Tiny Trek Adventures (ongoing comic)

A Romulan spy? Hidden in a population of a bunch of backwater people? Nooo... :rommie:
My two cents:
Two possibilities:
1. Lt. Selena - Vulcan (or someone who looks like a Vulcan :rommie:), and has shown a skill for spying around the ship already.
2. Cmd. Thelev - Andorian (long time enemy of Vulcans and maybe a Romulan/Orion collaborator, "enemy of my enemy" thing... ), and has shown she is involved in some sort of intelligence (i.e. spy) operation.


My two cents:
Two possibilities:
1. Lt. Selena - Vulcan (or someone who looks like a Vulcan :rommie:), and has shown a skill for spying around the ship already.
2. Cmd. Thelev - Andorian (long time enemy of Vulcans and maybe a Romulan/Orion collaborator, "enemy of my enemy" thing... ), and has shown she is involved in some sort of intelligence (i.e. spy) operation.

I mean if I was GM'ing this as an RPG I'd totally steal these ideas. ;) I do have Romulan and Klingon plans to go with the Orions kicking around but that is an intriguing idea.

Poor Gal.. :lol::D:mallory::techman:

And as always wicked good. :techman:

Thanks! And yes, Gal remains amazing lol