Things that frustrate us all

A job that I would absolutely love to do has popped up for the second or third time on Indeed and the only issue is that it's over half an hour away from where I live, which is just a little too far. It also doesn't say how much it pays, so there's no way to know if maybe it paid enough that it would make up for the distance.
It can't hurt to find out how much it pays.
This doesn't actually rise to the level of full frustration, but what the hell....

Am I the only one who gets really turned off when a TV series, or film franchise, does a "forget everything you knew" thing? Like they take whatever continuity they had and throw it away, like it never existed? I know I've always been a stickler for continuity, and I have a hard time turning that off, I am probably too obsessed, I fully admit that.

The new Doctor Who, for example. It's like they don't even pretend to have any kind of continuity anymore. They violate it whenever the mood strikes them. It's why I can't get into the show. I mean, I know the original series did this a couple of times (didn't they have like seven different versions of the end of the universe? :lol: ) but nuWho takes that to 11...

(also please don't bust out "wibbly wobbly timey wimey" again. That one DOES frustrate me.)

And it's also why I stopped reading comics long ago. DC kind of pisses me off, they do these massive reality-altering "Crises" every few years. It was fine with the original Crisis on Infinite Earths, but they do this ALL.THE.FUCKING.TIME now. And they really lost me. :sigh:
And why I don't watch Who. It was intimidating at first, then the 9th Doctor got me in, then it was back to all the continuity finagling and I was over it.

It has its moments, but as a series it is among the more daunting ones to try and understand.
same here.
And a related issue are horrible remakes of insuperable classics, like the Junglebook for example. They take movies that are 100% perfect and remake them into movies that are 90 % trash. And they call it modernised, updated or advanced.
Barbaric savages, all of these remakers!
This! So much this. Live action Aladdin didn't make the friendship between Aladdin and Genie feel genuine, live action lion King ruined the hyenas, the lions emotions and the song "be prepared", they didn't put Mushu in Mulan because it was unrealistic but did put a bird lady in it! I could go on. It's like Disney is running out of material and is using nostalgia to lure in the public
It's like Disney is running out of material and is using nostalgia to lure in the public
This is not new.

Hell, they didn't even build off of new material with their original stories. Snow White was a fairy tale, same with Cinderella, Robin Hood, etc.

I get that it's in vogue to look at Disney with disdain nowadays, but the cracks in this companies facade have been present for a long time, in various degrees.
I was flipping through the radio dial on my way home from work when I caught our local conservative radio host (who's a transplant) laughing at the people here in Seattle who are so polite that we don't jaywalk even when there's no cars around and that he does it all the time.

Four years ago my step sister was crossing the street in her residential neighborhood to get the mail when a car came speeding through, hit her, flipped her over the car, shattering her left shoulder and arm and breaking several ribs along with numerous contusion.

She was in the hospital for month, was unemployed for about a year, has had numerous surgeries, but will never regain full motion of her left arm. She finally won a settlement against the driver for reckless driving. She wasn't jaywalking at the time, just simply crossing the street.

If the same thing were to happen to this radio show host, I doubt I would feel any sympathy.
I hate not having a drivers license, I have a friend who lives in Netherland and she occasionally holds events there. And every time it's searching how to get there, this time I can drive with a friend and his gf. But getting a hold on him wasn't easy, I just have the feeling my Dutch friend is doing it deliberately. Because there are others beside me that don't have a license but they can get help to get there easily, I don't really have someone I can count on. It really frustrates me
Minor rant incoming (apologies in advance and thank you for listening in advance):

so, I have been having the streak of suck, as one poster termed it, and slowly feeling like I have a handle on things. Wife and I managed to get some good house work done, hopefully more progress to passing next inspection, and less stress. And, while all that goes on, I hate being an adult today because the Lego set I have been waiting for went on sale and money is tied up in all the repairs and gas.

Yes, this is a first world problem. Yes, I'm also still frustrated.

As with all companies in [our] sector, it is time..."

You know the rest. Sent at 4:30PM on a Saturday where most of the organization is still hung over from the office Christmas banquet. Really classy move.
Further to my earlier post about other passengers when flying, returning home yesterday the passenger sat next to me fired up her iPad and proceeded to watch a movie without headphones. Why would you do that?
Let's see.... about being forced to begin reading TWO Bette Davis bio-books at the same time while not even remotely being a fan? There was literally nothing else to pick up in the store, so...
Ugh, that's awful. I'm so sorry this happened to you. :(

Why do companies have to be this way?! :mad:
They're cheap.
Further to my earlier post about other passengers when flying, returning home yesterday the passenger sat next to me fired up her iPad and proceeded to watch a movie without headphones. Why would you do that?
People are cheap.

And not as many people are taught to be mindful of others. We have progressively rewarded self-centered behavior.
Further to my earlier post about other passengers when flying, returning home yesterday the passenger sat next to me fired up her iPad and proceeded to watch a movie without headphones. Why would you do that?
If you're lucky enough if you're familiar with, then go fully on geek mode with all the trivia about the movie and cast.

Otherwise, go full on Mystery Science Theater 3000 on them.
Being scored at the highest possible level all year on my performance reviews only to be told management have refused to allow me to have the highest score but cannot give a reason other than no one is being allowed to receive that score and most have had their scores downgraded.

Seems little point, think I'll opt out of performance reviews next year.
Being scored at the highest possible level all year on my performance reviews only to be told management have refused to allow me to have the highest score but cannot give a reason other than no one is being allowed to receive that score and most have had their scores downgraded.

Seems little point, think I'll opt out of performance reviews next year.

I encountered this in retail. It's their way of lowering the amount of raise you'll get. The higher the score, the higher the raise. Even if you are the model worker, employee, etc., you can never get the max because it costs them more.

This especially happens when you've been there a long time. (Already being at a higher pay rate means even a low percentage is still a big raise to them. For example: 4% of $15 an hour is the same as 2% of $30 an hour, which is $0.60.) It's one of the reasons why companies don't value loyalty anymore.
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