What are your controversial Star Trek opinions?

I can only watch TOS with the original effects on blu-Ray. I need to see it the way I originally saw it (albeit greatly appreciating the incredibly improved picture quality). I’m so glad that, unlike Star Wars, we still have that option.
ENT Episode Pitch Game

VHS was shit in its time. No, of course it doesn’t work for most people these days. It’s like holding up a dial phone (which you probably still use) and saying ‘Why do we need cellphones? Doesn’t this work for people?”


Still own 3, and thrift stores make it very easy to continue.

RIP my ass.

You are very much an outlier. The exception rather than the rule. The world moved on. You didn’t.
You are very much an outlier. The exception rather than the rule. The world moved on. You didn’t.
And then complains about lack of access with the latest and greatest.

I see no reason to throw good money away on tech races. The world might have moved on but the benefits don't outweigh the cost, my humble, controversial, opinion.

It’s like holding up a dial phone (which you probably still use) and saying ‘Why do we need cellphones? Doesn’t this work for people?”
False equivalence is false. I do more with my phone than just call. A home entertainment system does just that, be it VHS, DVD, streaming, etc.
You are very much an outlier. The exception rather than the rule. The world moved on. You didn’t.

Like I said earlier, I would love to have equipment and media from the 70's, 80's and 90's. There was something satisfying about going to the video store and finding a new movie to watch. A minus was limited screen size and poor picture quality. I just am not at a point in my life where having the equipment and media is feasible.

At the same time, I love 4K and HDR. The just bring a lot of things to life like we've never seen before. Downside is that we're at a point where we're overwhelmed with entertainment options. Nothing really feels "special" anymore.

Nothing is perfect.
One thing the streaming era has lost is the "specialness" for av geeks with stuff like director's commentaries. There's an old Robert Zemekis movie called Used Cars that starred Kurt Russell made long before Back to the Future, and the audio commentary is one of the funniest things ever and almost as good as watching the movie by itself.

And I wouldn't feel as bad about Netflix and the other streamer's price increases if they added on features that used to be on DVDs 20-years-ago like a separate audio track for commentary, gag reels, and deleted scenes.

Also, if certain movies go out of production in terms of physical media, you're at the mercy of whatever streaming service that will show it to show the version that people would like to see, and not an edited or censored version for material that might be controversial. There were stories recently that the physical Blu-Ray copies of 28 Days Later were going for outrageous sums online because they're not currently on any streaming service and if you want to watch the movie, and don't already have a copy, that's the only way it can be done.
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VHS no longer works for people?
Not for most people, no. I have two players that are in fine condition. I also have a turntable, two MiniDisc recorder/players, a high end cassette deck, two HD DVD players, several DVD players (multi region among them), several blu-ray players (also multi region among them) and a 4K UHD disc player. I also have DVD-Audio and SACD players. About the only things I don’t have are laserdisc and reel to reel (oh and Edison wax cylinder players).

I make use of each format but the one that gets the least use is VHS. Only use VHS to play back home made tapes and I don’t do that very much. But if VHS makes a serious comeback, I’ll be ready.

Now, despite having listed all the formats at my disposal, I certainly don’t begrudge anyone who is satisfied with whatever they have—that’s entirely a personal choice. But if one is VHS only, entertainment options are limited.
Well, hardly the only one. I've just not been impressed with Blu Ray or UHD to spend more money after buying VHS and DVDs for years.
Totally fine (and DVD still gets exclusive releases even 18 years after Blu-ray, so it’s not a limitation in terms of choice).

Hell, apparently tapes will be around in the 23rd century, so maybe you’re just ahead of the curve.
I always thought Mayweather should have been an older character. Maybe a Boomer captain who’d lost his ship and joined up with Starfleet.
I would have liked to have seen Mayweather as young, but the most experienced member of the crew. He's been out there and seen things no human on the crew has ever experienced.
He spent less time on Earth than any other human in Archer's crew. He was born on the E.C.S. Horizon and while growing up rarely returned to Earth for anything.
Even in Star Trek there's examples of this tendency...

The most blatant being the people who still cook with real food and ingredients instead of just replicating it, even though replicated food should be exactly the same, or possibly better, since you should be able to tweak it to be optimum on a molecular level.

There are people to this day who prefer the sound of vinyl records and feel it has a "warmth" to the sound that CDs and digital files lack.
One thing the streaming era has lost is the "specialness" for av geeks with stuff like director's commentaries. There's an old Robert Zemekis movie called Used Cars that starred Kurt Russell made long before Back to the Future, and the audio commentary is one of the funniest things ever and almost as good as watching the movie by itself.

Nobody laughs up a commentary like Russell. And no more so than for THE THING. If you haven't yet heard it, you'll want to. Especially for the Norris, Palmer and Garry moments.:cool:

There are people to this day who prefer the sound of vinyl records and feel it has a "warmth" to the sound that CDs and digital files lack.

Maybe as a result of kids being kids, so many of our personal LPs tended to scratch and skip. But beginning with the remastered NORTH BY NORTHWEST, I got hooked by the ''clean and pure'' CD variation.

Steering back to TREK, would anyone else feel that the ''unofficia'' CD soundtrack for SPECTRE OF THE GUN and CONSCIENCE OF THE KING holds up just fine? It was an item I once picked up at Tower Records, though it looked unauthorized to some extent.
Ya know, personally insulting someone who's perfectly happy still using some older tech is pretty shitty.

Who did that?

I consider Fireproof a friend. We both speak quite frankly to each other and recognise each others humour well enough after a few years, at least I hope.

I hope he took my comments as intended. I have a great deal of affection for the fella.