what's your local weather?

The rain finally stopped today, and the sun came out. Seeing what was happening in California was starting to make me nervous since our rain is usually the same rain they get. Luckily it was not even close to what they got, it was mostly just a light steady rain for a few hours at a time. I did wake up for a few minutes around 2:30AM this morning to pouring rain outside my window, but that was the only time it really did that.
Central Finland reporting.
Winter isn't that cold anymore.
January and February are usually the coldest months of the year reaching -30C / -22F. Or have been the coldest.
It has been warmer than -10C / 14F all winter.
Is it getting warmer? Some kind of warming thing, could it even be global?

Lets see what summer brings, about 25C / 77F isn't always out of the question....

EDIT - also, right now there's snow, a lot.

EDIT2 - I wonder how much my C to F thing is off....
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The last few morning have been out coldest so far this winter, it was 33ºF either yesterday or Saturday morning. The days have still been getting up into the 50s though, so it hasn't been too bad once we get through the early morning.
Though I only live about 60 miles from where I work it can mean a world of difference with regards to weather. Today is one of those days...

home = dry, no snow (though it rained last night)- 34 F
work = snow and ice everywhere- 28 F

Well right now its 32F with a wintry mix! Hopefully it won't stick! People in my neck of the woods can't drive as it is!
Another exceptionally cold morning, it was 32º when we got up to this morning, and it stayed pretty cold for a while. It was only 35º when I usually go on my bike, but that's too cold for me, so I didn't go.
By this afternoon it warmed up to the 50s.
We've had ice where I live and it's not going to get any better either. It's supposed to do more crap this evening with temps below freezing. It's 29F now and cloudy. Glad to have snow days!
^Alaskans would call this spring-like :lol:

I like the story I heard a while back, I don't know if it's true or not but still funny, where there was some neighborhood in southern California, when it was in the high 40s. Someone noticed their neighbor's AC was up and running. Since they didn't know the neighbor well, they called the cops for a welfare check. It turned out the neighbor had visitors from Alaska and they found it scorching....