Funny Words

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ThankQ, Oct 6, 2018.

  1. ThankQ

    ThankQ Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 27, 2003
    Where the Bear Sits
    So I saw this cutie


    and it got me seeing and saying the word "toast" over and over again until it looks and sounds so funny.

    I think most people get this feeling from time to time. What are some words that seem silly to you after repetition?
    TribbleFeeder likes this.
  2. Kai "the spy"

    Kai "the spy" Admiral Admiral

    Feb 7, 2011
    Lemon curry?!?
  3. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth
  4. Velocity

    Velocity Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 19, 2001
    In the back of beyond
    I have a friend who thinks "elbow" is hilarious, and "sip" disgusts her. So, of course, we always try to find a way to work "sip" into the conversation. "hey, do you wanna SIP of this Cheerwine?"
    Gary Mitchell likes this.
  5. Ar-Pharazon

    Ar-Pharazon Admiral Premium Member

    May 19, 2005
    Far North Chicago Suburbs
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  6. Refuge

    Refuge Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 16, 2016
    *Similarly*. I can't say that word even once out loud without stuffing up. I end up saying similarirly or similararily.

    In similar fashion I have issues with the word *mural*. I hear the word Muriel coming out of my mouth.

    However that isn't answering the thread :lol:
    TribbleFeeder likes this.
  7. Mr Soak

    Mr Soak Commodore Commodore

    Nov 20, 2001
    Mr Soak, [Redacted]
    Your terrible, mural ;)

    I know I’ve come across words that I overthought, and it lost all meaning. I can’t think of any at the moment, though.
    TribbleFeeder and Refuge like this.
  8. TribbleFeeder

    TribbleFeeder Rear Admiral Premium Member

    Jun 7, 2010
    Gary Mitchell and Refuge like this.
  9. Ar-Pharazon

    Ar-Pharazon Admiral Premium Member

    May 19, 2005
    Far North Chicago Suburbs
    Millicent. Is it a name? Is it 1/1000 of a cent?
    Random_Spock and TribbleFeeder like this.
  10. Mojochi

    Mojochi Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 18, 2007
    Try pluralizing toast. Any word ending in st gets goofy pluralized, like breasts. It gets even worse when you read a pluralized one that's also possessive, as in the "That's the artists' entrance" I hear some people say those words as "artistses"

    The word admiral is just a mess of soft consonants, that turn to mush at the end of your face... as in "Ad-Merle". The only guy I've ever heard say it like it has inflection is Ricardo Montalban… Add-Meer-LL, & I'd sound like a lunatic if I said it like that. Thankfully it doesn't come up much. lol

    This seems like a good place to point out that there are words that rhyme with orange. Phalange & flange & depending on your accent, mélange :lol:
    Refuge likes this.
  11. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth
    If "socks" is the plural of the word sock, are individual members of the Red Sox or White Sox properly referred to as a Red Sock or White Sock?

    Also, and this doesn't really have anything to do with funny words but I just have to vent anyway, why the HELL don't newspaper headlines use the words "Is" or "Are"? :confused:
  12. Ar-Pharazon

    Ar-Pharazon Admiral Premium Member

    May 19, 2005
    Far North Chicago Suburbs
    The Cincinatti Red(Stocking)s and Chicago White Sox (Stockings) both started off with slightly different names.
  13. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth
    Talk about funny of the teams in the Mets' minor league system is called the (Binghamton) Rumble Ponies. :guffaw:
    Random_Spock and TribbleFeeder like this.
  14. Gary Mitchell

    Gary Mitchell Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 16, 2001
    ¯\_(°·O)_/¯ Florida
    Is that like a urinal for moms? :rofl:
    You know what would be cool? If someone who is about to have a baby Googles something and stumbles across this thread? They see Murinal and decide it would be a good name for their child. You could be responsible for a whole generation of Murinals.

    What I want to know is why cupboard is the way it is but clipboard is pronounced clip-board and not clipberd?
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2018
    TribbleFeeder likes this.
  15. Random_Spock

    Random_Spock Vice Admiral Admiral

    Sep 4, 2009
    What the heck are Rumble Ponies? :guffaw:
  16. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth
    Hell if I know...

    It's like USC and the Gamecocks. Dafuq is a Gamecock? :confused:
    Random_Spock likes this.
  17. TribbleFeeder

    TribbleFeeder Rear Admiral Premium Member

    Jun 7, 2010
    It could also be slang for when you see someone urinating on a mural :crazy:

    I live in the mural capital apparently, Philly is known for its murals...also for public urination.
    Gary Mitchell likes this.
  18. Kai "the spy"

    Kai "the spy" Admiral Admiral

    Feb 7, 2011
    Maybe there's pro wrestling in the MLP-verse?!
  19. Avro Arrow

    Avro Arrow Okie dokie! Moderator

    Jan 10, 2003
    The Wasteland
    Presumably they are ponies... who are indeed ready to rumble! ;)

    That one is actually a real word.

    You must have the most unusual tourism advertisements ever! :lol:
    TribbleFeeder and Random_Spock like this.
  20. Gary Mitchell

    Gary Mitchell Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 16, 2001
    ¯\_(°·O)_/¯ Florida
    Well, that's something to be known for. Has anyone done a mural of public urination? There's a Mexican restaurant near me where the side of the urinal in the restroom has a mural of a guy peeing.
    TribbleFeeder likes this.