what's your local weather?

^Alaskans would call this spring-like :lol:

I like the story I heard a while back, I don't know if it's true or not but still funny, where there was some neighborhood in southern California, when it was in the high 40s. Someone noticed their neighbor's AC was up and running. Since they didn't know the neighbor well, they called the cops for a welfare check. It turned out the neighbor had visitors from Alaska and they found it scorching....
I find that completely believable. There is a person I know who walks around in shorts even at 20 degrees F.

On the opposite side, my aunt and uncle once saw a neighbor move in from California in the middle of the Idaho summer, which can be pretty hot at times, and very sunny. So, they tinted their windows. Which is a not great choice when winters are very long and gray and less sun. Surprisingly, they tried to sell their house after that winter.
I think it made it up to the 60s today, but never checked so I'm not positive. There was a little bit of wind blowing, but nothing to bad.
It drizzled a little this morning while I was out on my bike ride, then stopped until later this afternoon when it started raining fairly hard, which is has been doing on and off since. Right now we're in the middle of a thunderstorm, with lightning and thunder going off all around us.
EDIT: The storm got even worse after this post, it started really pouring and the lighting/thunder got even worse.
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