What would the series have been like without the Dominion?

I like a good examination of the human spirit, but I think this excuse/line of reasoning (pick your poison) is flimsier than it appears. Why not have a "Star Trek" (those quotation marks aren't massive enough) series about some guy filing his taxes with the Ferengi Commerce Authority?

"I'm noticing a distinct dearth of braving front-"
"It's about the journey inside!"
On the one hand you say they can’t have it both ways… then you go on to describe SNW in which Star Trek decidedly does just that.

Trek has always blended sci-fi and character drama. The proportions differ from episode to episode, but in every iteration the show has very much made a habit of having it both ways.

That’s why the format is flexible enough to allow a movie like TMP to be followed by TWOK.

Star Trek has been having it both ways and eating it since 1966.

The problem is that in my estimation SNW has been leaning heavier in the character and “homage” (Balance of Terror, Space Seed, Arena)…and theft (Illyrians, Xenomorphs), and lighter on the original sci-fi. Never mind how it compares to series past and present, since 1966.

Your mileage may vary, but it does get grating after a while even for, again, fans such as myself. Nor should the fact that one is a fan mean that they are or need be of every aspect to every degree.

Eg, of DS9’s war arc and SNW’s title being more a franchise tagline than a series mandate. Harumph.
I like a good examination of the human spirit, but I think this excuse/line of reasoning (pick your poison) is flimsier than it appears. Why not have a "Star Trek" (those quotation marks aren't massive enough) series about some guy filing his taxes with the Ferengi Commerce Authority?

"I'm noticing a distinct dearth of braving front-"
"It's about the journey inside!"
Star Trek is an action/adventure platform that includes exploring the human journey.

I think there is the trend to emphasize one piece over the other while losing site of how variable the Trek platform could be. DS9 took it one way, while TNG another, and SNW still another.
How do you imagine it would have gone?

What would you have liked to see?
More exploration of the Gamma Quadrant and exploring more Bajoran cultural history; the Celestial temple had to have had other explorers who entered it and traveled into the Gamma Quadrant to form their own sub culture, good or bad. The foundation of discovering new alien races who have lived in the Gamma Quadrant and how they've dealt with the Cardassian Union or rather an ancient one?

The political intrigue between the Cardassians and Bajorans would've become even more complicated because of the rift from the religious sect, the Bajoran Gov't, and the Bajoran Sympathizers from Cardassia.
I like a good examination of the human spirit, but I think this excuse/line of reasoning (pick your poison) is flimsier than it appears. Why not have a "Star Trek" (those quotation marks aren't massive enough) series about some guy filing his taxes with the Ferengi Commerce Authority?

"I'm noticing a distinct dearth of braving front-"
"It's about the journey inside!"

There are Ts on Ferenginar?!
I imagine taxes would just be another form of revenue extraction

Capitalism only opposed taxing the rich, not everyone elese
I like a good examination of the human spirit, but I think this excuse/line of reasoning (pick your poison) is flimsier than it appears. Why not have a "Star Trek" (those quotation marks aren't massive enough) series about some guy filing his taxes with the Ferengi Commerce Authority?

"I'm noticing a distinct dearth of braving front-"
"It's about the journey inside!"

False equivalence. Of course, taking the idea of character over SF to an ultimate conclusion, we could have a show about Ferengi tax collectors, but that’s very far from having a space war or character work in a show. It is also very far from any series pitch that has ever been considered.
There are Ts on Ferenginar?!

I think there is less resistance to "Ts" than there are "Us"; the former can at least generate revenue while the latter is pandemonium in sheep's wool (or the outer layer of whatever significant innocuous creature resides on Ferenginar).