Poll What is your favourite phone?


One App...voume dial on the bottom...Oh, how I remember...SA6 2840!
I know I'm being totally wishful here but I would love it if people started turning away from smartphones. The market would have to adapt of course.
I've never owned a smartphone. I'm still using my Nokia 6300 which I've had since 2008 and which is still going strong. It makes calls and sends texts which is all I want from a 'phone. It doesn't require updating, It requires charging only once or twice a week. Most importantly, it doesn't spy on every aspect of my life and my Sim-only contract is a mere £3 a month. If I need the Internet, I have a laptop. If I need to pay for something, I use cash.
Here (Netherlands) we're doing stupid stuff like apps for bank stuff, apps for public transport, apps for paperwork/government stuff.. I don't want those but it's pushed onto us and there's no way back...
Here (Netherlands) we're doing stupid stuff like apps for bank stuff, apps for public transport, apps for paperwork/government stuff.. I don't want those but it's pushed onto us and there's no way back...

Unfortunately that is being done everywhere. I do like my bank app because it's convenient but that's about it.

I am using a Nokia 2660 flip phone no wifi, only bluetooth and no apps except facebook which is odd because it's just not the kind of phone that needs that. My regular phone with the banking app I like is used without a sim card over wifi and it's only use is to check my banking and play solitaire
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I decided on buying a new Google Pixel 8, after having Pixel 4a for three or so years before that. Happy with pixel, as they don't cost an arm, a leg, a baby dinosaur, a cheeseburger and a bottle of imported beer. I brought it when it was released in October. Happy with pretty everything with it.
I had a Nokia 5.4 which did everything I needed to do but I damaged the screen when I fell and the phone dropped. I got a Nokia G21 to replace that and again it does all that I want. Both were inexpensive at under 300 dollars each.
I know I'm being totally wishful here but I would love it if people started turning away from smartphones. The market would have to adapt of course.
I really wish we could go back as well - smart phones have affected my mental health, and I try to limit my time on them, and severely curtail my social media usage.
I tried going without a smart phone, going back to an old brick. I couldn't sustain it though, because when my car broke down I could only get in touch with breakdown services via an app. When I tried to move house, the estate agents would only work via an app etc etc.

I'm not young any more, and fairly grumpy, so I miss my Nokia 3310. Famously bomb proof and great battery life.
I really wish we could go back as well - smart phones have affected my mental health, and I try to limit my time on them, and severely curtail my social media usage.
I tried going without a smart phone, going back to an old brick. I couldn't sustain it though, because when my car broke down I could only get in touch with breakdown services via an app. When I tried to move house, the estate agents would only work via an app etc etc.

I'm not young any more, and fairly grumpy, so I miss my Nokia 3310. Famously bomb proof and great battery life.

I used on and off a Nokia 2660 flip. No apps and no annoyances. If I need to do app stuff I still have the G21 which is just running of wifi without a sim card
Ah found the aforementioned phone.


That's the famous Swedish Ericofon one-piece telephone with the dial on the bottom. You used to see them a lot in sci-fi and spy movies of the 1950s and '60s. With all the electromechanical stuff in one unit, the thing weighed half a ton.
That's the famous Swedish Ericofon one-piece telephone with the dial on the bottom. You used to see them a lot in sci-fi and spy movies of the 1950s and '60s. With all the electromechanical stuff in one unit, the thing weighed half a ton.

Yes and I read stories about them being used inappropriately