say a long road. ;)
    SJGardner, Masiral, Jesse1066 and 5 others like this.
  3. B. L.

    B. L. Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Mar 23, 2019
    I edited it and included another question. What do you think about that?

    If indeed she is dead, I feel perhaps the way they introduced her twin to Picard could have been better for dramatic effect.

    Presuming she is dead, they could have delayed her death long enough for Dahj to tell Picard about her twin, and thereby not giving him enough time to grieve as he has to save the other twin.

    Or alternatively they could have had her die but her remains kept. Picard could have grieved strongly for a scene, then brought the remains to the Daystrum scientist.

    As it stands, the knowledge of her existence impacted Picard profoundly as evidenced by his acting, but her passing didn't.
  4. DaveyNY

    DaveyNY Admiral Admiral

    May 14, 2001
    DaveyNY from Skin-Neck-Ta-Dee (Schenectady)
    It seemed to me that the interview was set up with a false pretense that Picard didn't become aware of till it started.
    Laris did tell him that the reporter promised to not brooch certain subjects.
    oberth and Butters like this.
  5. Greg Cox

    Greg Cox Admiral Premium Member

    May 12, 2004
    Lancaster, PA
    And, honestly, in her defense, she got Picard to reveal his true feelings, rather than just mouth some polite, discreet platitudes on the occasion of the anniversary. Getting Picard to flare up and vocally condemn Starfleet for not being what it should be these days is not necessarily a bad thing.

    "Evolved" does not always mean "polite" or "nice." Maybe Picard did need to be poked and prodded a bit, in order to get him to speak out.
    oberth, NCC-73515, SJGardner and 3 others like this.
  6. DaveyNY

    DaveyNY Admiral Admiral

    May 14, 2001
    DaveyNY from Skin-Neck-Ta-Dee (Schenectady)
    I think Dahj gave Picard the necklace specifically for the reason to find her sister.
  7. B. L.

    B. L. Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Mar 23, 2019
    But did it seem to you he responded too calmly to her death?

    I would have expected a breakdown or a complete stonewall of emotion.
  8. Yistaan

    Yistaan Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 27, 2018
    Going by the producers' statements that Picard is 92 and the strong implication that it's the 10th anniversary (although they just said anniversary) of Romulus' destruction in 2387, shouldn't the Picard show be placed in 2397 instead of 2399? The 20/30 years ago lines could just be rounding.
  9. DaveyNY

    DaveyNY Admiral Admiral

    May 14, 2001
    DaveyNY from Skin-Neck-Ta-Dee (Schenectady)
    I would suggest that getting blown up, tends to put one in a rather deep state of shock for quite some time.
    He did respond eventually, buy getting his back up and heading out to find out what the Hell is going on.

    Remember, we've only seen the beginning of this Picard Adventure.
    (Nine more episodes to go)
  10. Vger23

    Vger23 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 19, 2014
    Enterprise bowling alley
    "No money," while debatable, doesn't need to equate to the passion for advancement. A rewarding career is often based more upon the scope and reach of the role you are in as opposed to being about money. She could still have every reason for wanting to advance her career.
    burningoil, oberth, SJGardner and 3 others like this.
  11. DaveyNY

    DaveyNY Admiral Admiral

    May 14, 2001
    DaveyNY from Skin-Neck-Ta-Dee (Schenectady)
    In the Federation, you don't need Money...

    But you can Have and Use some form of it..., if you so desire.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2020
    F. King Daniel, SolarisOne and Vger23 like this.
  12. B. L.

    B. L. Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Mar 23, 2019
    Probably the most logical reason: to act as a vessel for background storytelling to the audience.

    Intro background story crawl is a different scifi IP
    Butters and Psion like this.
  13. StewMc

    StewMc Commodore Commodore

    May 20, 2001
    Caldos IV
    The dating is a bit vague at the moment. Lars mentions something about them being with Picard for ten years. As you say it’s only mentioned that it’s “the anniversary” of the supernova, but Picard later tells Dahj that Data died over two decades ago, Since Nemesis was 2379 that puts it sometime beyond 2399 (although he could have meant 20 years and 1 month for all we know).

    Also mentions that the painting was 30 years ago, which was said to be 2369.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2020
  14. Gonzo

    Gonzo Guest

    No not at all, just saw it as an option based on what the episode showed us without taking into account anything said outside of it, its still early days of course.

    I have no problem whether he is dead or not and I doubt Brent would really want anything too involved anyway.

    I get the feeling that while the first episode was promising the show/plot itself has a built in time limit to it as I cant see it turning into a long term series, it could easily be a launchpad for a spin off though, probably with Sonj/Dahj (if alive) or another character in the lead role.

    It really depends on Patrick Stewart and how much he signed up for, they can only really do it as long as he wants to be in it, that is the price of using his characters name as the title, perhaps they would have been better off using a less specific title which would have given them some wriggle room.
  15. B. L.

    B. L. Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Mar 23, 2019
    Has anyone discussed the Worf stock footage cameo?

    I feel it has to be intentional specifically to Worf. They included no other crew members during that scene, and there wasn't a necessity to show him at all. So to me, it had to have been deliberate.

    I believe they did it to prove to the fans that Klingons in this show will look closer to the TNG Klingons, and that if Worf shows up in the show, he will look like he has in the past.

    I know there was a Kurtzman interview regarding this, but I think this is why they put it in the slide.
    F. King Daniel likes this.
  16. Smellmet

    Smellmet Commodore Commodore

    Aug 5, 2013
    The Northern Shires of England.
    Just watched the first episode. Wow. I thought it was excellent. It was gripping from star to finish, Stewart, whilst aged was just great, he still has the character down, no question. The visuals and cinematography were absolutely outstanding and 100 per cent movie standard, in fact, I've seen plenty of movies that don't look this good and as convincing. The design of the ships I instantly love and that ending just sealed the deal for me. I can't wait for next week.

    I can't really fault this first episode. Best trek debut by a mile.
    SolarisOne, jaime and Ar-Pharazon like this.
  17. B. L.

    B. L. Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Mar 23, 2019
    For me, the dream sequences were the best.

    "I don't want the game to end" was very emotional.
    NCC-73515 and Smellmet like this.
  18. Psion

    Psion Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 19, 2001
    Lat: 40.1630936 Lon: -75.1183777
    An excellent start. I was worried about this show, but the first episode shows so much potential. It wounds me to hear Sir Patrick's once firm voice sound so feeble now; what's the saying, "Time is the fire in which we all burn?" Mortality could be kinder to us all, I suppose.

    The music stood out for me. The first scene with a new scoring of Goldsmith's encounter with V'Ger and then, at the end, the updated Romulan Theme from the original series!

    I'm worried about the notion that the Federation (or was it just Starfleet?) has somehow pulled back. Pulled back from exploration? From interstellar ties? How does an interstellar galactic government even become isolationist, exactly? Star Trek's consistent theme has been one of a hopeful future. One that shows we outgrew wars like Vietnam or petty racism. I hope that isn't being sacrificed.

    I'm eagerly looking forward to next week's episode!
  19. Yistaan

    Yistaan Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 27, 2018
    The general lack of security in Picard's vineyard is even more surprising in light of the prequel comics' revelation that Zhaban and Laris are Tal Shiar agents. Between them and Picard, there should be so much security at the vineyard that Dahj couldn't possibly feel she was endangering them any more than they already were just by their histories.
  20. The Rock

    The Rock Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Sep 30, 2001
    Tampa, Florida USA
    I wonder if they will ever get into why Picard and Beverly never got married.

    Oh, you are right. :beer: