What's Going On

=" One actor withdrew two hours before the premiere. As a result, they had to put up a disclaimer in the comments section and post to Avalon's YT channel instead of their own.

They leave out quite a bit.......that wasn't just an "actor" it was Paul Jenkins who was going to direct the Axanar film at one time. He withdrew once he got wise to LFIM's tactics.......he assumed they were not using his footage since he's been in a lawsuit with them now for over 6 months. Hell he is even trying to make a documentary about the whole grift himself along with other former Axanar directors.


They should have known the needed to remove him.....they have actually done reshoots this week to replace him, which seems like putting toothpaste back in the tube. The whole thing is just ridiculous at this point. I will say the sets looked goos and the gentleman playing the other captain was quite good.
For those wanting a Bridge...maybe look at this:

Flexible display tech

Clear up audio

Anyone for a good roar?


For Cosplay

A light garment like this one for example—that reacts to the physical environment in real-time—requires a lot of computation and would previously have required a lot of hardware space. However, that aspect is no longer a limiting factor in the overall design and in this case the team created a compiler to translate forward inference computation for neural networks into practice to address those limitations.

Here is an idea for a lab environment: acoustic levitation:

This optical microphone sees sound:

Even the most high-powered and directed microphones can't eliminate nearby sounds, ambient noise and the effect of acoustics when they capture audio. The novel system developed in the School of Computer Science's Robotics Institute (RI) uses two cameras and a laser to sense high-speed, low-amplitude surface vibrations. These vibrations can be used to reconstruct sound, capturing isolated audio without inference or a microphone.

This will help both fan and pro productions.

Image editing help

If you want a large holographic screen for a bridge--help is on the way:

Researchers have developed a new ultra-thin film that can create detailed 3D images viewable under normal illumination without any special reading devices. The images appear to float on top of the film and exhibit smooth parallax, which means they can be clearly viewed from all angles. With additional development, the new glass-free approach could be used as a visual security feature or incorporated into virtual or augmented reality devices.
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Crud…Nice guys to contact just in case…

This artis halso has a Gold Key/IRON WOLF look to his art


New buildings for location shots

Hala fruits looks like exploding planets---Marble berries also look out of this world---use those in "hydroponics" scenes.
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In case...what? A fan production could build an entire set for less than the cost that thing was going to go for.
Oofa I had no idea it had been so long.

I have been dealing with a demanding job, expensive and involved home repairs (but hey, we got a roof!), and the ins and outs of nonagenarian parents who live a few hundred miles to the south.

So please, can I get off the cart? I feel happy! :D

Egad, $18k embezzled from that church (hence there may have been other instances of theft which haven't seen the light of day).
This is not accurate. If you want to spread rumors about someone at least get it right. It was not a church, it was a local library. It was also negligence and was repaid BEFORE I served 51/2 months in jail. No one is perfect, I fucked up and paid the price. But to publicly shame a fan, just like you, who made a mistake that doesn’t affect you personally is shitty. The joy some of you have expressed is shameful. Anyway, that was almost 5 years ago now. I just think it’s shitty you made a thread about it and that the moderators let it stand, although inaccurate.
Honestly, arguing with posts from years ago about exactly what you stole from who only makes more people aware of it. When they click the link and read the facts, I doubt many people will be all "Oh, a non-profit library instead of a church, that's okay then!"

Anyway, hope you've been doing well since then. :bolian:
Egad, $18k embezzled from that church (hence there may have been other instances of theft which haven't seen the light of day).
Not a church, a public library. If you’re going to gossip, at least get the facts straight!
Honestly, arguing with posts from years ago about exactly what you stole from who only makes more people aware of it. When they click the link and read the facts, I doubt many people will be all "Oh, a non-profit library instead of a church, that's okay then!"

Anyway, hope you've been doing well since then. :bolian:
I only just found out about this post and wanted to set the record straight. This happened in 2017, for me, a long time ago. It was rough but rewarding in its own way.
Not a church, a public library. If you’re going to gossip, at least get the facts straight!

I only just found out about this post and wanted to set the record straight. This happened in 2017, for me, a long time ago. It was rough but rewarding in its own way.

You stole from a library, not a church. Got it. Well hell, I can certainly rest easier now knowing that my facts are straight. So thanks for stopping by, and we’ll see you again in 2032!*

*(calculated from the last time you posted here in 2014.)
I have no idea WTF the stuff upthread is about. *shrug*

I had real life hit me with several phase cannons.

In short, please cure cancer*.

*I am fine; I'm not the one who's sick. or the one who a cure is too late for....

Many thanks for keeping the home fires burning.