Marvel/Netflix Daredevil season 2.

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Mage, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. tomalak301

    tomalak301 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 2, 2003
    San Jose, CA
    Last year I decided to skip it when it came out due to lack of interest. I watched Jessica Jones and that got me to see Daredevil and ended up enjoying it. Also by the time season 2 starts, season 1 is still fresh.
  2. M.A.C.O.

    M.A.C.O. Commodore Commodore

    Sep 13, 2011
    You are correct sir. Netflix DD is primarily using Frank Miller's late 70s/early 80s run for inspiration. Miller would later go on to write TDKReturns in 1985. In 1988, Alan Moore drew inspiration from TDKReturns for his graphic novel, The Killing Joke. So you can trace the origin of ideas, and follow the pattern.

    Rewatching the trailer, it does look like they're channeling The Dark Knight for this second season. Daredevil and Batman do have a lot in common with their approaches to crime, outfits and their fatal attractions to European women (Talia and Elektra). Haha!
  3. Mr. Adventure

    Mr. Adventure Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jun 9, 2001
    Mr. Adventure
    Looks like DD might beat DC to the punch in challenging the "Batman rule". Looks like it should make for a good arc.
  4. WiredPlanet

    WiredPlanet Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Jan 7, 2016
    Looks very interesting, surprisingly dark

    Also consider how some writers from the companies crossed over, Frank Miller would be an example of one of the writers in the evolution of characters like Daredevil and Batman in the 1980's of course Daredevil had other great comic book writers and artists
  5. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    Is Talia European, outside of The Dark Knight Rises? She's the daughter of Ra's al Ghul, who's of Middle Eastern origin. Although there's apparently some ambiguity about her parentage. Batman: Son of the Demon says her mother was named Melisande, which is a European name, but Birth of the Demon says her mother was of Chinese-Arab origin and that she and Ra's met at Woodstock.
  6. M.A.C.O.

    M.A.C.O. Commodore Commodore

    Sep 13, 2011
    I always assumed that Talia and Ra's are supposed to be non-denominational. Given Ra's appearance, where he says he's from (the Arabian desert), has a Fu Manchu mustache and decorates his house (or castles) and wears robes that fit European aristocracy.

    You are right about Talia's ambiguous origins (plural). Recently they've played up Talia being more of an Arab and Asian descent, because then it would also be apart of Damian's (the current Robin wunderkind) character. People have latched on to Damian calling him "the non-white Robin, who DC racebends". Lol, it's all silly.

    I was making a joke about Bruce and Matt's relationships drama, but I should have just said foreign women.Since we can't be sure with Talia. Elektra though is Greek, for sure.
  7. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    Ra's's origin was kept vague for decades, but it was eventually established that he was born to a band of Arabian nomads.

    Although she's being played by a Cambodian-French actress. Well, if a Frenchwoman could have a Cambodian parent, there's no reason a Greek woman couldn't.
  8. M.A.C.O.

    M.A.C.O. Commodore Commodore

    Sep 13, 2011
    ^ Yeah, it's all relative I suppose. I'd take Elodie Yung over Jennifer Gardner for Elektra though. Haha

    Just saw this mash-up online, and it seems 2016 really is the year of Versus matches.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  9. tomalak301

    tomalak301 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 2, 2003
    San Jose, CA
    Batman in an iron suit still doesn't feel right to me.
  10. Destructor

    Destructor Commodore Commodore

    Feb 19, 2003
    Melbourne, VIC
    Surely a kryptonite knuckle-duster would serve as well?
  11. tomalak301

    tomalak301 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 2, 2003
    San Jose, CA
    I probably feel dumb for asking, but what?
  12. M.A.C.O.

    M.A.C.O. Commodore Commodore

    Sep 13, 2011
    Probably the steel gauntlets that Batman wears in his Bat-Armor mode. The knucles have kryptonite in them to weaken Superman and cause pain.


    Probably why this happens.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  13. tomalak301

    tomalak301 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 2, 2003
    San Jose, CA
    That makes sense. Without reading the comics no wonder I was confused ;)
  14. dahj

    dahj Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 14, 2003
    This film is partially inspired by the seminal Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns comic, where
    Batman wears a metal suit to fight Superman.
  15. Destructor

    Destructor Commodore Commodore

    Feb 19, 2003
    Melbourne, VIC
    Yeah it definitely looks like it is borrowing heavily from TDKR- which is fine with me!
  16. M.A.C.O.

    M.A.C.O. Commodore Commodore

    Sep 13, 2011
    New DD photos.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  17. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    I saw the trailer...

    "You're just one bad day away from being me."

    At which, I had an uncontrollable compulsion to swear at the TV in front of me.

    "Fuck you! No, fuck, fuuck you! FUCK YOU! Fucking fucker... FUCK YOU!"


    A very cathartic way to begin ones morning.
    Turtletrekker likes this.
  18. M.A.C.O.

    M.A.C.O. Commodore Commodore

    Sep 13, 2011
    Full body view of the DD costume.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Skywalker and Turtletrekker like this.
  19. Turtletrekker

    Turtletrekker Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2003
    Tacoma, Washington
  20. Commander Richard

    Commander Richard Yo! Man! Premium Member

    Feb 27, 2015
    The E
    ^ There should be a "Doesn't Like" button for situations like this. :p