Spoilers TOS: Elusive Salvation by Dayton Ward Review Thread

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Kirk unable to remember a name once more....

Bennett. Beyer. Bonnano ?????

Hilarious. And there was one familiar name more in it. I like gimmicks like that.
I get the first two but who is the third?
I was really glad to see Mcoy and Tonia Barrows relationship is mentioned in this book as a nod to David R. George's McCoy novel. Doctor McCoy and Tonia Barrows was one of my favorite story arcs in that novel..
I've read over a hundred pages and I'm really enjoying this story so far. It's a great sequel to From History"s shadow. One thing I was really glad to see mentioned in this book was the friendship with Kirk's crew on the Enterprise and Roberta Lincoln's interacting with them is fantastic.
I have another minor quibble regarding the continuity of a section of this novel I thought was fantastic. Can someone tell me how to use spoiler tags in this new board format?
I have another minor quibble regarding the continuity of a section of this novel I thought was fantastic. Can someone tell me how to use spoiler tags in this new board format?

Click the "+" symbol above the edit window (between the icon that looks like a bit of film and the icon that looks like a floppy disk) and it'll give you a dropdown menu. The second option on the menu is "Spoiler."

(So many computer icons symbolize things that young people today probably don't recognize as anything but abstract icons -- file folders, computer disks, film frames, telephone handsets, tape cassettes, etc. It's weird to realize that.)
Thanks, Christopher.

Huh. I have used most of the things which the objects symbolize, but not recently for most of them.

Elusive Salvation says that the only person who knows Guinan is on Earth is her uncle, who helped her get offworld and away from her controlling father. But as I recall, The Buried Age explained that she chose Earth as a destination in part because she was joining her new anthropologist friends (the ones who had stopped the Skagaran slave trade). Surely at least one of those friends knows that she is on Earth.

Mestral!!!!!!!!!! I love the guy!

Also, is this the first explicit confirmation that pon farr can be meditated away repeatedly?
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I really liked seeing Guinan appearing in this book and the Iriumdal asked for her help. I also was happy to see Mestral working with Roberta Lincoln again. I really liked the scenes that took place in New York city Od Roberta and Mestral working along side Kirk and Spock.
I finished this book last night it's an excellent followup to From History's Shadow. I voted Outstanding. I really hope Pocket Books will let Dayton Write another novel with Roberta Lincon's adventures with the Tos Crew again.:techman::cool:
Thanks, Christopher.

Huh. I have used most of the things which the objects symbolize, but not recently for most of them.

Elusive Salvation says that the only person who knows Guinan is on Earth is her uncle, who helped her get offworld and away from her controlling father. But as I recall, The Buried Age explained that she chose Earth as a destination in part because she was joining her new anthropologist friends (the ones who had stopped the Skagaran slave trade). Surely at least one of those friends knows that she is on Earth.

Mestral!!!!!!!!!! I love the guy!

Also, is this the first explicit confirmation that pon farr can be meditated away repeatedly?
IIRC, I don't think the novel indicated Guinan's uncle was on Earth, only that she had a way of contacting him
It has been indicated before that it's possible, but yeah, I think this is the first time we see someone succeeding at it.
IIRC, I don't think the novel indicated Guinan's uncle was on Earth, only that she had a way of contacting him

Enterprise1701 wasn't saying that he was, just that more people ought to know Guinan was on Earth herself than just her uncle.

Still, it's a minor thing; you can buff it over easily if you just assume she doesn't have a way to contact them, just her uncle.
Could it mean that her uncle is the only member of her own species who knows where she is, rather than the only person, period? That would probably be consistent with what I asserted.
When Roberta asks Kirk about a driving a car, he frowns and says that there's "Been some debate about that." Is this a reference to young Kirk's driving off a cliff in the 09 film, or is this referencing something else? The quote was kind of vague so I wasn't sure what everyone's thoughts were.
Could it mean that her uncle is the only member of her own species who knows where she is, rather than the only person, period? That would probably be consistent with what I asserted.
Guinan states, "Only one person in the universe knows where I am." The chapter doesn't go into detail on how she got to Earth. The section is not fundamentally incompatible with The Buried Age, but if Dayton Ward read the Buried Age, then I think it seems misleading to say "only one person" when she got to Earth because of her multiple anthropologist friends.
When Roberta asks Kirk about a driving a car, he frowns and says that there's "Been some debate about that." Is this a reference to young Kirk's driving off a cliff in the 09 film, or is this referencing something else? The quote was kind of vague so I wasn't sure what everyone's thoughts were.

See "A Piece of the Action."
Yeah, that was definitely referencing A Piece of the Action. The novels frequently refer back to that whenever Kirk is around cars or other ground vehicles and have been doing so since before Trek XI. Just the latest in a long running joke.
Heck, it's safe to say the Young-Kirk car-crashing scene in the '09 movie was itself an oblique nod to "A Piece of the Action." The movie's whole characterization of Kirk was based on the established reputation of the character, deserved or otherwise -- a womanizer, a renegade, a hothead, etc. -- and "bad driver" is a longstanding part of his reputation thanks to APotA.