What games are you playing currently?

What's the glitch?
After completing the Cent arc, you report back to Randvi. After speaking with her, "A Brewing Storm" begins. You're directed to go to sleep in your room.

What's meant to happen: a cutscene loads where Dag wakes you up, resulting in a fight to the death.

What happens if you have the bug: You go to sleep, followed by a load screen that sits idle for several seconds. No cut scene. You awake in your room to a stormy environment with "A Brewing Storm" listed top left, but without any objectives underneath. No Dag in sight. You cannot engage with any NPCs - including Randvi (this is occurring between pledges). Fast travel is unavailable, mysteries are unavailable, Reda is unavailable...

Theories abound as to what is causing it. I've tried loading it again after the Cent arc to no avail; I've loaded a save from before I pledged to Cent and run through it again, changing some of my responses in game ... still hit the bug.

I've only been playing it since Feb, but some players have been tearing their hair out since November unable to progress. The only options are: load a previous save and avoid Cent (even then, you'll eventually be unable to progress), or start the game again from scratch and hope like hell you don't hit the bug.

Ubisoft has collected save data from affected players over the past couple of months. They've said it will be addressed in a future update. Meanwhile, they continue to release patches for special events, updates that spawn additional cats ... but so far as a game-breaking bug that's been present for nearly 5 months? Yeah, they're getting round to it. As many have suggested, why not release a hotfix that allows affected players to skip the glitched quest until they resolve the underlying issue?

More on it here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2021/03/16/ac-valhalla-bug/
"Basically Super Mario" is how I felt about the Force Unleashed games. So I'm not sure if I would enjoy Jedi Fallen Order. My favorite Star Wars game is still Jedi Outcast.

If you like Jedi Outcast, I'd say you'd probably like Fallen Order.
The combat is basically just one or two buttons, but there is a fair amount of depth to it as you start running into different kinds of enemies with different abilities. It's also got a fair amount of upgrades and new Force and combat abilities as you go on.
There is a lot of platforming, but it's definitely more that just Super Mario. It's also got one of the absolute best stories in a Star Wars game, right up there with the KOTOR and Jedi Knight games.
I'm going through the "Life is Strange" series at the moment. I have finished "Life is Strange" and the prequel "Life is Strange: Before the Storm" during the last couple of weeks or something, now I'm within the third episode of "Life is Strange 2".

The first game, "Life is Strange", is nothing less than a masterpiece. I had quite high expectations since the game had been recommended to me many times and I liked the idea that it heavily focuses on player's decisions, and I can say that my expectations were absolutely met. The story is mysterious, intriguing, very emotional and more complex than you would think at the beginning. There were also some plot twists I absolutely didn't see coming. I always wanted to know what will happen next. You shape the story through decisions which sometimes have heavy impact, but in the end there are only two possible endings. This final choice is extremely tough and whatever you decide, you'll feel kinda bad afterwards. There's no real "good" ending to the story, there's just a choice between two things you actually don't want, but you have to pick one of them and live with it. Fits the melancholic tone of the game really perfect. I totally loved the game and I don't think I have played many games so far that felt that much like you're actually experiencing it instead of just playing.

"Life is Strange: Before the Storm" has a kind of reduced storyline - there's not so much "heavy" stuff going on as in the first game, but the prequel story is also very good and especially very close to the character Chloe which you get to know in the first game. And while you start to like her in "Life is Strange" although she doesn't quite seem like a truly likeable person (which then again speaks for excellent character writing), she gets a whole lot of more depth through "Life is Strange: Before the Storm". Maybe that game wouldn't be that interesting without the main game in mind, but both combined form an excellent story experience and the prequel makes the first game even better than it is alreay.

Now, as for "Life is Strange 2", it's a bit difficult. I was sceptic right from the start as the game is centered around completely new characters and an all new setting. At the beginning it seems to work and the story comes in with a bang at the end of the first episode, but then I felt it lost its focus and I don't enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the first two games. Don't get me wrong, this is still a solid story game, but the story doesn't hold up in any way to the one told by the first two games. And Sean and Daniel as protagonists are nothing compared to Max and Chloe.

It's a pity, overall I like the series and its concept and I'll surely play "Life is Strange: True Colors" which is due in september, expecting and hoping it to be better than "Life is Strange 2". But I feel that the series for me is mostly about Max and Chloe. And Arcadia Bay. I'm very new to it, but I already miss all this from the first two games, the characters and the location felt so familiar already after a short time.

I hope that maybe one day they'll make a game within the series that will
continue the story of Max and Chloe based on the ending of "Life is Strange" where Max decides to sacrifice Arcadia Bay so that Chloe can live. That's the end I had and after seeing it, I wasn't sure if it was the right choice in my personal version of the story. But after playing "Life is Stange: Before the Storm" it felt consequent and more satisfying than the ending leading to Chloe's death would have felt. And there's no official statement on which of the two ends is canon, but I read that there's actually a comic that continues the story after this ending, so there's some kind of chance it could be considered semi-canon at least and thus there might be a continuation in the shape of a new game at some point. On one hand I felt that this ending is a perfect way to end the story of Max and Chloe, on the other hand I'd definitely like to experience another adventure with them, seeing how things played out for them after this possible ending of the first game.
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I was looking on the Playstation store and I saw the the Telltale Guardians of the Galaxy game is no longer available digitally,. I heard a while back that the disc versions of Telltales games had just the first episode and you had to download the rest, so if I got the disc version, would I still be able to download the rest of the episodes or would I not be able to continue past episode 1?
I'm playing Life & Suffering of Sir Brante. It's different to say the least. I haven't finished a full playthrough. I played a priest (got stabbed) and then a double agent advocating terrorism but working for the Secret Chancellery (got stabbed while escaping a really bad situation). Right now I'm a judge so I guess I have a greater chance of living? Not surprisingly this challenging game that is openly cynical was/is made from Russia.
I tried playing Disco Elysium on PS4, and that game really likes to waste your times. Random surprise deaths, few (and far apart) autosaves and a lot of time wasting BS really made it a miserable hour or so of playing. The writing is decent and there are some funny jokes, but its really got a lot of the worst of the adventure/point and click genre, and I do not have the patience for that stuff.
Playing some Breath of the Wild right now, played some Super Mario Maker earlier today along with Letterquest Remastered and Pokemon Shield.
I tried playing Disco Elysium on PS4, and that game really likes to waste your times. Random surprise deaths, few (and far apart) autosaves and a lot of time wasting BS really made it a miserable hour or so of playing. The writing is decent and there are some funny jokes, but its really got a lot of the worst of the adventure/point and click genre, and I do not have the patience for that stuff.
Definitely not a game for everyone, knew that from the first trailer. Not too fond of "deep" games...
I've been playing Evil Genius 2, fun but could use some little adjustments here and there...
Heavy into Minecraft atm, playing together with friends.

Also still have to play the final + Bonus episodes of Life is Strange: Before the Storm.

In terms of new games, I play a campaign of the early access Mad Games Tycoon 2, also.
That one is very addictive.
It‘s a pretty simple base management economy simulator.
At normal difficulty, it is pretty impossible not to get filthy rich over time with developing video games.
You decide what type your army of game devs come up and allocate priorities and settings to make each games as perfect as you can, learning from each previous attempt.
Finishing up Ghost of Tsushima and collecting the few last things and I think I'll be finished. It's been an amazing game, and I can see why it's been optioned as a movie. Comes full circle given its clear inspirations.
Finished up Assassin’s Creed: Origins main game. At eighty hours, I definitely got my $20 worth and I haven’t touched the DLC that came with it.
Finished replaying Mass Effect Andromeda. As much as it's still a very flawed game--both mechanically and narratively--it's by no means a bad game. Indeed I feel that in the realm of open world RPGs it's fairly high up there, just a notch or two below Dragon Age Inquisition. If only they'd had another 6-8 months for polish and 2-3 good sized DLC expansions to bulk up the latter half of the game it could have been something very good indeed!

Next up, finally getting to play XCOM 2!
"Ori and the Blind Forest" on Steam. It's rather annoying.


So I quit the game because there's this part where you have to use the turbo movement or whatever it's called to redirect these energy balls, and it's kind of cumbersome using keyboard and mouse. Does anyone else have any recommendations for games that are kind of like Ori or Hollow Knight, as in, cartoony-looking platformers with attack moves and gorgeous graphics (but no frustrating or confusing controls)?

So I quit the game because there's this part where you have to use the turbo movement or whatever it's called to redirect these energy balls, and it's kind of cumbersome using keyboard and mouse. Does anyone else have any recommendations for games that are kind of like Ori or Hollow Knight, as in, cartoony-looking platformers with attack moves and gorgeous graphics (but no frustrating or confusing controls)?

Not to be that guy, but if you're trying to play a platformer on a keyboard you're just asking for trouble. If you don't own a controller, I'd recommend picking up an XBox360 for windows one. They're well made, not too expensive last I checked and most games made in the last 10-15 years with PC controller support also have the Xbox button prompts for a little extra convenience. I bought myself one back when Tomb Raider Anniversary came out and it's still going strong. I don't use it a lot, but there's no denying that certain types of games just play better with a controller.

As for recommendations for modern-ish platformers on PC; I'd say have a look at Guacamelee, Giana Sisters, Dust an Elysian Tail, Mark of the Ninja and any and all of the Trine games and see if any of them strikes your fancy.
MLB The Show 21 released today for current Playstation and Xbox consoles. I've got it downloaded but won't be able to give it a try until tomorrow. Feels weird having a Sony produced game on Xbox.
I got the platinum trophy on Immortals Fenyx Rising. Very fun game. Not sure if I want to do any of the DLC, since I read you're pretty much a different character and none of your items or powers transfer over.

Next up, I might try playing God of War again or play through Biohazard: Resident Evil VII in preparation for VIII_age
Mad Max on the Xbox Series X/S.

I love this game, pretty simple and straightforward. Hand-to-hand and driving combat that is done very well. Was able to get the digital version for $5 a couple weeks ago via the Xbox Store.

A shame it didn't sell better, it was a game that definitely deserved a sequel.
Mad Max on the Xbox Series X/S.

I love this game, pretty simple and straightforward. Hand-to-hand and driving combat that is done very well. Was able to get the digital version for $5 a couple weeks ago via the Xbox Store.

A shame it didn't sell better, it was a game that definitely deserved a sequel.
I LOVED Mad Max. Sure, it could get a bit repetitive, but it was fun. One of my top 5 games last generation.