You old FART!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by RobertScorpio, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. RobertScorpio

    RobertScorpio Pariah

    Jan 25, 2008
    San Diego
    Oh man..I had that JESUS CHRISTSUPER STAR 8 use to sit on the shelf next to my Richard Harris THE PROPHET 8 track tape...

  2. freak

    freak Commodore Commodore

    Nov 17, 2005
    stationed at NCIS post Voyager.
    I remember those old car phones back in the early 90's. My Dad still has one in the garage even though it doesn't work anymore!
    It's been at least 7 years since Voyager has been off the air!
    It's been more than 40 years since Trek first began!
    Getting my first computer at age 12. And it was the very first computer with MS-DOS prompt on it.
    those floppy disks..still have some!
    VCRs were really big in the 90s as well.
    my 80s TV living until it broke down in 1996-had to get a new one and couldn't get it fixed. :( Loved that frakking thing!
    Neighbors' children being about 2-4 years old when we first moved into the neighborhood and are now 18-20yrs old!
  3. trekkiedane

    trekkiedane Admiral Admiral

    Jan 12, 2005
    Getting there -but slowly.
    I don't think we had anything between the reel to reel tape recorders and the Compact Cassettes here - but then,I grew up in the CC-age my last machine died eating my first cassette; Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds!
  4. TGTheodore

    TGTheodore Writer Admiral

    Feb 9, 2003
    MGM tried a small cassette cartridge format, but the "famous" one is the one that became the standard.

    I still have the portable player and twelve of the cartridges. The player actually WAS portable with a nice built-in molded handle.

  5. sbk1234

    sbk1234 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 24, 2006
    Los Angeles
    Hey, I remember when Married With Children and The Simpsons were considered controversial.
  6. John Picard

    John Picard Vice Admiral Admiral

    I remember when All in the Family was controversial. :shifty:

    Funny story: Both Married...With Children and The Simpsons were on the verge of being canceled when, in both cases, it was some uptight religious ninny who campaigned against both shows. The efforts backfired, resulting in high ratings because people, being who they are, were curious about the uproar.
  7. ShamelessMcBundy

    ShamelessMcBundy Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 14, 2003
    Bursting through walls.
    I know that was the case for Married, but i haven't heard that for The Simpsons.
  8. Dale

    Dale Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
    Mt. Baldy, CA
    I remember when a TV show's title card would declare proudly that it was in color.

    I remember paying a quarter to play PONG, and getting our PONG home system in 1974.

    I remember when a payphone cost a dime.

    I remember returning soda bottles to the store for the deposit money. This was not what we now think of as recycling. They simply washed out the bottles and refilled them.

    I remember the first movie I ever saw: Planet of the Apes. It was at the drive-in.

    I remember watching Apollo launch after Apollo launch and being mad that none of them actually went to the moon. I also remember watching the moon landing, finally.

    I remember the Vietnam war on the news every night.

    I remember owning 8-track tapes.

    I remember when it was the height of hilarity to tape record the toilet flushing.

    I remember when manual typewriters were common.

    I remember the world before Pop-Tarts.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  9. ShamelessMcBundy

    ShamelessMcBundy Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 14, 2003
    Bursting through walls.
    There was a world before Pop-Tarts?! You lie!
  10. Dale

    Dale Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
    Mt. Baldy, CA
    And on the 8th day, God created Pop-Tarts, and they were good. Man, they were good.
  11. Kira's Mom

    Kira's Mom Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 26, 2001
    Kira's Mom is in Virginia
    Oh, yeah. That was a classic kid thing to do when I was growing up. :guffaw:
  12. RJDiogenes

    RJDiogenes Idealistic Cynic and Canon Champion Premium Member

    Jun 11, 2003
    RJDiogenes of Boston
    I remember phone booths. In fact, I remember the drugstore in Columbian Square had about four dark wood telephone booths set into the wall. I went back a couple of years ago and they were gone-- along with the lunch counter. I'd like to slap the idiot who came up with that brainstorm.
  13. John Picard

    John Picard Vice Admiral Admiral

    What about when breakfast cereal came with a prize? I'm talking about cool stuff like records, glow-in-the-dark pens, working plastic padlocks, and things like that.
  14. Dale

    Dale Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
    Mt. Baldy, CA
    The little baking soda-powered plastic submarine.
  15. sbk1234

    sbk1234 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 24, 2006
    Los Angeles
    I remember pet rocks.
  16. ShamelessMcBundy

    ShamelessMcBundy Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 14, 2003
    Bursting through walls.

    I remember that sub!!!
  17. John Picard

    John Picard Vice Admiral Admiral

    :lol: I'd forgotten about those! Never could get mine to work properly.
  18. RJDiogenes

    RJDiogenes Idealistic Cynic and Canon Champion Premium Member

    Jun 11, 2003
    RJDiogenes of Boston
    How about the little "volcano pellets" that you could get from places like Johnson-Smith? Those were fun. :rommie:
  19. Noname Given

    Noname Given Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 22, 2001
    Noname Given
    Add me to all of the above, plus:

    I remember what the phrase "It's an E Ticket ride!" means.

    I saw Star Trek; Star Trek: The Animated Series; Speed Racer (the animated series, not the recent film); The Brady Bunch; Bewitched; The Partridge Familiy; Night Gallery (with Rod Serling); The Six Million Dollar Man/Bionic Woman first run.

    I was still a year from getting my learner's permit when the original Star Wars (the 1977 version, not the 1997 bastardization) came out.
  20. Non Sync

    Non Sync Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 9, 2002
    Hiding from the NARA, I've said too much...
    I remember taking the Universal Studio Tour and they were filming for a new series Ironside.
    I remember playing Star Trek on a dot matrix paper terminal almost 10 years after the original show went off the air.

    Beloit College has been releasing their Mindset List for their faculty: