Will Sam Beckett Return Home? NBC Orders Quantum Leap Reboot Pilot


And that "flood" was sooooo weak. ... not just where they went to "safety" -- but was it even a foot deep???

They should've made it a joke where Ben overreacted instead of trying to make the Universal Studios tour flash flood appear serious.
Spoilers for the final 3 episodes of season 2

2.11 - The Outsider
An anonymous source sends Ben and an experienced local Denver TV journalist on the trail of a dangerous conspiracy as they pursue the scoop of a lifetime in the early '80s. There's trouble at HQ when Ian's past decisions come back to haunt the team.

2.12 + 2.13 - either a 2 hour finale or simply back to back episodes

2.12: - As the World Burns
Ben leaps into the body of a Baltimore firefighter in 1974 and is unexpectedly reunited with his time-crossed love, Hannah, and her son, Jeffrey. Trapped in a towering inferno, Ben must find a way to repair their troubled relationship and save their lives before it's too late.

2.13 - Against Time
Ben lands in a speeding stock car in 1976, but a threat from the future could sabotage the leap.
Hi all. I've been diligently watching season 2. I like it, including things that I initially didn't think I would. Any, I'm still confused about the whole "Rachel's boss" thing. So I know what Ian did with regards to the quantum processor and I know what they and Jen did earlier in the season to try to deal with some of the fallout there. But where I'm stuck is:
1. Why is everyone seemingly scared of Rachel's boss?
2. How did he just walk/waltz into PQL HQ? Seems like even if it is a covert site there would be security measures in place.
2. How did he just walk/waltz into PQL HQ? Seems like even if it is a covert site there would be security measures in place.

Probably said "do you know who I am?" and flashed a ID badge.

Threats to have the soldier on duty transferred to the most remote base in deepest darkest Alaska might also have been made :)
TV shortcut. Anyone can enter anyplace at anytime. Like how Clark can always walk in to Lex's heavily guarded mansion that has no guards.
Very interesting. Sorry I missed that. I could see the different name being something like one is his middle name or something like that. I really enjoy the present day stories. It's different than the original series. But if you're going to include the Magic character as a link to the original and have someone like Ernie Hudson play it, I'm glad they're making it real and integrating it into the leap stories instead of the characters mainly just being passing references like Al constantly says "Gushy center me on ...." but we rarely saw Gushy. So for my part I do like the present day/leap angles of the stories and how they intertwine.
I'm glad they're making it real and integrating it into the leap stories instead of the characters mainly just being passing references like Al constantly says "Gushy center me on ...." but we rarely saw Gushy. So for my part I do like the present day/leap angles of the stories and how they intertwine.

Gushy with the very bad breath :)

Then there was Tina who as Al's on-again/off-again love interest and Ziggy's programmer and Dr Vebeena Beeks who got a number of mentions and a couple of appearances.
That's a spy place. Secret US restricted area... You can shoot people, unauthorized people invading their space, or arrest them and send them to jail or black bag them and send them to a black site, or Magic can.

Magic seems like a nice grand dad, but like most Grand dads he killed a lot of people in the war, but unlike most grand dads, when he got home state side, he joined the CIA and kept killing people that his superiors in the CIA told him to kill to make sure the nuclear war doesn't happen.

Just stab him in the throat Ian, nothing you do in that building counts, unlike some presidents, you have absolute immunity.

What you are doing on a normal day with the accelerator is committing genocide on an unthought of level by restructuring time where new billions of different people are never born again every time you try to save Ben from his own foolish bullshit.

You're fine with murdering a hundred billion babies by moving time around in the 19th century, but one guy violating your nest, one fuc*ing nerd is too much for you?

"Ben, there's this guy being a problem, for us, can you kill his parents please? Thank you."

But then you've paradoxed yourself, and you never get that chip you needed, although you are paradox proof, and Project Quantum leap's personal timelines remain consistent, even if history reflects that none of that shit never happened.
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And so Doctor Song finds himself leaping from life to life, striving to put right what once went wrong, and hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap away from the Universal Studios backlot…
Spoilers for the final 3 episodes of season 2

2.11 - The Outsider
An anonymous source sends Ben and an experienced local Denver TV journalist on the trail of a dangerous conspiracy as they pursue the scoop of a lifetime in the early '80s. There's trouble at HQ when Ian's past decisions come back to haunt the team.

2.12 + 2.13 - either a 2 hour finale or simply back to back episodes

2.12: - As the World Burns
Ben leaps into the body of a Baltimore firefighter in 1974 and is unexpectedly reunited with his time-crossed love, Hannah, and her son, Jeffrey. Trapped in a towering inferno, Ben must find a way to repair their troubled relationship and save their lives before it's too late.
I wonder if this is the reveal that Gideon is really Jeffrey? And sees the benefit of Quantum Leap? ANd maybe even a surprise visit from Old Hannah??? For the next episode -- supposedly set up to be either a series or season finale... because of the strike, it seems like a planned season was cut short. Hopefully these episodes won't make it feel like that.
2.13 - Against Time
Ben lands in a speeding stock car in 1976, but a threat from the future could sabotage the leap.

Hi all. I've been diligently watching season 2. I like it, including things that I initially didn't think I would. Any, I'm still confused about the whole "Rachel's boss" thing. So I know what Ian did with regards to the quantum processor and I know what they and Jen did earlier in the season to try to deal with some of the fallout there. But where I'm stuck is:
1. Why is everyone seemingly scared of Rachel's boss?
2. How did he just walk/waltz into PQL HQ? Seems like even if it is a covert site there would be security measures in place.

1. Is it everyone, or just Jenn, Ian and Rachel, who have specific reasons to be afraid? For the last scene, everyone else would of course be extremely confused.

2. If an accident happened on a military plane instead of the 737 , wouldn't the CEO still be going to the workplace to do some kind of personal inspection to see what was going on? If he is tracking info, he certainly would get suspicious when info stopped showing up.... which makes me wonder who Ian would think that the plan would last very long?


Any word or speculation as to renewal???
Saw last nights "reporter" episode.

liked the leap story, even if I've seen plenty of samey story arcs in the past.

the reporter actress seemed very familiar, but can't put a name/character/series/movie to her face currently.
fast forwarded the present day and read a short recap of that.
is gone... (from this show)

Now it is the 2 episode-season-maybe-series-finale left.
QL hasn't been renewed, no wispers I've come across.

I'd be very sad to loose out on Ben/Leap part, if it won't get renewed, but won't shed a tear for the other unfortunate half of the show.
The treasure hunt episode was okay -- a bit convoluted, but that's kind of the nature of the genre of treasure hunt stories, I guess. It bugged me that they were so cavalier about the lawyer dying in the cave-in. They really should've gone to the police about that.

Also, the show really needs to work harder on avoiding anachronisms. Nobody in 1953 would've understood "You look badass" as a positive. The earliest verified use of the word is from 1955, so it was probably around a bit earlier, but at the time, it was used in a negative, insulting sense.

When Ian and Jen were talking about how it could take years to decipher the code to bring Ben back, it occurred to me that Ben could pass the code to Hannah in the past and she could do the calculations, so they'd be able to bring Ben home at the end of the season. I'm not sure how safe that would be for the timeline, though.
Saw last nights "reporter" episode.

liked the leap story, even if I've seen plenty of samey story arcs in the past.

the reporter actress seemed very familiar, but can't put a name/character/series/movie to her face currently.
fast forwarded the present day and read a short recap of that.
is gone... (from this show)

Now it is the 2 episode-season-maybe-series-finale left.
QL hasn't been renewed, no wispers I've come across.

I'd be very sad to loose out on Ben/Leap part, if it won't get renewed, but won't shed a tear for the other unfortunate half of the show .

I wonder if they chose Magic because of filming/PR for Ghostbusters? And i wonder if it was temporary? Really NOT feeling Tom as a character... James Frain is far more interesting and he only had like 4 minutes of screen time.

But wow.... hope they find out ASAP... so we can have a decent ending, if it is completely ending.

The treasure hunt episode was okay -- a bit convoluted, but that's kind of the nature of the genre of treasure hunt stories, I guess. It bugged me that they were so cavalier about the lawyer dying in the cave-in. They really should've gone to the police about that.
First, it would be MEXICAN police, so this would be come an international incident. Also, i forget...did the cave in block the bodies? If not... they might be counting on no one discovering it for years. And if they did, it might be associated with the previous dead body they found earlier.
Also, the show really needs to work harder on avoiding anachronisms. Nobody in 1953 would've understood "You look badass" as a positive. The earliest verified use of the word is from 1955, so it was probably around a bit earlier, but at the time, it was used in a negative, insulting sense.
Yeah, i actually agree... at least they could have used the excuse of "That's what they are saying at FInishing school"
When Ian and Jen were talking about how it could take years to decipher the code to bring Ben back, it occurred to me that Ben could pass the code to Hannah in the past and she could do the calculations, so they'd be able to bring Ben home at the end of the season. I'm not sure how safe that would be for the timeline, though.

i dunno....we shall see at the season finale? But i kinda doubt they would go there unless they were absolutely ending the show
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Thought I hit Post on this earlier but I got distracted and didn't. For my part I enjoyed this week's episode. I had a feeling Magic would do what he did. His character has that strong sense of responsibility and ownership of what happens on his watch. As I think about how the present day thread could go I've got a few ideas:
1. Could they do a Dallas wrap up (OK, you have to be a certain age for that one) where the entire season gets reset because Ben changes history for Gideon, so all of that doesn't happen? I put low odds on this one. It could get too paradoxical and I can't recall the show getting terribly into that territory now or in the original. Though, the leap thread in that episode goes close to there. By stopping the pesticide/herbicide product from going to market they say that all of these people no longer get sick. That one feels like it could have significant ripples down stream in the timeline.
2. Maybe Gideon (aka Jeffrey????) really just wants to see his mom again and knows where Ben's next leaps will take him in crossing paths with Hannah and he wants to influence a specific leap.
3. My personal desire is to have a resolution that
A. Explains the three year gap
B. Does a reset for the present day team where Ian doesn't have to do the whole Gideon intrigue thing and Magic doesn't do his thing and the PQL home team is in tact.
C. The mystery code doesn't bring Ben home now but sets them on a path to perhaps control/influence the leaps and eventually bring Ben and (dare to dream) Sam home.​
Thought I hit Post on this earlier but I got distracted and didn't. For my part I enjoyed this week's episode. I had a feeling Magic would do what he did. His character has that strong sense of responsibility and ownership of what happens on his watch. As I think about how the present day thread could go I've got a few ideas:
1. Could they do a Dallas wrap up (OK, you have to be a certain age for that one) where the entire season gets reset because Ben changes history for Gideon, so all of that doesn't happen? I put low odds on this one. It could get too paradoxical and I can't recall the show getting terribly into that territory now or in the original. Though, the leap thread in that episode goes close to there. By stopping the pesticide/herbicide product from going to market they say that all of these people no longer get sick. That one feels like it could have significant ripples down stream in the timeline.
2. Maybe Gideon (aka Jeffrey????) really just wants to see his mom again and knows where Ben's next leaps will take him in crossing paths with Hannah and he wants to influence a specific leap.
3. My personal desire is to have a resolution that
A. Explains the three year gap
B. Does a reset for the present day team where Ian doesn't have to do the whole Gideon intrigue thing and Magic doesn't do his thing and the PQL home team is in tact.
C. The mystery code doesn't bring Ben home now but sets them on a path to perhaps control/influence the leaps and eventually bring Ben and (dare to dream) Sam home.​

There does seem to be a lack of 'massive fall-out/butterfly effect' to the amount of lives Ben alters... Especially when you consider unlike the original series we see A LOT MORE of the present and have more of a cast of characters in the present to see potential fall-out.

It came up before when Ben's actions when he leaped into the ship that Addison's Father served on and helped to save like 170 sailors who died on a submarine in their timeline.

Now this change may save the lives the thousands and alter the fates of many more.

Of course the whole 'higher power/intelligence' behind the leaps in Quantum Leap is also a likely contender for why the 'Butterfly Effect' doesn't really play out as significantly as one might think it would.
Watching in 'real-time' for the first time in awhile and spoiler for the penultimate episode about the fire
I think Jeffrey overheard Ben giving Hannah possible stock tips. I wonder if he is Gideon and that's how he got wealthy.

Ok so spoilers for the FINALE
Well it did play out that way. I kinda feel like the predestination loop stuff for QL is a bit different than what it's done in the past so not sure how I feel about it.

It was pretty obvious a 'reset' was gonna happen and save Jenn.

The ending was surprising though. I didn't see 'twin leapers' happening with both Addison and Ben leaping together.
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That ending certainly sets up an interesting new direction for a potential third season, if we do indeed get one. Which I'm even more interested in seeing now, to see how this new dynamic plays out.

The obvious question though is if both Ben and Addison are now leaping, who becomes the hologram?
Really loved the season finale. I thought it wrapped up the Hannah plot very nicely. Very interesting how the series has avoided the Butterfly Effect topic and in the finale it becomes rather critical. Really hoping for a Season 3. So many questions I want to as but it's right after the finale aired so I'll give folks time to catch up.