What would the series have been like without the Dominion?

I would have enjoyed seeing Kira's first year as commander of the station, presuming that Starfleet didn't send in someone else...though Starfleet sending in (or trying to send in) someone else could have been a storyline in and of itself.

I would have liked to see more of Admiral Ross and where things might have gone with him given what we learned of him in "Inter Arma, Enim Silent Leges".
Presumably a mere commander, then captain only remained in charge after the discovery of the wormhole because they were considered by the locals a religious figure. Once that wormhole was discovered, you’d think one of if not the most important outpost in half the known galaxy wouldn’t have been reassigned a flag officer or even a civilian administrator of some kind.

Maybe once Sisko goes there’s an interim commodore or admiral in charge, maybe indeed Ross or someone else we’ve seen before (my god, Commofore Jellico?) or not, before for story reasons it’s given to Kira. I could even see the Bajorans wanting a general of their own, but something something Federation Bajoran relations, and it’s Kira. Maybe at the end of Season 8, and only until the start of Season 10 when it’s Sisko again.

…if the series doesn’t end with his return. Maybe there are creative ways to bring him back once a season (8-10) until he’s back in the finale long enough to either retire to Bajor…or set up a crisis for the first DS9 movie.
  1. The return of Kurn.
  2. Nog’s mother is back and her rich husband wants to buy Rom’s fatherhood rights.
  3. Worf’s adventures as an ambassador.
  4. A “new” Kosh, er, Odo is sent back to the Alpha Quadrant to establish the peace. Something’s happening in the Dominion.
  5. Counselor Ezri does some Asimov-like psychohistory.
  6. Mirror Universe invasion of ours.
  7. Whatever happened to Mulibok?
  8. Jake finds completion, lessons, and maybe love when more journalists with different perspectives from different cultures come to the station.
  9. An Orb wakes up. AI story?
  10. A bunch of stories with the replacement characters. Who is science officer after Jadzia, ops chief after Miles, commander after Sisko, Quark’s #2 after Rom leaves to get assassinat—er, try to completely change Ferengi society, the new Kai, the head of security after Odo, etc…
Yeah, they’re not going to be 10-episode seasons, I’ll tell you that.
What? How? Why? That makes no sense.
Why do you say that? They’re Ferengi.

Sure they could. There's only 10 ideas there, and multiple ones can be tied together in an A and B plot very easily.
Each one of them is only a kernel of an idea off the top of my head. Hell you could do all of them in one episode if you’re just looking to. Knock yourself out with throwaway lines, for all the entertainment that’ll provide you.

But to do them well takes time. Hell, the last one is like 8 episodes in one. Worf’s adventures as an ambassador could be a continuing arc like the 31 stuff or the Ferengi comedies. And these are only my ideas, let alone the half dozen writers who might like to tell countless stories of their own.

Oh, and everything in my previous reply about all the postwar stuff. These were more one-offs (Mullibok) and filler (psychohistory) than the main arcs of the seasons.
Will do. Sounds very entertaining.
By that logic you could do the entirety of a series in a single episode and be done with star trek in a week. Honestly what’s the point? How is that actually entertaining, healthy even? Or remarks like this for that matter? I know I know, only joking…uh huh.
Which part watching the entirety of a Trek series in a single hour or trolling fan boards?
The first one.

I don't see it as trolling. I don't mind quips, asides and throwaway lines. To me, you build a world with that, hinting at other things going on while having another story.

If that opinion annoys l'll gladly walk the party line. I'm too tired to do anything else.
The first one.

I don't see it as trolling. I don't mind quips, asides and throwaway lines. To me, you build a world with that, hinting at other things going on while having another story.

If that opinion annoys l'll gladly walk the party line. I'm too tired to do anything else.
Uh huh. Literally every time fireproof can’t say I buy it.
That was not jumping the shark that was...paddling around in the general vicinity of the shark.
The at storyline jumped the shark. Dukat was way more interesting in like “The Maquis,” where he was still a villain, but more real world no one thinks they’re the villain type villain. Most bad people are bad “from a certain point of view.”

He was still within the realm of the real world when he was damn near delusional about his role in the Occupation. Megalomaniacs, narcissists, and functional sociopaths are not that uncommon.

But when those contact lenses came out, well, it gave me pause to the extent I had to reassess my love of the show or commitment to the franchise.

Honestly I’d have to give the series another look to tell when it jumped the shark for me. When it had moments of it. I mean I watched it first run and loved it til the end. I read numerous fiction and non-fiction books about it and was most recently raving about the A Stitch in Time audiobook in the Lit Forum.

But then there were times like Sisko poisoning planets to be cute about Les Miz, and whenever the point was when the Dominion War went from a futuristic interstellar conflict to WWII: In Space!!!…for me, these were a shark too far.
I think seeing the reconstruction of Cardassia and the post-viral Great Link are ripe for good storytelling

I'd also like to see more of the Federation worlds affected by the devastating war, like Trill Prime
I think seeing the reconstruction of Cardassia and the post-viral Great Link are ripe for good storytelling
Ok, how to play that out?

Garak as leader or liason to the Federation relief efforts.

Worf trying to support Klingon relationships but Klingons not wanting to help due to strain with the Federation and mistrust of Cardassians?

Jake looking at documenting the whole thing?

A new Starfleet officer as Bajor provides Deep Space 9 for relief effort coordination but not joint the Federation due to the loss of the Emissary.

Much politics.
Ok, how to play that out?

Garak as leader or liason to the Federation relief efforts.

Worf trying to support Klingon relationships but Klingons not wanting to help due to strain with the Federation and mistrust of Cardassians?

Jake looking at documenting the whole thing?

A new Starfleet officer as Bajor provides Deep Space 9 for relief effort coordination but not joint the Federation due to the loss of the Emissary.

Much politics.

Garak would be a questionable liaison. But I think the rest of the ideas could work. Seeing Bajorans evolve post-Emissary as well
Garak would be a questionable liaison. But I think the rest of the ideas could work. Seeing Bajorans evolve post-Emissary as well
Which is kind of part of my overall idea. Garak would not be the most trustworthy (if at all) but he would be familiar to Kirk who would coordinate services with the Federation and want someone familiar enough to help. But, of course, there would be a lot of strain between these people trying to rebuild from the war.
Which is kind of part of my overall idea. Garak would not be the most trustworthy (if at all) but he would be familiar to Kirk who would coordinate services with the Federation and want someone familiar enough to help. But, of course, there would be a lot of strain between these people trying to rebuild from the war.

Yeah there would definitely be a lot of contention. Maybe it would lead to more self reflection on the Cardassians' part
Then ignore me. We never agree anyway and you seem to know my mind better than I.

I apologize. Good day.:beer:
I really rather hate ignoring people, but okay. Bullshit gets tiresome.

If you ever wanna try relating more directly, and hopefully through that greater clarity less negatively, I’m still throwing out the Trek Zoom invite. It’s a great group.

Which is kind of part of my overall idea. Garak would not be the most trustworthy (if at all) but he would be familiar to Kirk who would coordinate services with the Federation and want someone familiar enough to help. But, of course, there would be a lot of strain between these people trying to rebuild from the war.
What's Kirk's involvement?