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Am I crazy for saying that TNG is the best show of ALL time of any TV show ever?

The Rock

Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain
There's just something about this show that just never gets old to me, no matter what episode (yes, even the shitty ones). I can watch any episode over and over and I still feel the same emotions I always did the first time I watched said episode. I can't tell you how many times I've seen all episodes throughout the years ever since I first watched the show as a kid back when it was actually airing in 1987.

Every time I watch The Inner Light, I FEEL the dread and sadness that that ancient civilization felt when their world was about to end.

Every time I watch The Best of Both Worlds I FEEL the emotional and physical trauma Picard endured as Locutus (that single tear that drips out of his eye while he is being assimilated is powerful stuff), as well as the PTSD he was suffering in the follow-up episode "Family."

Every time I watch Chain of Command I FEEL inspired when Picard screams out, "THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!" at the end when being released from his torment.

Every time I watch Yesterday's Enterprise I clap when Picard says, "Let's make sure history never forgets the name Enterprise."

Every time I watch Deja Q I shed a tear when Data gets to experience what it's like to laugh.

There are just so many great and iconic moments in this show that, quite frankly, no other show in history can match IMHO. It's the only show I've ever bought the complete series of on disc (Blu-ray, in this instance). Sure, I love me some Sopranos, Game of Thrones, Seinfeld, Cheers, Breaking Bad, The Twilight Zone, The Wire and OF COURSE TOS and DS9, but there's just something about TNG that no other show can hold a candle towards IMHO.
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I don't know about crazy, but I certainly disagree with any claim that any Star Trek series (even my beloved DS9) is the best show of ALL time.

Of the TV series I've seen and can readily recall, I think I might give that honor to Six Feet Under, but it's such a subjective superlative in any case; I don't really feel like there's any way to call anything the best of anything, and I haven't watched enough TV to make any sort of objective analysis in any case. If you like it, awesome, but why imply that everything else is somehow inferior, or that anyone who disagrees with you is missing something you see?

But, FWIW, here's Variety's take on the question as of last year: https://variety.com/lists/greatest-tv-shows-of-all-time/. TNG does place at #44 out of 100, and it's the only Trek installment on the list...but hey, they rate it higher than SFU, so there you go.
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Oh, I swear I did not mean to imply that at all and I apologize if it came across that way! :beer:
You didn't, but sometimes people do, which is one of the reasons why I twitch when I see phrases like "best of all time". I think DS9 was the best Trek series of all time (so far), but I'm not going to debate on the matter, particularly not with people I don't know, because I don't see how there's anything to gain from that kind of debate.
There's just something about this show that just never gets old to me, no matter what episode (yes, even the shitty ones). I can watch any episode over and over and I still feel the same emotions I always did the first time I watched said episode. I can't tell you how many times I've seen all episodes throughout the years ever since I first watched the show as a kid back when it was actually airing in 1987.

Every time I watch The Inner Light, I FEEL the dread and sadness that that ancient civilization felt when their world was about to end.

Every time I watch The Best of Both Worlds I FEEL the emotional and physical trauma Picard endured as Locutus (that single tear that drips out of his eye while he is being assimilated is powerful stuff), as well as the PTSD he was suffering in the follow-up episode "Family."

Every time I watch Chain of Command I FEEL inspired when Picard screams out, "THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!" at the end when being released from his torment.

Every time I watch Yesterday's Enterprise I clap when Picard says, "Let's make sure history never forgets the name Enterprise."

Every time I watch Deja Q I shed a tear when Data gets to experience what it's like to laugh.

There are just so many great and iconic moments in this show that, quite frankly, no other show in history can match IMHO. It's the only show I've ever bought the complete series of on disc (Blu-ray, in this instance). Sure, I love me some Sopranos, Game of Thrones, Seinfeld, Cheers, Breaking Bad, The Twilight Zone, The Wire and OF COURSE TOS and DS9, but there's just something about TNG that no other show can hold a candle towards IMHO.
No, you're not crazy!

If you really like something, then you do it!
And it's nothing wrong with that!

Even if I don't have exactly the same feelings for TNG as you have, although I really like it too, I clearly recognize some of the feelings you describe. There are a lot of such feelings for me in TNG and in DS9, VOY and TOS too.

And there are episodes you can watch over and over again and never get tired of them.

If you have those feelings for TNG as you describe, then just roll with it!

So don't worry, be happy and enjoy the show! :techman:
For me Star Trek: The Next Generation was the absolute pinnacle of television... up until around 1995, when Babylon 5 started to steal my heart away. After that point TNG became a top 10 favourite, and then a top 20, and I reckon it's probably stayed around there. That's not bad at all considering how many hundreds of series I've seen since then.
And all this time, I'd thought that the following is the true peak pinnacle of perfect sci-fi:



But in seriousness, TNG is excellent sci-fi/fantasy drama. So is TOS (which is definitely more sci-fi/fantasy adventure). But neither is perfect, and is there really such a thing as "best" (much less "perfect")?
For me Star Trek: The Next Generation was the absolute pinnacle of television... up until around 1995, when Babylon 5 started to steal my heart away. After that point TNG became a top 10 favourite, and then a top 20, and I reckon it's probably stayed around there. That's not bad at all considering how many hundreds of series I've seen since then.

Like you, I've seen more show than my ex has seen as many times the-- Oh wait, what were we talking about again? Oh yes, it's how to make the optimal homemade sherbert using Metamucil as the orange flavoring! 🤤😋 Well, that and how B5 was pretty novel for the time as well. The DS9/B5 debate was rubbish as well since there's already precedent - ask any fans of Samantha and Jeannie, or the Addams vs the Munsters. Sitcoms or sci-fi or any genre, they're all tropes. It's how they're used and they all did it quite well.
Well, I like TOS and DS9 better than TNG but generally I actually agree Star Trek is the best show that was ever made.
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