Will Sam Beckett Return Home? NBC Orders Quantum Leap Reboot Pilot

They also should have trusted the original's premise more, it succeeded because of the great chemistry Sam and Al had and because we really got to know the people Sam met each episode, it made helping them and fixing things the major part of the story. The new show cut away to the present every 5 minutes doing some science/tech/conspiracy/government stuff and none of it was necessary. They paid lip service to the original show but completely missed the point.


Well said and exactly what bothered me the most about the new QL.
Damn. This is the first revival that actually felt like it was connected to the original show, that actually paid its respect, and didn't just reimagine everything and ignore what came before.

Hardly the first. There have been plenty of revivals that were direct continuations of older shows, at least as far back as the 1967 revival of Dragnet. And surely Star Trek: The Animated Series, TNG, etc. would count, as would the 1996 and 2005 Doctor Who revivals. It's not that uncommon.

That it was connected to the original was its biggest weakness, what's the point without Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell (RIP)? It should have been a straight up reboot if they couldn't get Bakula.

I wouldn't go that far. There were some things that bugged me, like changing the rules of Leaping to remove the Waiting Room and replacing the sentient Ziggy with a mindless, impersonal computer, but I generally liked the ways they made use of the lore and history to inform the new series, particularly Magic's perspective as someone who'd been Leaped into by Sam and had been affected by it ever since.

They also should have trusted the original's premise more, it succeeded because of the great chemistry Sam and Al had and because we really got to know the people Sam met each episode, it made helping them and fixing things the major part of the story. The new show cut away to the present every 5 minutes doing some science/tech/conspiracy/government stuff and none of it was necessary. They paid lip service to the original show but completely missed the point.

I'd say "completely" was an overstatement. I do wish they'd had more faith in the episodic, pseudo-anthology format of the original and not felt so much need to conform to the modern fashion of serial season arcs, but I liked the supporting cast, and I liked getting to see what was going on back at the Project during a Leap. That was a feature I liked about Ashley McConnell's novels based on the original series, even though she took some liberties with the continuity and premise.
Hardly the first. There have been plenty of revivals that were direct continuations of older shows, at least as far back as the 1967 revival of Dragnet. And surely Star Trek: The Animated Series, TNG, etc. would count, as would the 1996 and 2005 Doctor Who revivals. It's not that uncommon.

I wouldn't go that far. There were some things that bugged me, like changing the rules of Leaping to remove the Waiting Room and replacing the sentient Ziggy with a mindless, impersonal computer, but I generally liked the ways they made use of the lore and history to inform the new series, particularly Magic's perspective as someone who'd been Leaped into by Sam and had been affected by it ever since.

I'd say "completely" was an overstatement. I do wish they'd had more faith in the episodic, pseudo-anthology format of the original and not felt so much need to conform to the modern fashion of serial season arcs, but I liked the supporting cast, and I liked getting to see what was going on back at the Project during a Leap. That was a feature I liked about Ashley McConnell's novels based on the original series, even though she took some liberties with the continuity and premise.

I was generalizing, in specific the modern day reboot/revivial craze that has produced almost nothing that I have enjoyed or felt respected the originals. You are quite right about things of the past.

I had some of the same issues at first, but handwaved it with new/rebuilt tech that works differently, since Sam is gone. Sam/Al and their existence still informed much of the revivials plot and characterization, between Al's ex and daughter, Magic, etc.
Damn. The cancellation means we won't get to see a leap where Ben and Addison materialize and see each other and run and embrace only for Ian or Jenn to appear as the hologram and frantically start yelling "NO! You are in a brother and sister!"

I still think they missed an opportunity to explore how Hannah would've reacted if she'd encountered Ben when he was in a female body.
Or it could've been a serious and thoughtful story where she was forced to confront a prejudice she took for granted. Even someone as smart and enlightened as Hannah would probably still have some preconceptions that we'd find backward in retrospect.

Very good point..... But I was going for humour, the old show did that when Sam was in these kind of situations.
Didn't he at one point (maybe last season) say that Addison 'was his home'? So he kinda is home now though? :)

Whose to say they will keep leaping together though. Once they finish that one leap we saw at the end he could find himself a Dentist in small town Iowa in 1985 while Addison is a Military General helping fight World War II in 1943.
Invest a lot of money in a finale streaming movie that can lure Scott Bakula back for a final appearance as Sam Beckett helps Ben get home and in the process himself. A pie-in-the-sky wish to be certain but at least the original had some closure.
I know. That is why I don't think we will ever see him do QL again. I mean I guess if maybe he was given some of the control over the show much like Stewart was to get him to come back for "Picard" I could maybe see him return to do a QL show or movie but I am not sure.
Bakula wants to do it - he's just not going to be a background / guest character in his own show. They already pissed him off, and he told them to kick rocks. A movie where he saves Ben and Addy might give him enough material to work with.