What sort of Klingons are we expecting?

All of them
You missed the human version from star trek enterprise. They kept the long hair.
If there's a place to be a tiny bit daft and make TOS style Klingons acceptable then it's in this show.

I'd actually quite like to see TOS style Klingons in SNW. More so than any other. I hope we get one just hanging around on a space station with his mates bullying people as in Kirk's day.
You missed the human version from star trek enterprise. They kept the long hair.
They're just Kor-types with long hair, which they had when the virus hit. My head canon has them being forced to wear short hair as part of their shame.
FWIW, one of the ships in Picard's fleet (in PIC season 2) is the USS Rustazh...

Makes one wonder, assumig this ship was named after Krenn, why would they do that? Krenn's not an enemy of the Federation, but not exactly a friend either.
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Well the Disco Klingons were into Ford's Black Fleet...
I loved that and was completely floored when I heard them use that term. Final Reflection was one of my all-time favorite Trek novels.
The Black Fleet was also referenced in a Klingon drinking song in DS9.

But unless you knew Klingon (or looked up the lyrics online) you wouldn't know.
Did not know that! More historical awesomeness...
I expect Klingon’s to look like insectoids, similar as to how they looked in this canon appearance from the 1980’s:
Once the Federation learned of Krenn of House Rustazh, however distorted the retellings have been or become, he earned their respect. From there, as with Gorkon, it was but a matter of time...
Technically I'd like to see all the versions represented (even the Disco Klingons). But for practical purposes, I'd probably go with a design based on Michael Westmore's TNG-era Klingons, but modified to suit modern needs. Although I would have a few Klingons with more subdued ridges like you see in the TOS movies (i.e. Chang, Azetbur) to maybe give a nod to the idea that some Klingons have smoother heads.
I hope this is the case as well. Picard very elegantly explained the varying Romulan looks with “Northerners” and “Southerners”. Nothing further needed. A small throw-away line deftly taking care of all of it. That’s what they need to do for the Klingons, then they can shut up about it once and for all and tell the freakin story.