Tiny Trek Adventures (ongoing comic)

A TOS-style TMP cabin? Very groovy :)

And built in the Trek tradition of using the same set for different rooms! The back wall moves up to another partition to make smaller and smaller quarters as the person's rank drops ;)

The glass tables are based off the Phase II tables from the pre-production paintings and the bed design came from Phase II pre-production design as well.
I haven't got any tact either but I guess that's just age. ;)
In any case nice to see an update, and as alway's really nice work, love all the little details.:techman:
Well, why not? There was an intelligent being who could only say three words: "I Am Groot!"

Seleia prescribes to the Qui-Gon Jinn school of Intelligence Classification. ;) And Groot would fall under a totally different level of intelligence in that arena