What are your controversial Star Trek opinions?

As a non-native speaker I get sometimes annoyed by neo-pronouns, because they're hella' confusing (plural singular? What?).

And then there's this shit.
And this is the last post about Mr Mrs Ms Miss or Mx none of which are Star Trek related. Take it to TNZ and discuss at your leisure.

Ok to get back on track, controversial Trek opinion...Archer was the best Trek captain

Carry on
How about "Archer was the best Federation President" then?

I mean, Ra-Ghoratreii and Jaresh-Inyo got nearly assassinated and nearly deposed, respectively. Hiram Roth might be the next most strong rival for pardoning Admiral Kirk and crew.

And two of them don't even have canon names. :angel:
How about "Archer was the best Federation President" then?

I mean, Ra-Ghoratreii and Jaresh-Inyo got nearly assassinated and nearly deposed, respectively. Hiram Roth might be the next most strong rival for pardoning Admiral Kirk and crew.

And two of them don't even have canon names. :angel:

Going off of what we know in canon...

- the start of Starfleet keeping the peace for a century

Hiram Roth
- whale probe crisis; maybe the Genesis crisis as well; pardons Kirk and crew

- Khitomer Conspiracy, peace with the Klingons achieved after 70 years of conflict, El Aurian refugees, "death" of Kirk

- Changeling infiltration of Earth, Klingons dissolve peace treaty with the Federation, and stars a war with the Cardassians, and Dominion war starts; Battle of Sector 001. Maquis attacks a Cardassian colony with biogenic weapons, and Sisko gasses a planet in return. I suppose you could add losing Voyager and the Ba’ku resettlement conspiracy as well.

Anton Chekov
- 2401 Frontier Day takeover

Liara Rillak
- Federation rebuilt after the Burn, Species Ten-C crisis

Idk, who's the best. But Jaresh-Inyo is definitely the worst of the ones listed.
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Best Federation president is Nan Bacco, hands down. And no, she's not canon. :p

And sticking with non-canon, the worst president was Min Zife. Would have been "Ishan Anjar", but he was technically only president pro tempore.

TrekLit FTW! :D
And this is the last post about Mr Mrs Ms Miss or Mx none of which are Star Trek related. Take it to TNZ and discuss at your leisure.

Ok to get back on track, controversial Trek opinion...Archer was the best Trek captain

Carry on

My wife thinks he best after Sisko. I am also a big Archer fan, too. He doesn't get enough love, really. (Nor does ENT, actually.)
My wife thinks he best after Sisko. I am also a big Archer fan, too. He doesn't get enough love, really. (Nor does ENT, actually.)
If you're objectively looking at importance within the overall narrative of the entire franchise, Archer is a linchpin for the entire Trek universe.
  • Pulls together all of the races who are the founders of the Federation, and implied to be an important figure in the Earth-Romulan War
  • Responsible for reforming Vulcan society
  • Saves Earth from the Xindi weapon
  • Saves the Prime Timeline and ends the Temporal Cold War
As far as Bakula's performance, I thought he was HORRIBLY miscast at first. During seasons 1 and 2, I thought he either seemed really stiff in the role or really didn't like the performance when they wrote him as basically pouting about the Vulcans not helping humanity as much he thought they should have.

But from season 3 on I thought Bakula and the writers found a groove where I bought Archer as someone who could be the captain of people out in deep space encountering weirdness, who understood the weight of it, but also as someone that aliens like Shran would honestly be like "hey, these humans aren't so bad" if you were dealing with him.
Archer was pretty good.

Janeway is best.

Archer was the worst captain we've ever seen. (Yes, even worse than Shaw and Lorca).

The writers contriving reasons to make him a lynchpin of the lore as first federation president and responsible for bringing aliens together has nothing whatsoever to do with whether he was a good *captain* or not. And I would never in my life want to serve a single day under the command of a 'leader' like Archer.