Spoilers Where should Star Trek go next?

You know what? Fuck the federation. I wanna see a trek show about the dark side of the galaxy. Not section 31(michelle yeoh cant act for shit. The oscars dont mean shit).

I want a show about a crew who are criminals wanted by the federation. Their ship should be a stolen starfleet ship, but that's just one of the many reasons why they're wanted. And they have to not only survive being hunted by the federation. But they have to navigate the criminal underworld. Make friends in the right places. To stay alive. They know that their names can never be cleared. So they take no prisoners. Especially not star fleet. Completely episodic format. No serialized story. Just the recurring theme of survival. I'd love for more criminal underworld stories. Like in picard s3 with worf and rafi.

This is like saying “I want a James Bond movie, but not about a British spy, no MI6, no ridiculously complicated villain and no world-domination, and certainly no espionage or action stuff” or like saying “I want a new 24 series, but not with Jack Bauer, no counter-terrorist stuff, and fuck that real time ticking clock bullshit”

What you want isn’t Star Trek.
This is like saying “I want a James Bond movie, but not about a British spy, no MI6, no ridiculously complicated villain and no world-domination, and certainly no espionage or action stuff” or like saying “I want a new 24 series, but not with Jack Bauer, no counter-terrorist stuff, and fuck that real time ticking clock bullshit”

What you want isn’t Star Trek.
Sounds good to me. They could make an older Wai Lin movie instead. Because Michelle Yeoh is fucking awesome.
This is like saying “I want a James Bond movie, but not about a British spy, no MI6, no ridiculously complicated villain and no world-domination, and certainly no espionage or action stuff” or like saying “I want a new 24 series, but not with Jack Bauer, no counter-terrorist stuff, and fuck that real time ticking clock bullshit”
I want a companion series to standard trek. But something that explores the other side of the galaxy. The criminal underworld. One of my favorite parts of picard season 3, was worf and rafi on that world of criminals. It felt very fresh and original. I wanna see more of that. I want to explore more of that.

What you want isn’t Star Trek.
You have been visited by the Burger Klingons. The flame-broiled taste of honor and victory await you if you but let the recipes of Kahless into your warrior's soul.

To answer the OP, I was discussing this on another website, and I think seeing the Jem'Hadar and the Vorta try to escape their genetic engineering has a lot of potential
Well, Trek's about to turn 60 and just got partially pulled from streaming so I think the next step is sitting on its front porch yelling at kids and grumbling about how much colored food cubes now cost.
Well, Trek's about to turn 60 and just got partially pulled from streaming so I think the next step is sitting on its front porch yelling at kids and grumbling about how much colored food cubes now cost.

Lol I think some fans will do this unironically
Well lets look at the situation. 1st Picard ended with a great season. If they do a spin off great yet that depends its a good crew and the TNG characters could guest now and them as a certain Ensign gets a visit from his Admiral Mom and Dad .
Prodigy sadly I feel it was a cross between a Young Voyager crew and an animated Academy idea. I am sorry kids would rather choose something else. And Discovery suppose to end and they held it back until next year IF they doing a new series then it was suggested that Disco would make way fro Section 31 yet its more likely the Academy series .

I agree Strange New Worlds is now the flagship show and Lower decks will be all we have the rest of the year unlike 2022 when we had the year of trek wow was they fun 5 series in on year. that probably will not happen again. I do think they be a new series out next year what it is is up to Paramount