Valkyrie013's Random 3D interiors, exteriors, pretty women..

Thanks All!
So, render in some color. Only temp colors. Kinda blocked out the HUGE main shuttle bay, and the smaller bay in the engineering hull.
Also, random Ortho! :)
Damn.. been awhile. Still working on the sutherland, but had Alot of starts and stops.. that and work got alot busier and don't have the usual time.
What I have been doing is taking stuff I have done, and other peoples stuff and working on my texturing and lighting skills ( which suck)
So went back abit to the Comet Class in the NX Dock getting worked on. ( both made by me) Threw some textures and lights in.
Not perfect yet, and for some reason takes a shed load of time to render out.. I honestly don't know why, there's not that many lights in it. And i'm working on a machine wiht 128Gb Ram with the latest graphics card.. should push it out in few minutes.. owell.
So, pretty picture.
So went back abit to the Comet Class in the NX Dock getting worked on.
I am, admittedly, not a big fan of spherical primary hulls, but this one works surprisingly well. Not sure if it is because it reminds me of a Firefly class, or just what but all the elements combine quite nicely.
Thingy Verse had the pathfinder class, Voyager B from Sto available, So when I went to look at it, it was.. HORRIBLE! has taken me like 20 hours to clean up this mess to where it is now, haven't done any cutting of grid lines etc. either.
Why am I doing this, I honestly have no idea, Don't like the class, but for some reason I'm doing it.. :ouch:

So, more latter, going to finish it up.
I'm quite fickle in what I mess with.. Decided on something different, something @Starship will love.

Apollo Class!
Been wanting to do it for awhile, recently found one on Thingy, and then I took parts from my old Ambassador class ( over 10 years ago.. Ugh I'm old) and redone all the other parts. Still some work to do, the engineering hull still needs love, few other things, but its coming along nicely!
Oh, yes - my favorite design of the Ambassador-era generation, even more so than the Ambassador herself. I wish this one was considered canon.

Well done!
I came in here for the pretty women, and all I got was a bunch of starships....

Seriously though, cool designs! I particularly like that NX drydock, looks great
So, more on the Emmett
Some odds and ends done, Havent cut in the windows since I'm still futzing with .. well everything. Working out the details.
Worked mainly on the main deflector today, Close to done on that part.. i think..
I'll abandon futzing with it sooner or latter, and finish it up :)
Done an Ortho.. just cuz :)





I can't begin to tell you how much I love this design and actually want to write a fanfic around it.
An amphitheater for a shuttlebay!

Had to wait to get back to work to check, but the Enterprise D, the main shuttle bay is also slightly over 70 meters wide. but its only 7-8 meters tall, the apollo is 12. So, D is 2 decks high, Apollo is 3 decks. Guess I could change it by making it less tall? Egh. Either way it HUGE, but it probabably won't have a whole saucer deck like the D, so Opening is a bit larger, but the bay itself is smaller since it probably doesn't go as long?
Anyways.. just thoughts :)