Marvel/Netflix Daredevil season 2.

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Mage, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. Alidar Jarok

    Alidar Jarok Everything in moderation but moderation Moderator

    Apr 14, 2003
    Norfolk, VA
    He probably was, yeah. But I'm sure we'll see more.
  2. JD

    JD Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2004
    Arizona, USA
    They did seem to imply that he was with The Hand.
  3. kitik

    kitik Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Nov 13, 2013
    So apparently Marvel debuted a new Daredevil trailer at a convention in Brazil. (I didn't bother to read the spoiler description because I'd rather just wait and watch it with my own eyes.)

    Based on the timing of some past netflix trailers, we might not have to wait all the way until April for DD Season 2. I'd gladly settle for February or March.
  4. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    You don't know about the meteor yet?
  5. JD

    JD Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2004
    Arizona, USA
  6. Turtletrekker

    Turtletrekker Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2003
    Tacoma, Washington
    Moore and Miller are both nuts. It's amazing that they're on different sides of the pool, but they're both diving into the deep end.
  7. kirk55555

    kirk55555 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2011
    Washington State, USA
    Honestly, if Frank Miller dislikes something, its usually a good sign that it will be worth experiencing. The guy is a gigantic racist, sexist a-hole. At least with Alan Moore, as weird as he is, I haven't heard anything about him being a horrible person.

    Besides, I don't think Miller has written for Elektra since before I was born. The modern comic version is probably as far away from what he considers the "real Elektra" as the Netflix version is, and that's a good thing. Frank Miller wrote a few decent things in the 80s, but he went crazier and crazier as time went on. His opinion about any character is fairly useless nowadays.
  8. JD

    JD Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2004
    Arizona, USA
    Oh, I completely agree with you guys, but I still thought the story was worth sharing. I have a feeling anything we'll get with Elektra will be many times better than what modern Frank Miller would give us.
  9. Alidar Jarok

    Alidar Jarok Everything in moderation but moderation Moderator

    Apr 14, 2003
    Norfolk, VA
    He doesn't hate adaptations of his stuff, he hates people using Elektra without his permission. He thought he had an understanding with Marvel, but D.G. Chichester brought her back. They've continued to use her since then.

    Of course, Miller never owned the character and would have known that getting in. In addition, I also don't think he can complain when he engineered the way for her to come back. Finally, she's extremely different in personality between the original run and Man Without Fear (where in the latter, she comes off as someone crazy). While there are parts I enjoy of the new take, I don't think Miller is someone who is protecting the integrity of the character anyway.
  10. The Old Mixer

    The Old Mixer Mih ssim, mih ssim, nam, daed si Xim. Moderator

    Feb 4, 2002
    The Old Mixer, Somewhere in Connecticut
    It's a funny attitude to have for people whose careers are based on their adaptations of characters created by others in the first place.
  11. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    Daredevil was shit before Frank turned up and mostly shit after he left.

    What Frank did wasn't really that good either.

    Did he have problems with Jennifer Garner?

    Because she was awful, so fricking dry and bland.
  12. Turtletrekker

    Turtletrekker Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2003
    Tacoma, Washington
  13. JD

    JD Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2004
    Arizona, USA
    Interesting article, thanks for sharing. I wonder how long it will take us to get the skull shirt for Punisher?
  14. atlantalliance

    atlantalliance Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Dec 29, 2015
    They are both cut from the same cloth, one a far-right nut the other a far-left nut and with freedom of speech they are entitled to their opinion no matter how stupid they seem...older people they tend to get more radical and stuck in their ways while the world moves on

    Didn't know the guy from Walking Dead was in this show, anyhow the scene looks like its straight out of a Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon comic
  15. kitik

    kitik Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Nov 13, 2013
    So the writer from EW has already seen the first two episodes. I have a feeling that it's going to be April at the latest, maybe March if we're lucky. Probably not February though, as we likely would have heard a date by now.

    It might come down to where they want to squeeze it in against all the other superhero offerings:
    -release at the same time Agents of Shield comes back
    -release at the same time as Batman vs Superman
    -release in the gap between BvS and Civil War

    The Marvel tv bosses might not want to steal too much limelight from AOS's return.
  16. atlantalliance

    atlantalliance Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Dec 29, 2015
    Casting choice for S2 is interesting
  17. JD

    JD Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2004
    Arizona, USA
    Which one?
  18. M.A.C.O.

    M.A.C.O. Commodore Commodore

    Sep 13, 2011
    I almost forgot that this show was coming out later this year. So many comic book properties!

    I hope Elodie Yung knocks it out of the park as Elektra. Fun fact: she was nearly cast as another Greek superhero, Wonder Woman.
  19. Turtletrekker

    Turtletrekker Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2003
    Tacoma, Washington
    Yup. March 25th.

    Looks like I'll be seeing BvS on its second weekend.
  20. kitik

    kitik Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Nov 13, 2013
    March 18 according to Marvel.
