When will Burnham get her rank back?


Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain
I was wondering when Burnham will get her rank back. If Discovery was guaranteed 5 seasons or more, I could see her getting some type of rank halfway through the arc. I hope she doesn't get it back first season, she needs to "earn" it back over time, maybe making Captain by the end of the series.
Maybe she never gets it back? Maybe she's always "Crewman Burnham". I would believe this more, considering the penalties for treason on our Earth, right now, among nation states, which are terrible and unforgiving.
She is a mutineer and Lorca is only reason she is not in jail. If/when Lorca bites the dust, she is back in the brig, so forget about her rank, she won't even be in Starfleet. Or at least this is how it should be if STD had common sense.
Will be interesting to see if something happens along the way that makes Starfleet look differently at what happened at the binary stars and lets them re-evaluate the case against Burnham.
Something the Admiral said last week kinda made me question the findings of her court marshal.........
Something the Admiral said last week kinda made me question the findings of her court marshal.........
Yeah, I found the wording interesting as well. She says Burnham is “viewed by many – justifiably of not – as the cause of our conflict with the Klingons”. Makes it sound like she personally doesn't believe it.
Right now she is a civilian advisor with no rank. Not certain if she would gain any rank under Lorca. Even if he dies, Fleet would have to reverse the sentence to have her regain any rank.
Yeah, I found the wording interesting as well. She says Burnham is “viewed by many – justifiably of not – as the cause of our conflict with the Klingons”. Makes it sound like she personally doesn't believe it.

I interpreted that to mean that there would have been conflict no matter what Burnham did. She was sort of a scape goat in that respect, I don't think it mattered if the Shenzhou fired first or not, they would still be at war but some people wanted to blame her attempted mutiny as the cause of the war.
I was wondering when Burnham will get her rank back. If Discovery was guaranteed 5 seasons or more, I could see her getting some type of rank halfway through the arc. I hope she doesn't get it back first season, she needs to "earn" it back over time, maybe making Captain by the end of the series.
I still haven’t fully understood the Burnham thing. Her assessment of the situation was right and her captain was wrong. I guess it doesn’t matter in a military setting which I am admittedly completely ignorant about, but still...
I still haven’t fully understood the Burnham thing. Her assessment of the situation was right and her captain was wrong. I guess it doesn’t matter in a military setting which I am admittedly completely ignorant about, but still...

Well it really wasn't her assessment. She asked Sarek how they handled the Klingons, he said the Vulcans always fired first after their initial encounter. Considering what the Klingons did to Burnham's parents, it didn't take much to convince her of taking the same action.
Yeah, I found the wording interesting as well. She says Burnham is “viewed by many – justifiably of not – as the cause of our conflict with the Klingons”. Makes it sound like she personally doesn't believe it.

Indeed. A convenient scapegoat mixed with assumed information (or inflated - she did spill blood first, that could be easily twisted) and an officer who clearly didn't want to defend herself.

I still haven’t fully understood the Burnham thing. Her assessment of the situation was right and her captain was wrong. I guess it doesn’t matter in a military setting which I am admittedly completely ignorant about, but still...

She mutinied against her captain by Vulcan knockout and takeover. The entirety of the situations been put on her shoulders, but the inability to follow orders and forcefully taking command as she did is one of the worst things that can be done. In Starfleet especially as no one else had done so before.
I'd say - never. After the war, maybe she gets her sentence commuted, but she did openly mutiny, so she should be out of Starfleet.