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Would remaking TOS episodes make you upset?

I'd love to see certain classics remade. However, I don't think the current writers are courageous or talented enough to do it right, nor do I believe the fanbase adult enough to cope with the concept of a remade story.
If putting up with bad remakes makes someone an adult, then I shall be immortal.
I think remakes can definitely be worthwhile and even potentially outshine the original, though its rare to find examples of that. My favourite remake is Battlestar Galactica, my second favourite remake is... I have no bloody clue. A Fistful of Dollars maybe? I'm genuinely struggling to come up with remakes I've enjoyed. That Jim Carrey Fun with Dick and Jane remake in 2005 was watchable, so there's one. IMDb tells me that True Lies was a remake, so add that to the list I guess. Oh and Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a remake of The Changeling.

Things like Romeo and Juliet and Batman are closer to being adaptations, even if the only thing Batman keeps adapting is that bloody scene in Crime Alley with the his mother's pearls falling to the ground. I'm glad we're not getting that in James Gunn's new DC universe because we don't need to continually revisit the same part of the story in new movies when all the other adaptations still exist and there's so much more there to adapt.

I've certainly got other reasons why I don't want to see TOS in particular being remade, but I'm not all that eager to see anything being remade. Experience has taught me that most of the time it's better just to watch the original.
But remakes take nothing from the original.

I don't watch a remake to experience the original. I watch the remake to see an artist out their spin on a familiar story.

Ben Hur with Charlton Heston is different than a recent remake. I enjoy both. Lord of the Rings was animated before we got Peter Jackson's version.

I never understood the objection to a remake.
Sequels are more interesting than remakes for me.
New stories are even better.
But somehow I understand the makers of Star Trek.
F.e. Spock brings viewers and money, so they bring him up again and again.
This can get boring though, now we had already 3 actors playing Spock...even when all 3 played him well.
I think remakes can definitely be worthwhile and even potentially outshine the original, though its rare to find examples of that. My favourite remake is Battlestar Galactica, my second favourite remake is... I have no bloody clue. A Fistful of Dollars maybe? I'm genuinely struggling to come up with remakes I've enjoyed. That Jim Carrey Fun with Dick and Jane remake in 2005 was watchable, so there's one. IMDb tells me that True Lies was a remake, so add that to the list I guess. Oh and Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a remake of The Changeling.

Things like Romeo and Juliet and Batman are closer to being adaptations, even if the only thing Batman keeps adapting is that bloody scene in Crime Alley with the his mother's pearls falling to the ground. I'm glad we're not getting that in James Gunn's new DC universe because we don't need to continually revisit the same part of the story in new movies when all the other adaptations still exist and there's so much more there to adapt.

I've certainly got other reasons why I don't want to see TOS in particular being remade, but I'm not all that eager to see anything being remade. Experience has taught me that most of the time it's better just to watch the original.
Have you ever seen Ocean's Eleven? It's a remake of a movie from the sixties but much more famous than its inspiration.

Anyway, I don't want a reboot of Trek.
I've never seen Ocean's Eleven, but everything I've heard makes it seem like it belongs on a 'good remakes' list. I have seen The Italian Job's remake and that is basically an entirely different story so I wouldn't put that on any list (though IMDb likes it a lot more than I did). Wizard of Oz is an adaptation, so I'm disqualifying that as well (and I don't even know what you'd call Wicked).

Looking at the list, Dune was a book, Invisible Man was a book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Pride & Prejudice, The Woman In Black, It, Little Women etc. were all books. Dredd is not a remake of Judge Dredd, the new Jumanji is not a remake of the old one (also both of these are based on books). Plus there are a surprising amount of live action Disney remakes, which are usually based on fairy tales (and I hear that the animated films are always superior).

Granted I'm the one drawing a distinction between remakes and adaptations, maybe others see it differently, but I think history has shown that while taking a live-action story and turning it into a live-action story can work, they're better off using it for inspiration and doing their own thing. Like with that Italian Job movie I didn't like!
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Granted I'm the one drawing a distinction between remakes and adaptations, maybe other see it differently
I do because rarely are the books one to one adaptations. So I take remakes as adaptations.
Plus there are a surprising amount of live action Disney remakes, which are usually based on fairy tales (and I hear that the animated films are always superior).
Depends on the tale.
Late to this discussion so I'm not sure if this has been said: remake TOS episodes with the eventual new cast? Probably not. Follow up on them (a la "Among the Lotus Eaters") -- absolutely! Also, fill in the post TOS S3 years. I'd be up for that too. Maybe a glimpse of the future where the five year mission ends, Kirk is promoted, Spock leaves to pursue Kholinar, Bones goes off to be a disco-hermit doc, etc... (kinda like the old Marvel annuals from the 80s).
I wouldn’t be upset as the original episodes will always still exist but I would be disappointed and bored.

Late to this discussion so I'm not sure if this has been said: remake TOS episodes with the eventual new cast? Probably not. Follow up on them (a la "Among the Lotus Eaters") -- absolutely! Also, fill in the post TOS S3 years. I'd be up for that too. Maybe a glimpse of the future where the five year mission ends, Kirk is promoted, Spock leaves to pursue Kholinar, Bones goes off to be a disco-hermit doc, etc... (kinda like the old Marvel annuals from the 80s).
Agree, once all the TOS crew equivalents have been added, I’d love to see them do a time jump to the lost years/Phase II period after the third season of TOS. We can finally find out what made the crew go their separate ways. What made Chapel go to medschool? Add Xon to the crew?

They’d have to work something out with Pike though. Maybe Spock can still communicate with him from time to time?
  • Like it or not, some people really have issue with the dated VFX of TOS episodes, and cannot watch them in their entirety. There's lots of fantastic TOS episodes which would be absolute bangers with higher production values (The Doomsday Machine is one that sticks out to me)

If we take this as a specific example, why not just redo the VFX (not by the PS2 effect standards of the 2000s remasters) instead of remaking the episode? The thing this fails to consider is what you lose from not having Shatner, William Windom and everything else specific to the people and time period of The Doomsday Machine that made it great. Simply because the machine looks like paper mache doesn't seem like good reason to remake it, if anything the opposite. I mean there is no way in hell any modern remake would compete with the original dramatically, none at all.

The better argument would probably be to remake bad TOS episodes. Not that I want that either! :)
The whole story of the Doomsday Machine would be much more interesting than a remake of the old known story imo.
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