Trek guest actors in maybe surprising roles


Lifting body 803 is the one seen crashing in the main titles of The Six Million Dollar Man. The crash was on May 10, 1967. Then they rebuilt it, adding a center tail fin, and it flew some more.

I wish I knew when this Jimmy Doohan visit occurred, and what stage of the game this historic aircraft was at. Was it under construction (prior to July 12, 1966 first flight), or being rebuilt after its crash?

EDIT: I found the answer: GR, Kelley, and Doohan visited NASA's Dryden Research Center on April 13, 1967. So the M2-F2 is fully built but it has not crashed yet. They just had the canopy off for some reason.
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EDIT: I found the answer: GR, Kelley, and Doohan visited NASA's Dryden Research Center on April 13, 1967. So the M2-F2 is fully built but it has not crashed yet. They just had the canopy off for some reason.
According to this, the man seen here talking to Doohan is Bruce Peterson, who was piloting M2-F2 at the time of the crash, only a month after that photo was taken. (He later said he disliked seeing footage of the incident replayed every week on the opening credits of The Six Million $ Man.)

I tried looking to see if there was a description of the object Doohan is holding, but haven't found anything. It looks a lot like the kind of radio or avionics unit (mfr'd by Collins and others) which were modular and plugged into aircraft control panels.
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Scotty, Dr Sevrin, and Akuta walk into a science lab... Jose Tyler stops by later...
The Outer Limits, "The Expanding Human," October 1964.
This series is just chock full of Trek actors!



The plot involves a college experimenting with mind-expanding drugs (very 60s!), which unfortunately turn you into a megalomaniacal super-human with psychic powers and Neanderthal-face.
Took me a minute to recognize him under the blonde wig, but Warren Stevens in tonight's episode of 'Have Gun, Will Travel'.
As an aside, it occured to me that a lot of actors back in the fifties and sixties had to look convincing riding a horse, due to all of the Westerns movies and on television.
I probably have a screen grab of Warren further back in the thread, since I've been watching Have Gun... for a while now.

Ah here - he was in a couple:

Schallert popped up in another 1st season Carol Burnett show. This time in a sketch as Harvey Korman's drunk boss. Carol, thinking he's a burglar, gives him a good whack on the head with a prop frying pan. Several times :lol:. He does comedy as well as any of the regular cast.



The opening of tonight's "Have Gun Will Travel" on MeTV+ has Richard Boone and guest star Richard Jaeckel standing in front of Vasquez Rocks.
I'm currently watching the second season of the Walt Disney Zorro series from the 1950s, and BarBara Luna and Perry Lopez both guest star for several episodes as a young couple that Zorro is aiding.
Tonight's episode of 'Have Gun Will Travel' is written by Gene Roddenberry.
Gene wrote quite a few of them! Some, you can even see similarities to some Trek episodes. I recall one with someone in a wagon trying to find husbands for three women.
I'm currently watching the second season of the Walt Disney Zorro series from the 1950s, and BarBara Luna and Perry Lopez both guest star for several episodes as a young couple that Zorro is aiding.
On to episode 14 of Zorro's second season, "The Runaways," and it features both John Hoyt (Dr. Boyce) and Arthur Batanides (D'Amato in "That Which Survives") in guest starring roles. Hoyt plays a villainous landowner who doesn't want to give his permission for his indentured servant to marry, and Batanides plays the rival for the young bride's affections.