Valkyrie013's Random 3D interiors, exteriors, pretty women..

So, next is the Walker Class Shenzou..
Got this model off of Thingyverse.. But.. have to remake each piece.. ugh... Its basically a good reference material.. They probably downloaded it off of STO.. no windows, no detail no sheild grid.. NUthin!

Owell... Good reference..

So here ya go, about half done.. puting in windows etc.. :)

Okay, I finished the Shenzohou ( Awhile ago.. sorry for not posting sooner..)
Had to rebuild almost the entire thing, whole crapload of triangles everywhere.. But its done, and print ready! Woo!

So heres some final renders ( And yes.. i do need to make some pretty pictures.. and texture it.. eventually..)


And.. New build!
Someone on shapeways wanted a 1400 Constellation class.. so since I had a Tmp Saucer and Nacelles already done, should be a quick bash. Started on this monday, maybe 8 hours in.
Almost done actually.. only part I don't have is the bottom greeble area.. I can't find good references for that area. Looks like another valkyrie tacked on like the top, but I can't see to well. If anybody has any refs or ideas whats there, please!

Thanks all!


There was a comic that showed something similar to the Constellation--but with a secondary hull of sorts in place of the lower two nacelles. Any chance of making that?
So today Im back to texturing and lighting! Been forever since I had time to do it, mostly do 3d printing stuff, and texturing and lighting aren't really involved except for a box art or something.. owell..

So.. Doing something different!
Captains Yacht Enterprise D!

43 meters wide I figured, alot of room, even room for a Ring Warp Drive, and an large reactor, so it' would do atleast warp 5 :)

So filled out the interior, Landing ramp area with transporter, crew quarters, bridge, galley, vip captains quarters, and 2 other vip quarters, 3 bathrooms, and a conference/reception area . when docked to the Enterprise, uses the TurboElevator to get on board since the ramp is on the bottom :)

So started texturing the bridge area, Lcars set in .. doing this on my rinky dink thumb computer at work so I don't know how long I can go before it can't handle it.. we'll see!


Okay! now the other side, the Reception/conference room side with the big windows..
Renders aren't on "Production" so I know there's shadow problems. but don't want to stress my Wee work computer!

still working on the textures and lighting.. so.. Stay Tuned! :)

Hi all!
Decided to go back to building exteriors.. ( Its really whatever I feel like doing.. whatever mood I'm in.. sometimes not at all if I'm burned out.. buy hey.. :) )
Well this is the Monarch Class by Hand of Manos
He has alot of other nice things, so check him/her out :)

Well been working on this for this week, not done yet, still have to put in the windows, other details, but most of the grid and other stuff is done. I'm going to texture this one, So I still built it to be printed, but didn't combine alot of stuff yet to make it easier to texture ( Takes twice as long to make it 3d print ready as it does to just to make a pretty picture)

History is Enterprise era, some type of command ship I belive, or "warship" I have a story idea noodling around in my head, and it involves this :)

So be working on this!




Okay, almost done with details, went and textured and lighted it ( still tweaking that as well..)
added in the shuttle pods, Thought.. there's still no tractor beam probably.. so the rear landing may work?.. so I added the docking bays on the bottom ala NX version.. and keep the back one for other shuttles.. maybe.. :)
so, need to add some rooms and put some panel aztecing on the body.. so.. more soon!
Hello all!
Continuing on my Enterprise era, and Early Federation ( I like that Era! So many possibilities!)
First is the Enterprise Era Cruiser.
Sort of not really based off of a John Eaves sketch.. Just took the concept of a saucer and pylon/nacelle placement.. So sort of like a "Reliant" version of an Nx.. sort of.. its smaller saucer than an Nx..
Wanted to do a Non ventral landing bay.. but had to think of a way for the pods to land Without tractor beams guiding them.. So.. Magnets! :)
Pod comes in to land and lands on an open area on a magnetic cradle/pad. then the pod is brought in on the pad/rails into the ship. There's enough room for the pod to rotate 360 in the bay. also made a cross rail for the pad to bring a pod to the other bay.
behind the launch bay though the garage doors, is a cargo bay with 2 more pods ( i put them hanging from the ceiling for room)

So this is done in the modeling phase, rooms and textures are next though, don't know when I'll get to them, my wimpy work computer doesn't do textures well without crashing.. ( Need a new more powerful one.. one day!)

So, thanks all!




But wait! There's more!!
Next up is the Vlar class!
Made this about 2 years for printing, but that fell through.. sadly.. So going to make some pretty pictures with it! That entailed redoing all the windows since they were WAY to far indented for a nice picture.
Don't think I've shown this here, but it is a Lost Era 2161-2258 ship. Where in it? Thinking 2180 ish, maybe sooner, maybe latter. This ship is an attempt to appease the vulcans that ship design wasn't human centric and includes a warp ring.
Or just an attempt to incorporate vulcan technology into human designs.
took design hints from the Uss Kelvin on the saucer and dish.
Also, in the bay, Made a Lost Era shuttle based on Athernauts design, based on his Icarus ship. I like that shuttle!
Hello all!
Continuing on my Enterprise era, and Early Federation ( I like that Era! So many possibilities!)
First is the Enterprise Era Cruiser.
Sort of not really based off of a John Eaves sketch.. Just took the concept of a saucer and pylon/nacelle placement.. So sort of like a "Reliant" version of an Nx.. sort of.. its smaller saucer than an Nx..
Wanted to do a Non ventral landing bay.. but had to think of a way for the pods to land Without tractor beams guiding them.. So.. Magnets! :)
Pod comes in to land and lands on an open area on a magnetic cradle/pad. then the pod is brought in on the pad/rails into the ship. There's enough room for the pod to rotate 360 in the bay. also made a cross rail for the pad to bring a pod to the other bay.
behind the launch bay though the garage doors, is a cargo bay with 2 more pods ( i put them hanging from the ceiling for room)

So this is done in the modeling phase, rooms and textures are next though, don't know when I'll get to them, my wimpy work computer doesn't do textures well without crashing.. ( Need a new more powerful one.. one day!)

So, thanks all!




Wow, that‘s super nice! Almost looks like the logical missing link between the warp delta, the NX-01 and the Intrepid. Love the bridge modul! :bolian: