Spoilers Who was right? Picard or Riker? (episode 3 spoilers)

What should they have done? Ran or fought?

  • Picard (we have to make a stand against them)

    Votes: 12 28.6%
  • Riker (we have to escape them)

    Votes: 30 71.4%

  • Total voters


Vice Admiral
So in episode 3 Picard keeps telling Riker that he has to stand his ground, turn around and fight. Riker though feels the ship is no match for the Shrike and it's better to run. They both ultimately fail. Riker is unable to escape and Picard's plan also backfires because of the portal weapon. So who was wrong and who was right? Yes, Picard's plan failed but he had no idea the portal weapon could be used in such a way. Riker continuing to try and escape might have led to the same results too.
I think they're both wrong. They're in, as the next episode shows, a "No Win Scenario".

Of course, there are no no-win scenarios in Star Trek! So there will be outside intervention in the form of a very angry Commodore LaForge, showing up to emphasize the theme of parenthood, protecting your children versus letting them go into the world, etc.
So in episode 3 Picard keeps telling Riker that he has to stand his ground, turn around and fight. Riker though feels the ship is no match for the Shrike and it's better to run. They both ultimately fail. Riker is unable to escape and Picard's plan also backfires because of the portal weapon. So who was wrong and who was right? Yes, Picard's plan failed but he had no idea the portal weapon could be used in such a way. Riker continuing to try and escape might have led to the same results too.
Neither. This was your classic "No Win" scenario given the technology Captain Vadic has arrayed against them.
Assuming that Will is not a changeling, they’re both wrong. The lack of trust in one another is actually quite disappointing to witness. And I really hope it’s for better reasoning than Beverley gave Jean Luc about his son.
They should've used the Holdo maneuver. Vadic would've been forced to use the portal weapon to send the Titan even farther away to avoid collision, and at that point the Titan should've run befoe Vadic can recharge her portal weapon.
Captain Riker was right and they would have got away had they put a security team on the engines. But Riker was out of line at the end as it was ultimately his decision to launch the torpedoes - although he was probably a bit stressed when he told Picard to bugger off.
Finding the changeling should've been the highest priority. No Changeling has ever harmed another. That means that Vadic's not going to kill them as long as the Changeling is there, and if the Changeling has a way of escape that needs to be found as well. That's what they should've done. If they lock down the Changeling's avenues of escape, they can guarantee their safety for the time being.
As the ship couldn't face off against the Shrike, Run is the only option unless an oportunity presented itself.
Now if it was me, i'd hit full impulse and make her use the portal gun till it blew a breaker, keep on flying.

Or just do z minus 2000 meters..
My only real problem with "Seventeen Seconds" is that I just don't believe this conflict between Will and Jean-Luc is consistent with their personalities or their relationship. Jean-Luc comes across as way too willing to use force and unwilling to accept the tactical weaknesses of the Titan relative to the Shrike, and Will's whole "you've doomed us all, get off the bridge" thing is just not how I could ever believed he'd react. Plus, it's Will dodging responsibility for his choice to accept Jean-Luc's advice.
My only real problem with "Seventeen Seconds" is that I just don't believe this conflict between Will and Jean-Luc is consistent with their personalities or their relationship. Jean-Luc comes across as way too willing to use force and unwilling to accept the tactical weaknesses of the Titan relative to the Shrike, and Will's whole "you've doomed us all, get off the bridge" thing is just not how I could ever believed he'd react. Plus, it's Will dodging responsibility for his choice to accept Jean-Luc's advice.
Picard is emotionally compromised.
Picard was right, Riker even said so from a tactical point of view that he was right. Riker was more concerned with the lives of the crew.

But they were both foolish in underestimating the weaponry of the shrike and its defensive capabilities on top of it. I also think they were too focused on the game of cat and mouse to look at the bigger picture of how the shrike kept finding them. The right choice, knowing everything, would have been to continue to attempt to evade the shrike while trying to find how they keep tracking them and then attempt an escape. Or sit around in the nebula and hope Starfleet sends someone.

But that's hindsight for you. Who the fuck could have expected a changeling on board actively sabotaging the vessel?
I think there might have been some ego involved as well. Picard may have struggled being the subordinate to Riker's Captain. It was a stra
Savik in TWOK said that shields and sensors are useless in a nebula. I don't recall anyone mentioning anything about the Shrike's shields among the Titan crew. But if it was generally understood the bad guys had no shields then there is a good argument that Picard is right and they should have fought. The nebula had an equalising effect. This possibly harks bark to Shelby taunting Riker about playing it safe in BOBW. It's possible that Riker was an exceptional XO but maybe he wasn't a great Captain (we don't know for sure - we never got a Titan show).

I didn't like the fight between Riker and Picard at all but I completely overlooked the shields issue. If there were no shields then Picard's behaviour makes a lot more sense. Picard's plan to set a trap and attack the Shrike was the best strategy in my opinion.