Poll What is your favourite phone?

Carphones were fun..... I still have a handset somewhere, I have a Motorola bag phone which is interesting. Large metal box in the bag that is the transceiver part of that. The handset sits in a pocket in the front of the bag clips in and it runs off a large battery which this particular one didn't come with.
This one.

What make and model?

What model Blackberry and can you still get them? Want

Blackberry Priv from 2015. My favourite phone in terms of physicality. Slide it up, then keyboard, while keeping screen size. But I'm spoiled by Samsung and more memory/space now, so not sure if I could go back to it. They don't make em anymore, but you could probably buy them from resellers on eBay, etc.

If you like keyboards, Clicks is new for iPhone:

I'm waiting patiently for a Samsung version. :D
Amazon is selling a Blackberry very similar to your pic in black case and silver case so you can pick either one.
This past week AT&T had quite the outage…but they still try to kill landlines—my own provider (MCI) announced they would no longer support them—and AT&T lied about what my bill would be.

There is a great article called:
“This week’s cellphone outage makes it clear: In the United States, landlines are languishing” from TechXplore that details the disaster that took place as AT&T was trying to get California to lighten up on forcing those cads to support landlines.