What Song Are You Listening to Right Now

^^ Yeah, I know Melissa's covers, she also did March of Mephisto, one of the words Shagrat says at the end of the intro is "Ad Infinitum" and you know Melissa's main band's name. :D
Kamelot - March of Mephisto

Of course I know Liar Liar, to the horror of some I growl along with Alissa now and then.. :D

The Dark Side Of The Moon song was really nice, really awesome sideproject. :mallory:

Oh and some screamy metal!
If that's actually the inspiration for the band's name, it wouldn't be the first time Kamelot did that. See also: Epica (after the Kamelot album)
^^ I saw an interview with Melissa a while ago where she told that it was indeed the inspiration for the name. :mallory:
Yeah, I knew about Epica's connection with Kamelot. :D Rather cool.