What's Going On


Taller than a Hobbit
I'm posting this topic just to give you a head's up as to what is happening in the wonderful world of the Fan Productions forum.

Essentially, the idea is to put information all in one place. Of course if you have questions, lay 'em on me, or suggestions as to what to pin or how to make sure all of you great filmmakers (and fans) are known to the Trek community, without spamming anyone, naturally.

I love hearing from everyone via PM and if you want to chat that way, please feel free. And here, I hope we'll all engage in dialogue about these great productions. I'm sure there are a ton of terrific ideas out there and I am eager to read them.

Oh and because every thread could use some music:
And pie is recommended for all threads, too:
First bit of info: I've pinned a pair of topics from @Maurice on a primer for making fan films and another about getting the most out of YouTube.

If any information is now out of date, corrections are welcome.
Oh, thanks. I wasn't sure which was which/best. Either way, thank you so much for putting those together!
Quick hi and happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate. Grab a small pie from the assortment (you don't have to share if you don't want to) but have it later so you don't spoil your appetite for turkey 'n the other stuff.

The image is actually pretty close to what I make. Turkey, stuffing, mashed taters, some green veg (tends to be broccoli rather than green beans), homemade gravy plus cranberry relish, also homemade.

Alas, I am not cooking this year. Off to see the 'rents in NY. Hence it'll be kosher (no butter on the potatoes, but margarine is okay).

Have a happy (and if you don't celebrate or you're Canadian and have already been there, done that for T day this year, then grab a drumstick anyway - or its vegetarian equivalent)! :D
Can we get a new thread for the Spreadsheet so it can be found more easily? There's a lot of pinned threads, and I've not been able to figure out where to find this resource. Thanks.
I think so. It's just lost in space...

ddr :)

Seriously, yes, it needs it's own thread, and some of the old pinned posts could do with some "retirement."
Do I append our latest release at the bottom? It won't let me insert it in our grouping.
I added some blank lines to the bottom of the Potemkin list, so plug them in there for now. I locked some elements of the sheet to prevent people from breaking some bits that should not change and I might have mis-set the permissions, which may be the problem. I am doing my volunteer gig at the Internet Archive right now so can't really drill deeper into it at the moment, as I have stacks of 16mm films itching to be digitized. :)