Were you a fan of Voyager in the beginning?

I only realised I was a Voyager fan when I joined this site.

Me too! But the over way around.

I thought I loved Voyager till I got here. it turns out, I didn't know what love means. The sheer unrealistic tonnage of gushing in this forum made my tiny affection for the show curdle and almost die.
I was a fan from the beginning, and STV has remained a cornerstone of my ST fandom for years. Though I didn't find certain changes made to my preference, I remained a loyal watcher. It to me carries on the spirit of TOS' exploring the unknown on a grand scale.
I only realised I was a Voyager fan when I joined this site.

Me too! But the over way around.

I thought I loved Voyager till I got here. it turns out, I didn't know what love means. The sheer unrealistic tonnage of gushing in this forum made my tiny affection for the show curdle and almost die.

LOL hey I don`t gush!:alienblush:
Well, if one has such tiny affection, it makes one wonder why said person would devote so much energy to bother COMING to this forum in the first place, but to decry the series....
Tiny affection compared to others. Oh the others that used to live here were courageous monsters. Mythic titans you could scacely believe the balls they had to call black white and down up if the need came that any... Totally Reagan and Ollie North.

Have you ever seen the movie Mr Wrong with Ellen and Bill Pullman?

"Do you think that I don't love you so much that I wouldn't break my own little finger? You don't?! Well **snap** how about that!? See!!"

My love for Voyager is not pathological.
Pathological. OUCH. Is that what it means to be a devoted Voyager fan... guilty, then, and my world will go right on turning regardless of any other op's, as will yours despite mine. Like or dislike as you please, I'll just keep on keeping on, and I know you'll do what you do, and all will be right with the universe...unless there's another one of those nasty Hobusinian supernovas, occuring within a few light-years, which would devour us all.In which case I guess the issue of Voyager's relative merits would sorta go down the terlet, as Mr. Bunker would say....
You do understand that I am talking about the fanfare in my personal own beginning "here" when Voyager was still on the air?

Everything has almost levelled out now, with some minor exceptions.
For all its flaws - and as much as I like the show I'm fully aware and I readily admit that it had plenty of those - I've been a fan of Voyager since I saw "Caretaker" and I'm as much of a fan now as I ever was. As some have said, that's as much a function of the characters as anything else. Indeed, with the exception of Chuckles (and to a lesser extent, Harry) I like the Voyager characters more than those in any other Trek series. :bolian:
I only realised I was a Voyager fan when I joined this site.

Me too! But the over way around.

I thought I loved Voyager till I got here. it turns out, I didn't know what love means. The sheer unrealistic tonnage of gushing in this forum made my tiny affection for the show curdle and almost die.

The gushing here certainly did twist the knife in the wound.

I didn’t mind Janeway much when I first started watching the show, and I tried to be patient with her, but Janeway turned out to be humorless, friendless (despite what Chakotay says), and self-righteous. No other captain took himself as seriously as Janeway.

Voyager could have been a great show with the forced merging of Starfleet and the Maquis. We could have had disputes over ideologies and strong personalities pitted one against the other. But what did we get--Little House on the Prairie.

Seven of Nine came along and made the show better, but Janeway became even worse. Janeway made it her mission to mold Seven into the person Janeway thought she should be, regardless of what Seven thought about it. In fact, Janeway began to assumed she knew what was right for the everyone all of the time. I ended up loathing Captain Janeway.
That's interesting (and somewhat amusing), since it wasn't until I joined TBBS that I learned a) I was supposed to despise Voyager and b) what an imbecile / cretin / halfwit / waste of oxygen / you name it I was (and my fellow fans were) for actually liking the show. :lol:
I always liked it...I was excited about VOY coz I couldn't really get into DS9.
DS9 was better, but I like Voyager more. the beauty and smoothness of even the most painful stories from the DS9 catalogue just passed through my constitution with ease... However the furious and righteous anger which Janeway and Kim would suck out of me idiot after arrogant powerplay farmed pearls of madness in my craw that these people would be allowed to continue to plod on home despite being obviously spacemad... I was captivated.

Space cadet Renn swashbucked through the cosmos with more honour.
I actually thought VOY had the best pilot episode of any Trek series to date, but once they settled on the "lost in space" premise, my feelings towards the show cooled considerably. Not enough to stop watching, but VOY fell to the bottom of my list of Trek series because I never really liked its premise...
Interestingly, I just picked up VOY Season 1 on dvd (for $19.95--how can ya' pass THAT up?!) and have been revisiting my old opinions on the show.
When it first aired, being an "Anything Trek" fan--I was enthusiastic. I was slightly annoyed by the show's designers' newest attempt to "reinvent" Trek. (DS9--on a station. "Babylon Trek" we called it. even though I loved it.) This time it was Trek: Lost in Space. frustrating. How hard is it to figure out the Trek formula? A ship. Preferably named "Enterprise". With an interesting crew. Go explore stuff. seriously.

ANYway, generally disliked the first season, while liking the cast/crew.
Rewatching it--I'm only about two discs in--Most of the episodes are painfully dull. "Caretaker" was fun. Kazon were embarrassingly silly. Neelix is as annoying as I remembered. Indescribably irritating.
Kes, on the other hand, when I was first watching the show I thought she was an absurd space pixie with a Tinkerbell hairdo. Now, I'm surprised I failed to notice just how gorgeous Jennifer Lien is that first time around. (It was the hair. Voyager women had really awful hair. Mega-bun. Pikie-mop. Klingon half-helmet. blech.)

More importantly, "Phage" is one of my favorite episodes of Post-TOS Trek. Mostly because I just loved the Vidiians! Should have been used more and to better effect.
(though, at the time I recall shouting "Bullshit!" at the holographic lungs crap--I mean, mimicking the motion? sure. I'll buy that. But handling oxygen exchanging to the bloodstream? through a shaped forcefield? SUPER-stupid BS.)

So. on topic. I was fairly lukewarm toward Voyager when it started but warmed up to it with subsequent seasons. I'm mostly feeling the same way now.
With the exception of the Original Series and the Animated Series: Voyager didn't get good until later on (like the majority of the Trek series).

TOS ~ Was always good.
TAS ~ Verdict is still out on it.

TNG ~ Got good in Season 5 (Season's 1-2 was shaky) (3-4 were okay)
DS9 ~ Got awesome in Season 4 (Season's 1-2 was bad) (3 was okay)
VOY ~ Got good in Season 4 (Season's 1-3 was hit and miss)
ENT ~ Got good in Season 3 (Season's 1-2 were okay)

FEATURE FILMS ~ Star Trek 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 11 are good.
The rest of them are garbage.
I have always loved Voyager. First I have seen every episode of every series and movie of Star Trek and own a lot on DVD. Second I have always been a Kate Mulgrew fan. I watched her on Ryan's Hope and as Mrs. Columbo, and in Heartbeat. Third there was a woman captain. I guess for these three reasons I was destined to make Voyage my favorite Trek series.
I have always loved Voyager. First I have seen every episode of every series and movie of Star Trek and own a lot on DVD. Second I have always been a Kate Mulgrew fan. I watched her on Ryan's Hope and as Mrs. Columbo, and in Heartbeat. Third there was a woman captain. I guess for these three reasons I was destined to make Voyage my favorite Trek series.

Same here! I remember watching it from the fifth season? I think. I was young when it started. I was . . . . Five? I think. No, I was 8. I will not turn into my mother and start lying about my age. But I remember watching Caretaker when it aired with my grandpa who was a Kate Mulgrew and Trek fan. So I guess I kind of was.
When it was first broadcast, I lost interest somewhere in the middle of the first season. I remember thinking that it was "too much like Gilligan's Island," they way their chance of getting off the island fell through in the last five minutes. Never actively disliked it, just got too busy.

I'm rediscovering it now, and finding a lot to like.
I liked it from the start, but the twu wub came later. Hated Chakitay first, but he grew on me. I loved Janeway from the very first moment on though.