Valkyrie013's Random 3D interiors, exteriors, pretty women..


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Hello all!
Well, Having being inspired by Tadeo in this Interiors thread, Here's mine!
I've been around for abit, but lately, as in the past 3-4 years, I've mostly been concentrating on 3d printing, and not making "pretty pictures" except for the ocasionally crappy boxart.

So, as to remedy that situation, I'm going to restart making pretty pictures, Its going to be a bit rough at start becasue my texturing and lighting skills are as rusty as a Dodge Truck..

So today we start with polishing up some low poly interiors that I created for some of my ships. This one is the Luna Class (Titan) Ready room. I need to see where I put that window, I think its above the desk somewhere. So, I'll continue with this, making better textures, polish my lighting skills. Hopefully getting more photo realistic!
Thanks all!
Lovely work. :techman:

(Unfortunately, no one can sit Riker-style in here! Those visitor chairs have arm(rest)s, and the desk chair back is too tall to step over. One supposes he could sit like a normal person while he's captain, maybe.)
Thanks Jo!
Okay, more work done, fixed the ceiliing, added the windows. For this "Deck 1" the whole thing is an oval. Front of oval is the conference room, then the bridge, then the back is the Ready Room, which is this thing. So, the curve doesn't make it possible to "Look out" of the windows.. Tried to finalge it, but, best I could do.

So, changed out the guest chairs so people can do the "Riker Manouver" and.. added a Bathroom! there is a toilet back there, to the right.. you can see the sink and mirror.. So, lighting and textures are still meh.. work on those. :)

Three cheers! I'll sit to that!

(By the by, I did quite like the old chairs as well, despite their anti-Riker sizing. But the new ones look great, AND are Rikerable!)

The bathroom looks nice, and the windows look fantastic - perfect TNG era Trek kind of feel.

I'm not sure how it would make sense, but I do miss the vertical light/support on the wall behind the desk. It helped to cut up what is otherwise a pretty long uninterrupted stretch. I suppose a painting or another display/panel would also do the trick.
added a light strip on the top, and added some coulums to break up the wall. Now redone the desk, and made a new couch instead of my placeholder thingy.. :) Still tweaking the lights and textures.. :)
So a new view, from the back of the captains chair. I'll redo/make my own the Lcars stuff soon, so just a place holder from the vast internets.
Okay, this is a quick screen shot of what I'm attempting, in the back is the ready room, and the front is the conference room, which will be next thing I do, but blocking out the bridge section that will be made.. eventually .. :D
Okay, this is a quick screen shot of what I'm attempting, in the back is the ready room, and the front is the conference room, which will be next thing I do, but blocking out the bridge section that will be made.. eventually .. :D
Love it! Very much looking forward to seeing progress on this beauty.

PS- Really really reallly love the WIP big picture and I really wish more artists showed off this part of the process. It contextualizes things and makes all the progress even more impressive than perfect textures or that sort of nitty gritty detail stuff - although that too can be quite impressive. But yeah, big picture stuff is great! More please!
Hi hi!
Took a hard left this week.. Putting the interior aside for a moment, was reading the Star Trek Legacy books trilogy, and they had a scene in it that (Mild Spoiler) had a battle between the Tos Enterprise and a Romulan Bird of Prey, in atmosphere! So, decided to create that scene.
Now, I already have a Romulan Bop, just need to detail it abit, made it 10 years ago! ( god i'm getting old), so easy fix to get a render of that, now the Tos Ent.. Well, never really built one, have built bits and pieces of it over the years, but I never made the whole thing.. untill this week!
So.. Where I'm at, the building is done, now I'm creating all the textures ( some already made) and lighting, and also, the shot I want is an up close action shot, so I'm putting in some low polly rooms behind the windows, and I'm not trying to be a 100% accurate, rivit to rivit correct Tos ship, 95% is close enough for me! ( so no, OMG this wasnt there in the original.. .. I don't care!)
So, next is to texture and light, and add rooms, then clean up the bop, then figure out how to do clouds.. >_<

Huh.. been awhile.. I have been busy on 3d stuff, but no star trek till last week ( mostly Babylon 5) but last week got a hair up my but to do the Discovery Enterprise!
Now, Taking what Meshweaver put up which seems to be the Original tv 3d model transfered over to Lightwave from Maya.
and some screen caps, and the Eaglemoss book ( which seems to be from a older model? there are differences)
So I'm up to a complete saucer, boxed out neck and Engineering hull, and about 90% on the nacelles, need to do the inside with the blue glow cutouts.
So, I'm continueing with this, and going to put this up on shapeways or print it myself :)


Hi hi!
I've always been working, but more Printing side as apposed to Pretty pictures :)
and yep, still in maya!

Honestly.. I have almost opened that file a few times to clean it up and print it :D
Okay my next 3d model is the Maggee class USS Shran from Disco Inferno.. But theres a problem.. Thanks to this board, I now have some pre production art for it so I can flesh it out abit more than it was.. ( I mean sereiously.. They phoned in the 3d model.. no detals.. Its what we call a 20 foot model.. Looks great from 20 feet away but up close its like.. ugh.. )
So no Dish, no shuttle bay.. and the window placement is all jacked.. Have it at 225 meter length, and the deck height works at 4 meter decks.. but the windows are not right.. at all.. ugh.. okay..