Picard series confirmed post-Romulus

Star Trek has always shown colony planets as being weirdly underpopulated. Basically, when we consider colony size, we have three things we need to consider:

1. The birthrate
2. The migration rate
3. The length of time a colony is established.

So, for example, consider that an initial colony is founded with a population of 500. Every year there is 1% population growth due to births. The second year, 250 more people migrate. Every year the amount of migrants moving to the planet increases by 3% - not impossible, considering infrastructure would improve over time, and the capacity of the homeworld to send more people would also increase. 200 years later, the global population is just under 4.4 million, and the home planet is sending about 87,000 people per year (about 238 per day).

In general, this makes Federation colonies being in the hundreds of millions almost impossible. However, the Romulans have had interstellar travel to some extent for 2,000 years by the time of TNG, given their emigration from Vulcan in around the 4th century CE. Due to how compounded population growth works, that same population model outlined above would reach 7 billion by 450 years after founding. So provided the Romulans began expanding outside of their home system well before contact with the Federation in the 22nd century, there is time for some quite well developed colonies.

Yes, it is possible for Romulan to establish a fully developed Colonies if they have started it 2000 years ago. But since Romulan is more similar to Vulcan than Human, so I will see Vulcan as comparation. When we watched Star Trek 2009, it seems that the long time space traveler Vulcan didn't have another fully developed planet beside their own home planet. so Spock said that he suddenly became an endangered species. So the question is, why Vulcan didn't have a fully developed planet / colonies despite their long time history in Space Travel? And because Romulan is their distant family, then maybe Romulan also doesn't has a chance to fully develop a colony.

Yes, I know, from here on, it will only from our own imagination. As there is no valid information about how Romulan expand their territory. But seeing that this is Alex Kurtzman project, then we can't disregard Alex's Star Trek 09.
That makes sense, but again I think the real issue is that the destruction of the Romulan government would deepen the divisions that already existed in the Empire for decades, with the hawk and dove factions fighting with each other after the seat of government is destroyed. I think of the military would have survived to make the Romulans still dangerous and this time there is no Senate to hold the military in check. They may not be as powerful as before, but desperation would make them less cautious and more ruthless and even if the hawks would not have the power to conquer the Federation, they would still be a problem. I think this series should be very Romulan centric, they are least developed alien society in Star Trek and are not overexposed like the Klingons are.

Well, frankly there are a ton of threads regarding the Romulan Empire relations with the Federation from the TNG era that was never resolved. We had a peace movement on Romulus led by Spock that wanted to unite with Vulcan, we had Sisko and Garak tricking the Romulans into a war with the Dominion, we had the Romulan military back coup against the Senate in Nemesis and approve a strike against the Federation, only to get cold feet at the last minute and help Picard against Shinzon and then Romulus was destroyed.

I would weave all this stuff together to make an interesting series that wraps some of this stuff and progresses the Romulan Federation plot forwards, rather just standing still.

I think there won't be any Dove faction left after the destruction of Romulan Space Empire. The reason is simple, they were the one who trust Spock most. They trusted him so much that they believed that Spock would save their home planet. But, hell. That guy vanished without a trace, and their home planet was perished. Just think yourself as a Dove Romulan. You believe in Spock, and he promised you that he will save Romulan. But the guy was vanished in the most critical moment, and your home planet is perished because of it. I'm sure that you'll hate him much-much more than the Hawk hate Spock and Federation.
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I think there won't be any Dove faction left after the destruction of Romulan Space Empire. The reason is simple, they were the one who trust Spock most. They trusted him so much that they believed that Spock would save their home planet. But, hell. That guy vanished without a trace, and their home planet was perished. Just think yourself as a Dove Romulan. You believe in Spock, and he promised you that he will save Romulan. But the guy was vanished in the most critical moment, and your home planet is perished because of it. I'm sure that you'll hate him much-much more than the Hawk hate Spock and Federation.

Maybe, but I kinda still want there to be a dove faction, because I think that would be more interesting, then the Romulans all being generic bad guys again, which is a mode they have been stuck for a long while. I want there to be sympathetic Romulans as well as villainous ones and I think a fair amount of Romulans would want to settle on Vulcan, rather then everyone wanting to settle on whatever planet the military conquered and named ''New Romulus''.
Maybe, but I kinda still want there to be a dove faction, because I think that would be more interesting, then the Romulans all being generic bad guys again, which is a mode they have been stuck for a long while. I want there to be sympathetic Romulans as well as villainous ones and I think a fair amount of Romulans would want to settle on Vulcan, rather then everyone wanting to settle on whatever planet the military conquered and named ''New Romulus''.
just copy and paste the plot of legacy of romulus.
romulan republic vs tal shear
Dtan is a good leader! the story of finding a new romulus and creating a republic Rumulan that is fighting against the demons of their past represented in the shiar tal I think it's some pretty good
For a video game. I am not interested in it in this series.
Well, D'Tan is from TNG, he was the kid with the Vulcan toys in Unification, he could still show up if he wasn't killed between then and this show. But that would be pretty small universe.

Dtan is a good leader! the story of finding a new romulus and creating a republic Rumulan that is fighting against the demons of their past represented in the shiar tal I think it's some pretty good

I'd rather they came up with their own ideas, keep the STO stuff in STO.
Does anyone here think it may be a good idea to borrow some ideas from the Rihannsu novel series on how the Romulans should be written in this TV series?
Patrick Stewart confirms exact date of new series. Show to be set in 2389...two years after the destruction of Romulus.


Norton asked Stewart about his Star Trek return. Stewart replied that it’s “Exactly 19 years in the future, which was how time has passed since the last time I put on my spacesuit...for the television series.”

The final episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, “All Good Things,” took place in the year 2370. If the Picard series takes place 19 years later, it will begin in the year 2389. The film Star Trek: Nemesis, Stewart's last performance as Picard, took place in the year 2379. That means a decade has passed since Picard faced off against his twisted clone, Shinzon. That also means two years have passed since a supernova destroyed Romulus in 2387. That's an event that will have a big impact on Picard's life according to executive producer Alex Kurtzman.
Patrick Stewart confirms exact date of new series. Show to be set in 2389...two years after the destruction of Romulus.


I don't think the article conclusively confirms that date. In fact, it adds more confusion. Stewart now says it's 19 years after the series, just like in real life. But the series wrapped 25 years ago, and Nemesis was 17 years ago. So, is it 19 years after AGT, or 19 years after Nemesis? I think he got confused, and I'm not going to take this as gospel.
Does anyone here think it may be a good idea to borrow some ideas from the Rihannsu novel series on how the Romulans should be written in this TV series?
While I loved their depiction of the Romulans, I think it's a little too far afield of what's been established in canon to do more than the odd namedrop (which may have already happened: Ael/Ayel)
I don't think he is separating the movies from the show. As far as Stewart is concerned the Nemesis was the end of the TV series. Hopefully this gets clarified soon.
Oh no.
This is a bad idea on SO many levels!

  1. Many people care about ST09. NO ONE cared about the destruction of Romulus in that movie! That happened as backstory in an alternate universe of the man story being told that was averted and never happened! Expecting of people (outside the hardcore-Trek-literature-fandom) to even remember that event is a stretch.
  2. The "science" backstory about that event ("supernova threatening to destroy the galaxy?" FTL-shockwaves? NO ONE even noticing that? Fucking red matter? Destroying planets like marbles?) was the worst part of the ST09 movie - the movie overall really was fine. Except that part. Now their throwing out the good part of ST09 (Kirk and Spock), and only keeping the shitty part in the franchise? What the hell?
  3. The Picard show really shouldn't be about war with a familiar alien species again. But they will be ding their riff on that god-awful "fall-of-the-Federation"/"chaos-in-the-universe"-concept that will never die, aren't they?
  4. People that like TNG like the cerebral storytelling. People that like ST09 like the more action-oriented, fun style. Of course there's a BIG overlap - but still - limiting your audience by aiming only at the overlap is a bad idea. They should have started their own concept - from scratch - that should have been first introduced in the Picard show - TO BE ABLE TO WATCH IT WITHOU PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: THere are a LOT of people out there that aren't exactly Trekkies, but liked TNG and would check out Picard returning. Throwing them over the head with THIS amount of backtory right from the start is going to alienate you audience
This is the first time I have the feeling the new Picard show will actually be more like the X-files reboot - confusing and alienating, than something honoring the style and themes of TNG in a modern production.
1) people are not that stupid.
I am sick of TV execs dumbing things down on this assumption.
Dumb people do t generally watch startrek, dumb people prefer kardassians to cardassians.

2) who said anything about red matter?
The destruction of Romulus will just likely be back ground information.

3) who said anything about war? We don't know anything at this point.

I am curious how they'll explain the supernova's magic properties....


That's how they explain everything right?
I don't think the article conclusively confirms that date. In fact, it adds more confusion. Stewart now says it's 19 years after the series, just like in real life. But the series wrapped 25 years ago, and Nemesis was 17 years ago. So, is it 19 years after AGT, or 19 years after Nemesis? I think he got confused, and I'm not going to take this as gospel.

Second. A commentor in another forum stated that given Sir Pat's age and his non-involvement in the Trek-verse for the past 15 years (since Nemesis), he can't be expected to know exactly when his character's timeline going to be at the beginning of the series.

Unless someone with authority said otherwise, I'm inclined to believe Kurtzman's word that the series will take place in 2399 - 20 years after Nemesis and 12 years after the Romulus explosion - an ample time for a galaxy wide refugee crisis and inter-galactical game of thrones that's gonna happen after its destruction.