Tropes that movies, etc. use that you hate.

Meat by itself is great.

Meat with BBQ sauce or carribbean jerk sauce... that's development. And growth, from delicious to AWESOME.

I call that character development.


I was just giving an example. Sometimes, I just feel saucy...

I do have a part mason jar full of homemade BBQ sauce from winter pulled pork cooks in a slow cooker. Now I have an insulated four season smoker so don't have to resort to that again....

But still live in an apartment where I have to store it in a shed and pull it out and chain it up whenever I use it, so it hasn't been getting as much action as I had hoped.

Fingers crossed I find a new house soon.
Damn, that's like putting Baby in the garage. Nobody puts Baby in the corner!

(I am referring, of course, to the other star of SUPERNATURAL, the Impala.)

For the amount I spent on it, Dean could have done some impressive upgrades to the impala....

I've done a fair bit of food, because it goes through so many pellets it's a waste of I don't fill the space, but haven't hauled it out much. I don't have a freezer beyond my little fridge freezer, so can't really store stuff. Did a brisket for the long weekend though. Turned out fantastic. Lots of beans and snack foods (cheezits, cheesies) just to fill out space.

For me, by myself, I've still been pulling out my tiny portable one. Uses waaaaayyyyyyy less pellets, and is a lot easier to get out and set up. But even that - Bah, too lazy by dinner time.

I have a road trip in a few weeks to Northern NY (including the Enterprise recreation in Ticonderoga) where I was planning on camping for the nights and cooking using the portable one but my sleep is so terrible in general, and just starting to improve, I'm starting to second guess the camping bit. Don't want to be too tired to enjoy all the activities.

(Yes, I am using pellets, I am a blasphemer myself)
have a road trip in a few weeks to Northern NY (including the Enterprise recreation in Ticonderoga)

Done that one a few years ago and was quite impressed with the details. It was a lot of fun to wander around the corridors :). Felt like just being there.
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Done that one a few years ago and was quite impressed with the details. It was a lot of fun to wander around the corridors :). Felt like just being there.

I have a t-shirt that says "Red shirt- I may not make it" I was gonna wear for some photos but I dug it out and it's got some old stains on it, might have to pass. Have been planning to go for like a decade but life kept getting in the way.
^ On the other hand, you could go all out on it and say the stains are blood stains from an away mission that you barely escaped from ;)
^ On the other hand, you could go all out on it and say the stains are blood stains from an away mission that you barely escaped from ;)

Not that kind of stains, unfortunately. Just like three Tony splotches of discoloration.

I do have a Swear Trek Everything's Fucked (The Red Alert icon with Red Alert replaced with "Everything's Fucked") shirt which would also work.

Booked campsites for two nights and a motel room for the third for that trip in two weeks.

Books some activities for Boston this weekend as well but I got the city pass so I'm flexible, mostly drop in instead of needing to schedule in advance
Triple punch also happens with any explosion that costs more than forty bucks.
Car explodes from three camera angles with are edited on top of each other in an attempt to make it look bigger and it fools no one...
That's something that bothers me... multiple use of slow motion in a movie or episode.

An example... the STRANGER THINGS season 4 finale had a scene where three different things were happening at the same time in different locations, and all of them were slow motioned. I get what they were going for, but all it did was really just DRAG that scene out unnecessarily. Instead of taking 5-10 seconds, it lasted a good 4-5 minutes. But it felt like it was a half hour.
One thing that really bothers me is the way shows get fever wrong. When your body temperature increases, you feel like you're freezing, and when it decreases again, you start sweating. Pretty much every sci-fi show gets this one wrong.
Yeah, I think that depends on the person. My wife, for example, doesn't take much for her to feel a fever and feel like she is warm. But, her thermostat is all kinds of weird.

I've definitely had the shakes with a fever but I didn't feel like I was "freezing" in that sense; I just felt like I couldn't stop moving.
I hate the fake local news reports that seem written as though the news writer knows the characters and the plot, combined with phone camera footage that looks suspiciously like it's the scene we just saw, same camera angle.

One example where TV show news sounds real is during the final scene of the Everybody Loves Raymond episode "Robert's Rodeo". Until we see that footage, we're left to wonder what Robert being chased by a bull looked like.

I hate it when a scene has the characters turning on a TV or radio just in time for a news report or announcement that moves the story along.

If I'm lucky I only have sit through 25 minutes listening to them blather about until I finally hear what I am waiting for
They have it all covered, but they'll have it for you in four one-minute chunks during the next hour.

I say thee nay. They're SUPPOSED to have it covered! Stop bragging! Let the weather wait 15 damn minutes and tell us the whole story right away! Or are we asking too much of local news?

And there's no need for piano music to be played over tragic events. We'll figure out it's sad soon enough.