Spoilers Where should Star Trek go next?

Well lets look at the situation. 1st Picard ended with a great season. If they do a spin off great yet that depends its a good crew and the TNG characters could guest now and them as a certain Ensign gets a visit from his Admiral Mom and Dad .
Prodigy sadly I feel it was a cross between a Young Voyager crew and an animated Academy idea. I am sorry kids would rather choose something else. And Discovery suppose to end and they held it back until next year IF they doing a new series then it was suggested that Disco would make way fro Section 31 yet its more likely the Academy series .

I agree Strange New Worlds is now the flagship show and Lower decks will be all we have the rest of the year unlike 2022 when we had the year of trek wow was they fun 5 series in on year. that probably will not happen again. I do think they be a new series out next year what it is is up to Paramount

I think spinning off Picard is the best option because we can get a follow up to DS9 era Trek
Given the cast and many wanting jeri back on TV I say so.

Yeah and I want to see what happened to all the species affected by the dominion war. Much as I like how ENT and later Treks expanded on Andorians and Tellarites, I wanna see the 90s aliens come back. They've been neglected for too long
Not just the species involved…did any of the Maquis crew on Voyager ever try to get revenge on the Dominion, or the Cardassian for their friends and family being wiped out by them? Did the remaining Equinox crew join in, as they likely lost friend in the Dominion War too?

There are lots of interesting questions to answer.
Not just the species involved…did any of the Maquis crew on Voyager ever try to get revenge on the Dominion, or the Cardassian for their friends and family being wiped out by them? Did the remaining Equinox crew join in, as they likely lost friend in the Dominion War too?

There are lots of interesting questions to answer.

Yeah, and maybe the Federation isn't viewed in as positive of a light anymore
My personal ideal would be keep SNW as the "base" series - but expand the 24th Century with Legacy as a series and keep LD and Prodigy. Ditch Academy to save money if needed. Thats my personal ideal in the present situation (though I am happy to be convinced by Academy).

What I think will actually happen is that SNW will stay for 4-5 seasons - but I have a feeling with the strikes and cost-savings the episode count might drop and we will end up with a miniseries/mini-season to wrap it up. LD will stick around to finish up it's run at about 5 seasons depending on how much it costs, and S2 of Prodigy is all we will get (airing... somewhere...).

I then expect formats different to the current weekly series ones will move in - mini-series', and one-off movies. I have a feeling that Legacy is gonna end up as a TV movie somewhere in the chain after S31 (if S31 actually happens). Once SNW ends - I really hope another weekly live-action series takes its place, but I'm feeling pessimistic. Having one ongoing weekly live action series and then one-off movies/mini series sort of dotted around it plus animation wouldn't be so bad.
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I have a feeling that Legacy is gonna end up as a TV movie somewhere in the chain

Legacy might become a tv movie. But as a series, how this for a format?

- 8 episodes per season. Down from 10 episodes, but each episode is a full 60 minutes. Like its being aired on Apple TV+.

- 4 two-parters per season. Meaning planet-of-the-week, threat-of-the-week, romance-of-the-week etc, stories will be resolved in two episodes instead of one episode. Which might create some worthy tv movies in the process.

- Maybe rated R, to capture the vibe of DIS S1 and PIC S1.