Your annual vacation/holidays

No, it's his mother's death. Her family were from Ireland. But she personally was not terribly attached to it. She was New York Irish, and was far more attached to Brooklyn than her parents' home country.
Then I will boldly make another suggestion.. go to Ireland with him and do something cool and then YOU go to Wales and do your thing. I've known quite a few women who just gave up going places, or trying to go places with their husbands and started taking the trips they wanted with a friend or relative. Don't feel you have to miss out on what you want, nothing wrong with you doing Wales and then meeting him later for a finishing off bit.
I was going to say something similar to teacake. There is nothing wrong with solo/separate trips. We should not give up our personal dreams just because our partner doesn't have an interest.
My girflriend and I went on a birding trip to Southeastern Arizona last year. We'd like to do that again this year but we probably won't have it in our budget. So this year I think we'll just do a week in Ocean City, NJ with her family.
Hubby doesn't get much vacation but they allow personal days and unused sick days to be used. I have no benefits so any time off is unpaid.
We were for YEARS talking about a trip to Wales but now, suddenly, he announces he wants to go to Ireland. We haven't been anywhere in years and I have been dreaming of our Bucket List trip to Wales but now he only talks about going to Ireland. He even dug out his passport to get it renewed and told all his friends we were going to Ireland in the next couple of years.

We don't drink, we're atheists, he has no interest in history, architecture, hates to shop and doesn't like trying new foods. He has no idea about what he wants to see or even where to go. He also won't get an international license so renting a car is out of the question.

The mere idea of a trip Ireland used to sound thrilling but now it nearly brings me to tears. I'll never get to go on my dream trip and traveling with hubby will be a nightmare. I can only hope he eventually gives up on the idea.

Couldn't you perhaps do both, spend a bit of time in each country they are after all only a short plane or ferry ride from each other.

Edit: Sorry I see he has shot down that idea, but surely relationships are all about compromise.
I’m going with my dad. He’s been there before, I haven’t. And I'm trying to discover my German heritage.

Plus, even though my dad and I have a great relationship and we have dinner together often, we haven't really partied together...I figure the beer tents would be the best way to do that. :beer:

I hope you'll meet some celebrities.
We're going to visit my grandparents as well as my aunt and uncle down in Swabia this summer. We'll only be staying for three days or so since it's our first vacation with a toddler :)
I usually can’t afford to go anywhere. Last time I went away, it was most of a week at a Star Trek convention in New Jersey. Last Non-Trek vacation was three days at Lewes beach in Delaware.

Mostly I spend vacations puttering around the house watching/going to movies and reading, binge-watching shows, and basically doing what I do every other day but without the interruption of work. Also I sleep a LOT.

It doesn’t help that I have a fear of flying (done it three times, did not enjoy.)
^ I like staycations myself, but at some point, I need to break out of the routine once in a while. There are only so many good movies out at a time. Watching TV for me is reserved for nighttime activity and winding down. And while I enjoy shopping, I feel I have most of the stuff I need. If I could afford it, I would like to do more traveling because it helps broaden my horizons - visit places of interests, try new activities, learn about other people's cultures. Visiting Cancun last summer allowed me to do all of those.
I usually can’t afford to go anywhere. Last time I went away, it was most of a week at a Star Trek convention in New Jersey. Last Non-Trek vacation was three days at Lewes beach in Delaware.

Mostly I spend vacations puttering around the house watching/going to movies and reading, binge-watching shows, and basically doing what I do every other day but without the interruption of work. Also I sleep a LOT.

It doesn’t help that I have a fear of flying (done it three times, did not enjoy.)

I don't take flying well, too. That's why I travel to Austria via Deutsche Bahn....:)
A week in Vermont; every summer that coincides with the Perseids, at a camping/astronomy convention, one that's been around since the early 1920's.
I have a few camps already planned with Ventures and there is the Jamboree in the summer which if Mrs-Dimesdan makes a decision on if she wants to go, will need to be Garda vetted and we'll probably use that as a Summer Holiday - Although as it will involve proper tenting and not Glamping, it's unlikely she'll be joining me on that.

We also have a couple of weekend trips planned back to Blighty over the course of the year and I am hoping to try and get to Edinburgh for my Birthday in October.
There are so many places I'd like to see but we've already used up time to go back home and visit family so we are trying to ration a bit. I love living this close to so many countries.
I spent a little over a week of vacation time on the Star Trek Cruise in January. We don't have any major (a week or more) trips planned for the rest of the year, mostly short weekend trips. This weekend I am taking Friday and Monday off to visit my in-laws near the California/Oregon border (where it will be snowing, yuck). I also plan to stay in a cabin in the coastal redwoods next month, go camping in the Sierras in the summer, and possibly do an Oregon road trip in August. My husband and I also went on a weekend trip to Monterey last month. California is awesome.

Last year we did a week long road trip through Utah and Wyoming, and that was really interesting. We went to several natural history museums and Dinosaur National Monument. We've also gone to Disneyland for a few days in past years. I am really hoping to go to Disney World next February, if I can convince my husband (he's not a Disney fan like I am).

I get about 3 weeks of vacation a year, and thankfully it rolls over to the next year. For the first few years I worked here I rarely took a vacation, so I have lot of hours built up now.
My boyfriend and I were planning on a cruise for 7 days. Normally I don't take more than a week due to work.
My boyfriend and I were planning on a cruise for 7 days. Normally I don't take more than a week due to work.

I wasn't on vacation last year due to a new notebook which was expensive. This year I will travel for 12 days and I'm already looking forward to it.