Poll What is your favourite phone?


Saintly henchman of Santa
Premium Member
I’ve always had Apple phones myself, I can’t get used to the interface on other devices.

Just got myself an iPhone 13 Pro Max on contract upgrade. My phone is my only way of watching Star Trek episodes and films so I need one with a big screen and a good ‘sound system’.

Can’t wait to unbox it. :techman:
What is your favourite phone and why? :beer:
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My first -- and so far only -- smartphone is a Samsung Galaxy that runs Android. I was one of the last flip-phone holdouts until about eight years ago.

Although for nostagia, you can't beat the classic Western Electric model 500.

I switched from an Iphone to an Android Samsung S21+ last year. It's a good phone, and I did it mainly because my Car Play kept crashing. I haven't had issues with Android Auto.

In terms of favorite phone I ever owned though, I did like the Iphone 5s, or the last Iphone I had which was the XR. It's not really the phone that I judge but more the OS. I do find over the years I miss the old basic easy to use OSs and the ones that come out now tend to be a little complicated. The best example is what Apple did to Apple Music and that interface. It was much better 10 years ago.
I actually visited the ‘Bell Homestead ‘ when I was a child, this is the place where Alexander Graham Bell once lived and is now a museum. He is the person who invented the first telephone, or one of the first telephones at the very least…. he did manage to patent it first though. :techman:
I think my overall fav from the smart phone era was my Droid X. It was a decent size and had an actual keyboard to type on- those are almost non-existent now, and I think extinct with Apple phones.
you can't beat the classic Western Electric model 500.


Those things were used as murder weapons.

I ordered a nice, NORAD looking push-button land-line phone. It had a handle, a cool receiver---and shorted out--as did a replacement I got through the mail. Sigh.
I had a small collection of the weird and wonderful from the late 90s and early 2000s. Most of them non functional because they were 2G.
My favourite was the LG Kp500 Cookie, small and did the job, no fancy apps or smart rubbish. I also had a Motorola V3 and a weird one that had the keypad down the bottom but the top half was round, also a Motorola.

Phones were fun back then. Also Nokia N90 and 91 were the best
My first -- and so far only -- smartphone is a Samsung Galaxy that runs Android. I was one of the last flip-phone holdouts until about eight years ago.

I actually switched to a smartphone from a flip phone 3 years ago :lol:

I have a Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G and I love it. It has a beautiful screen and really good speakers. Also, you can call people on it too! :lol:

Before this phone, my hands down favorite was the Motorola i530 with the walkie talkie you used to get through Nextel in the mid 2000s :)
I prefer iPhones too, same reasons.

I just wish they'd add a feature that lets you mute entire apps and deny any apps but the one you're playing music on from using the speakers. And you know the only reason Apple doesn't allow this is lost ad revenue. I wonder if there's a way to jailbreak the phone and do this.
Nokia 3310. I loved it so much back in the day. :adore:
If we’re talking modern phones, I’m an iPhone guy, simply because I like the interface better than the one Android phones have.