Tiny Trek Adventures (ongoing comic)

The Yamazaki is a nice whisky, if you like something different then you could try the Nikka Coffey Still, different distilation method, different taste, also a Zuidam 12 year old Sherry Cask is highly recommended. :D
As for doctors advice.. well if it makes sense and you are allowed to.. eh medicate yourself with the "medicine" mentioned above than I have no problem with advice.. :D:p;)

As for the scene, after taking a better look at it I can conclude again that you have a knack for dialog and characters placing, also bodylanguage/gestures are spot on, last but not least, that lounge they're in is looking great. :techman:
The Yamazaki is a nice whisky, if you like something different then you could try the Nikka Coffey Still, different distilation method, different taste, also a Zuidam 12 year old Sherry Cask is highly recommended. :D
As for doctors advice.. well if it makes sense and you are allowed to.. eh medicate yourself with the "medicine" mentioned above than I have no problem with advice.. :D:p;)

As for the scene, after taking a better look at it I can conclude again that you have a knack for dialog and characters placing, also bodylanguage/gestures are spot on, last but not least, that lounge they're in is looking great. :techman:

Thank you! I will bear that in mind with the whiskey!

Gal is just upset she didn't think of doing this first.

I'm certain that is part of it!

Studies, intrigues.. with an added dash of menace.. :D

To paraphrase:

"I'd like you to take the time to learn the Aries mantra: 'Gal is always right. I will listen to Gal. I will not ignore Gal's recommendations. Gal is God. And if this ever happens again, Gal will personally rip your lungs out."

Oh wow. This kinda gives us a rough timeframe of when this adventure takes place.


Where No Man Has Gone Before starts at stardate 1312.4 which I've dropped in 2265. Issue 1 starts in 1318 or so which is still 2265, but later. I think I pegged 1318 as late May? Nope. Double-checked, beginning of May. Issue 2 starts mid-may 2265. Issue 3 starts just after that but runs for the longest amount of time so far as it's Mid-June in the story now and they left Green mid-May. I'm going with the increasing stardate theory and that 2264 or 65 was a restart or something like it.

But yeah, the Romulans haven't officially unveiled themselves yet (Balance of Terror is 1709 and I've pegged that as a bit into 2266) and the TOS first season is moving along in the background. The Aries isn't going to interact with Kirk and crew but I thought some of the major events would bleed over and attempted to plan for it lol
For what it's worth to you:

In the Star Fleet Battle (SFB) Universe, when Steve Cole & crew created their SFB history time-line, they tried to match certain ST:TOS/TAS on-screen events:

Year 1 == First contact between Vulcans and Humans.
Year 40-46 == Earth / Romulan War, ends in cease-fire.
Year 85 == First contact between Federation and Klingons. Initial diplomatic relationships are favorable but degrade over the next few decades.
Year 102 == Federation unilaterally declares its border as a sphere 4750 parsecs radius from Earth (see map in Franz Joseph Tech Manual), which ticks off the surrounding empires.
Year 103-109 == Klingons initiate a series of border skirmishes, culminating the brief First Federation-Klingon War. Klingons pull out of the war due to internal politics, allowing the Federation to secure its self-declared border.
Year 154-155 == Second Federation - Romulan War. (Balance Of Terror) == Several months of border skirmishes and deep probes into enemy territory (by both side), ended in a draw.
Year 156 == Second Federation-Klingon War (Errand Of Mercy) == The war rages for several months with neither side gaining any ground. In the SFB universe, the power of the Organians is greatly reduced; they brokered the end of the war but could not and did not impose their will over the warring parties.
Year 157 == Federation-Gorn War (Arena) == A brief border dispute, quickly settled via diplomacy. Prior to first contact with the Federation, the Gorn had fought several wars against the Romulans, and they mistook Humans for their arch enemies.
Year 159 == The Romulans begin converting old "sub-light" Warbirds to warp-capable War Eagles, and also begin buying/converting older Klingon D-6 Battle Cruisers. (The Enterprise Incident) ***NOTE: In SFB, the Klingons *NEVER* gain cloak technology.***
Year 157 == Federation-Gorn War (Arena) == A brief border dispute, quickly settled via diplomacy. Prior to first contact with the Federation, the Gorn had fought several wars against the Romulans, and they mistook Humans for their arch enemies.
I guess they noticed the mistake when the red meat tasted different than the green meat. :barf2:
I've just had quite the entertaining time catching up with the Tiny Trek Adventures since April (which was when I was last here). Gal has firmly cemented herself as my favourite character, and my little crush on Kehoe hasn't dissipated :D :luvlove:
Oh, and Mawk is as adorable as ever!
Somehow I think Mawk might be smarter than all four of them put together.

Mwahahaha. It's possible. ;)


Maul the corpse! oh... wait.. ;)

Mawk is interesting... green.. blobby yet interesting.. he's gonna eat the ship now isn't he? ;) :p;)

LOL no idea. Mawk'll be around on and off for awhile though.

Mawk does look like he's putting on a little weight.

It's all in the posture of the blob ;)

I've just had quite the entertaining time catching up with the Tiny Trek Adventures since April (which was when I was last here). Gal has firmly cemented herself as my favourite character, and my little crush on Kehoe hasn't dissipated :D :luvlove:
Oh, and Mawk is as adorable as ever!

Gal is absolutely my favorite to write dialogue for. She's just absolutely done with everything lol And yes, I do love tossing in Mawk when it makes sense ;)
