Welcome Barcode!

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Even though you can't stand me... Congratulations... do you accept bribes
Thank goodness you didn't steal her from Misc.! There would have been hell to pay!

Congrats to Lou.
TLE: News flash Captain No Clue, I don't want the job!
You're not fooling anyone, lol.


To the matter at hand...

Congratulations Barcode! (or commiserations? How'd they con you into it?)
They would have been hard pressed to find a better choice - Best of luck to you Lou. :)

  • <A HREF="http://www.theonion.com/onion3734/hijackers_surprised.html" TARGET=_blank>JAHANNEM, OUTER DARKNESS—The hijackers who carried out the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon expressed confusion and surprise Monday to find themselves in the lowest plane of Na'ar, Islam's Hell.

    According to Hell sources, the 19 eternally damned terrorists have struggled to understand why they have been subjected to soul-withering, infernal torture ever since their Sept. 11 arrival...</A>

    DEAverification :P
Y'know, Barcode, I'm not sure whether to offer my congratulations or my condolences.


As for Tamek, well that's easy, definitely condolences.

Welcome back to ENT, tammie. We missed you.


". . . that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." -Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg 1863

Where is Saavik?
Gee, that's too bad Barcode. I really like you, and hate to see anybody sentenced to such a horrific fate. But never forget, "Evil Admins" is redundant.

TLE, you're assuming that's 10,000 unique members.

[This message has been edited by Neroon (edited October 10, 2001).]
On the plus side, the Briefing Room carpet has never looked better. :snicker:

I'm just kidding.

Originally posted by The Lone Ensign:
News flash Captain No Clue, I don't want the job!

Now thats not what I heard. Remember that time in the chat room where yoou said...

Anyway congrats Lou, and Tammie. Best of luck.

Jokester of the BBS
De duobus malis minus est semper eligendum.
Neroon has a point, it's more like 50 members with several 100 alias names each.

Phil I believe I said "no, I don't want to admin again, but you're going to force me into it again aren't you?" when asked.
Man! Look at what I missed! Everything!

Congratufreakinlations Lou!
Thank goodness you didn't steal her from Misc.! There would have been hell to pay!
Congrats to Lou.

susannah! Where the hell have you been?
Originally posted by The Lone Ensign:
Phil I believe I said "no, I don't want to admin again, but you're going to force me into it again aren't you?" when asked.

And I believe I said I was going to coerce you into doing.

Jokester of the BBS
De duobus malis minus est semper eligendum.
Hi, gulcrapek. Until about a week ago, I was completely snowed under with some serious schoolwork, and was forced to take a leave of absence from the board. I'm please to be back again.
Oh my.

Barcode. A Englander, or more so a Londoner that has some power.

Bring back the empire!!

No, really, congratulations.

You know that this is an international board, and that means you have to be around 24-7. You didn't? Time to reconsider?


who moderates the moderators?

Anyone got any Swiss chocolate?
Originally posted by The Lone Ensign:
Does anyone else find 2 full times a tad on the short side for 10,000 members? That's 5,000 members for each to handle. Maybe you should recruit more.

As only about a thousand of us bother to post, 500 each should be okay. (have you looked at that member's list? I'm astonished I'm so far up it. *cough* could have phrased that better)

Anyhoo, most of us are lawabiding citizens, so they can cope with the rest.

Counsellor to the Captains's Lounge

old enough to know better...
I did figure out the number of members and over 1,000 had zero posts... still the board is large enough to need at least 3 full time admins. That's how many we had before when it was smaller.
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